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7.4K reactions · 1.9K shares | Not sure how to use your lemongrass? Here’s 3 things I do with mine. 1. Freeze the stalks to use for cooking. 2. Lemongrass oil to use as insect repellant or to treat skin irritations. 3. Dehydrated lemongrass leaves to make a soothing tea. Don’t let your lemongrass go to waste! #lemongrass #lemongrassoil #lemongrasstea #homestead #hillsidehomesteader #foodscape #foodpreservation #medicinalplants #foodismedicine #growyourownfood #growyourownmedicne | Hillside Homesteader
1M views · 7K reactions | Ghirlanda di alloro in cucina Un mio grande classico, magari ancora non la conosci la ghirlanda semplice di alloro per conservare le foglie in cucina! Utilissima!!! puoi salvare l’idea per i prossimi regali di Natale! Nella mia cucina non manca mai una scorta di alloro, ho creato questa ghirlanda decorativa per conservare le foglie, pronte all’uso per ogni ricetta. Occorrono molte foglie fresche di Lauro nobilis, lavale e falle asciugare, ti servirà poi fil di ferro a cui dare la forma di un cerchio di circa 10 centimetri di diametro. Crea una sorta di cappio ad una delle due estremità e lascia libera l’altra. Sovrapponi più foglie tenendo pari il picciolo e poi tagliali. Inserisci le foglie nel cerchio fino a riempire la circonferenza, fai passare nel cappio l’estremità libera e chiudi il cerchio. Utilizza un pezzo di spago per appendere la ghirlanda in cucina e preleva all’occorrenza le foglie. Buon Gardening ____________________________________________________ #wreath #cookingwreath #laurelwreath #laurel #laurellovers #ghirlandadialloro #ghirlanda #cucinanaturale | aboutgarden
18K views · 875 reactions | HOW TO HARVEST BASIL If you want to have a continuous harvest of Basil, here is how to get the most out of your plant. Follow Tara Louise for more sustainable living tips: Need some non-GMO Heirloom Basil seeds? Shop my Amazon store link in bio. *As an Amazon Associate, I earn a commission when you shop Amazon through my link (at no extra cost to you) so thank you for your support. | The Gardenista | The Gardenista · Original audio
11K views · 3.3K reactions | Today I’m harvesting and drying #lemonbalm from our garden. 🙏🏻 Lemon balm has many uses, but herbal tea is one of my favorites! 🍃🌱🙌🏻🐓 During COVID I took two @herbalacademy courses, and learned so much! 🙏🏻 I still reference my text books often for information and best practices for herbal remedies. #mygarden #herbalremedies #plantlady #summergarden #simplelivinf #countrylife #cottagecore | Rachel Talbott
How to Harvest Chives From the Garden or Container Plantings
How to Harvest Chives From the Garden or Container Plantings
709K views · 20K reactions | 📌Discover more health tips here: . . . #homedoctor #homedoctorbook #secretremedies #healthy #dailytipshealth | The Home Doctor Book | The Home Doctor Book · Original audio
Foraging for Mullein
Foraging for Mullein: Foraging Edible & Medicinal Plants for Beginners - Learn all about how to forage for mullein and use it in DIY herbal remedies. Mullein leaf, flowers, and roots have many benefits and magical properties that are good for your health and can be used to make herbal smoke blends, easy homemade herbal tea, and more. Mullein should be in every herbalist apothecary. Let's go foraging for mullein!