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Obrazy : lano, štruktúra, textúra, vzor, materiál, kruh, závit, textilné, figúra, dizajn, symetria, 3d, grafický, torus, mathematica, CG, parametricplot3d, kód, program, algoritmus, abstruct, mapovanie, Lissajous 3080x3035

lano, štruktúra, textúra, vzor, materiál, kruh, závit, textilné, figúra, dizajn, symetria, 3d, grafický, torus, mathematica, CG, parametricplot3d, kód, program, algoritmus, abstruct, mapovanie, Lissajous Public Domain

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(* === Following code of Mathematica 8 generates this image. === *) a1 = 20; (* center hole size of a torus *) a2 = 20; (* center hole size of a torus *) b1 = 5; (* the number of cross *) b2 = 4; (* the number of cross *) b3 = 1; (* the number of waves *) b4 = 1; (* the number of waves *) c1 = 4; (* distance from the center of rotation *) c2 = 4; (* distance from the center of rotation *) d = 6; (* the number of tori *) h1 = 1; (* width of a torus *) h2 = 4; (* width of a torus *) h3 = 0; (* height of a torus *) h4 = 2; (* height of a torus *) SetOptions[ ParametricPlot3D, PlotRange -> Full, Mesh -> None, Boxed -> False, Axes -> False, PlotPoints -> 500, ImageSize -> 3000, Background -> RGBColor[{50, 20, 30}/255], PlotStyle -> Directive[Specularity[White, 90], Texture[Import["D:/tmp/64.jpg"]]], TextureCoordinateFunction -> ({#4, #5 b1 Pi} &), Lighting -> "Neutral"]; x = (a1 - h1 Cos[b3 t] + h2 Cos[b1 s]) Cos[b2 s + Pi/(2 b1)] + c1; y = (a2 - h1 Cos[b3 t] + h2 Cos[b1 s]) Sin[b2 s + Pi/(2 b1)] + c1; z = h3 Cos[b1 s] + h4 Sin[b4 t] + c2; rm = Table[{x, y, z}.RotationMatrix[2 Pi (i/d), {0, 1, 1}], {i, d}]; ParametricPlot3D[rm, {t, 0, 2 Pi}, {s, 0, 2 Pi}] (*--- The Texture Another shapes and colors *)

Na fotografii zadarmo high-rozlíšenie lano, štruktúra, textúra, vzor, materiál, kruh, závit, textilné, figúra, dizajn, symetria, 3d, grafický, torus, mathematica, CG, parametricplot3d, kód, program, algoritmus, abstruct, mapovanie, Lissajous

, odobratých v neznáme kamera 01/14 2017 Snímka odfotografovaná s

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