Labor and Delivery

Preparing for your First Cesarean Section Birth!
Are you preparing for a scheduled c-section? Here are 14 things no one tells you and new moms should know before their c-section! These tips will have you prepared for your scheduled c-section and your c-section recovery! C-section tips from a mom that had 4 cesareans and wished someone told her these 12 things before her first c-section delivery. #csectiontips #scheduledcsection #csectionwhattoexpect #preparingforacsection #cesareansection #csectionfacts #pregnancytips #cesareanbirth .
Birth Plan Worksheet: Flexible Birth Plan for Success!
This printable, free, birth plan worksheet PDF will give your hospital an idea of what you'd like in a simple and complete way. It's just a one-page birth template that will even help you have in mind what you want.
14 Things to Expect with a Scheduled C-section -
How to Use Essential Oils For Labor and Postpartum
Prepping for labor and delivery? Essential Oils for Postpartum and Labor are just what you need to feel relaxed and supported. You’ve made it through the nausea, headaches, swelling, sleeplessness. But there is another hurdle to jump, postpartum recovery. Essential oils can help you with your natural birth plan and heal faster during postpartum.
The Best Labour Advice From Mums
Mums share their best tips and advice for labour and childbirth. #baby #labour #pregnancy #childbirth #pregnancytips #thirdtrimester
Pros and Cons of Having A C-Section -
Pros and Cons of having a Csection
What to Expect During Labor and Delivery