Up in Arms's primary photo
  • Up in Arms (1927)
  • Short | 20 min | Comedy, Short
Primary photo for Up in Arms
Up in Arms (1927)
Short | 20 min | Comedy, Short

Dorothy's father, an inventor, has just perfected a new type of airplane and is anxious to have Stanley, a captain of aviation, inspect and test it. Stanley is Dorothy's sweetheart, and Glen, also an aviator, is his rival. Dorothy, her ...See moreDorothy's father, an inventor, has just perfected a new type of airplane and is anxious to have Stanley, a captain of aviation, inspect and test it. Stanley is Dorothy's sweetheart, and Glen, also an aviator, is his rival. Dorothy, her father, Glen and Stanley start for the aviation field, with the chauffeur driving. On the way they get into all kinds of trouble with the car, finally being forced to abandon it and to proceed on foot. Dorothy and her father catch a motor-bus to the field after many ludicrous efforts. At the field, the plane is inspected and Stanley is to drive it. Before he can take his place in it, Glen slips into the cockpit and starts the ship. While Dorothy is christening the plane, it takes off. She is caught in some of the rope and the plane soars aloft with the girl dangling from the wing. Stanley and her father see Dorothy's predicament and they commandeer another plane and start in pursuit. Frank, the chauffeur, is caught in another rope and he is also carried aloft. Dorothy manages to climb up the rope and then she recognizes Glen in the plane. Glen is trying to kidnap her and attempts to force his attentions on her. He chases Dorothy out on one of the wings of the ship, but Dorothy pulls the release string of his parachute and Glen is dragged off the plane. Meanwhile, the plane with her father, Stanley and Frank, is circling overhead. Frank drops to Dorothy's plane and they try to get to the other ship. Finally, both of them jump, but Dorothy goes through the floor of the other plane and falls earthward while Frank lands astride the fuselage. Stanley jumps over after her and catches her, and they both float safely to earth in his parachute. Written by Press Sheet from Library of Congress See less
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Edit Released
Updated Aug 28, 1927

Release date
Aug 28, 1927 (United States)


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