
15 Pins
Oven-Roasted Cherry Tomato Sauce (Freezer-Friendly!)
This Oven-Roasted Cherry Tomato Sauce is incredibly quick and easy to make and is full of that sweet and tangy tomato flavor making it a delicious base for almost any meal! Find the recipe at #cherrytomato #tomatosauce #ovenroasted
How to Freeze Green Peppers--great way to stock up and save when peppers are in season!
How to Freeze Green Peppers--this frugal trick will show you how to freeze green peppers, allowing you to save money by buying in bulk when peppers are on sale!
How To Freeze Fresh Herbs
How to Freeze Fresh Herbs in Olive Oil - Freezing fresh herbs in olive oil is the perfect way to preserve herbs!
Our Favorite Garden Salsa Recipe
An abundance of tomatoes, peppers, garlic, and onions from the garden means it’s time to make our favorite garden salsa recipe.
How to Can Peaches (a step by step tutorial)
This easy step-by-step photo tutorial will teach you how to can peaches in no time! Who knew canning peaches could be so easy? #thriftyfrugalmom #peaches #canningpeaches #canningtutorial
How to Can Peaches
How to can peaches. Water bath canning peaches is simple. This is the easy way to can peaches. If you want to preserve fresh peaches for enjoying all year, this is the best method! #Canning #PreservingFood #Peaches
11+ Brilliant Kitchen Tips for Storing Peaches
Keep fresh peaches in your home year-round and discover the best way to store peaches, alter the ripeness of unripe peaches with a brown paper bag, as well as other tips that use freezer bags and lemon juice to keep them fresh for longer periods. #howto #storage #peaches