Anecdotal Notes

11 Pins
Workshop Wednesday-Organizing Reading Groups
Scroll down to read about the anecdotal notes system... clipboard and post-its and a page for each kiddo- so simple and a great way to keep track of comments. -&nbspThis website is for sale! -&nbspcjayneteach Resources and Information.
How do you track reading progress?
5 Ways To Help Primary Students Apply Reading Strategies Independently - Learning at the Primary Pond
FREE anecdotal note form from Learning At The Primary Pond!
How to Figure Out What to Teach During Guided Reading - Learning at the Primary Pond
Anecdotal note form from the 2/3 reading workshop toolkit - includes decoding, comprehension, and fluency! Read the post for ideas about how to figure out what to teach during guided reading.
How to Figure Out What to Teach During Guided Reading - Learning at the Primary Pond
Anecdotal note form from the 2/3 reading workshop toolkit