Heels: approx 6 cmPlatform: approx - cmColor: Black, White, PinkSize: US 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12(All Measurement In Cm And Please Note 1cm=0.39inch) Note:Use Size Us 5 As Measurement Standard, Error:0.5cm.(When Plus/Minus A Size,The Round And Shaft Height Will Plus/Minus 0.5CM Accordingly.Error:0.5cm) Note: The size you choose is US Size and 1CM=0.39inch. Size Guide: US 3=EU34=22CM,US 4=EU35=22.5CM,US 5=EU36=23CM, US 6=EU37=23.5CM,US 7=EU38=24CM,US 8=EU39=24.5CM, US 9=EU40=25CM,US 10=EU4 Spring Black Pointed Toe Dress Shoes, Elegant Synthetic Lace-up Shoes With Closed Toe, Elegant Synthetic Lace-up Shoes For Office, Pointed Toe Lace-up Shoes With Leather Sole, Synthetic Kitten Heels With Round Toe For Office, Patent Leather Kitten Heels For Office With Round Toe, Office Patent Leather Kitten Heels With Round Toe, Synthetic Pointed Toe Dress Shoes For Office, Office Kitten Heels With Round Toe In Patent Leather