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CommRel support for June 2021 Switchover
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hi CommRel,

We are tentatively planning a datacenter switchover for the week of June 28th (June 21st is the fallback plan) - do you see any issues/conflicts with those dates and do they work for you? A date for switching back hasn't been set yet.

Past: T244808: CommRel support for FY2020-2021 Q1 DC switchover,

In serviceops meetings, we also discussed not putting up a banner this time given how short the last read-only period was, does that seem reasonable or do you think we still should have a banner?


Two weeks before (June 7 - week 23)

  • Tech News (initial warning)
  • Update the message to communities
  • Have the message being translated by emailing both:
    • translators-l for translations
    • wikitech-l for information and translations
  • Monitor the message's talk page

Two weeks before (June 14 - week 24)

  • Set the banner set for a display on all wikis 30 minutes before it happens

The week before (June 21 - week 25)

  • Emailing mailing lists:
    • wikitech-l and translators once again
    • wmfall (done by Ops)
  • Added to the news on the Meta front page
  • Message communities
    • non-technical village pumps
    • bot coordination pages

The week it happens (June 28 - week 26)

  • Tech News (this is happening this week)

The week after (July 5 - week 27)

  • Debrief

Event Timeline

@sgrabarczuk and I discussed about this task.

We think a banner is still necessary. We know that last attempts have all been very short. We hope this to be the same for this new switchover. I'm confident that it will go fine and quick. But who knows? Better safe than sorry. :)

We will exclude some mailing lists: wikimedia-l (which has become more focused on the movement governance), GLAM and Edu. This people will get the news by other messaging options.

Szymon get the task to do the coordination, I'll assist him.

We are tentatively planning a datacenter switchover [...] A date for switching back hasn't been set yet.

We're waiting for the final decision on the timeline. We might need to postpone to respect the community messaging plan, or modify the plan a bit, if possible.

I added the timeline to, which is:

  • Services: Monday, June 28th, 2021 14:00 UTC
  • Traffic: Monday, June 28th, 2021 15:00 UTC
  • MediaWiki: Tuesday, June 29th, 2021 14:00 UTC

(basically the same as previous times, just new dates)

Does that still leave us enough time for the messaging plan?

I think we're good. We're adjusting the plan. A minor delay in communication won't impact the switchover, IMHO.

The banner on eswiki has an error on the maintenance times: it mentions 05:00 UTC - 05:30 UTC

Looks like it is everywhere, not only eswiki.

It's come on enwikivoyage as well. Mentions maintenance times: 05:00 UTC - 05:30 UTC but it's only around 14:00 at UTC

Fixed right after the first comment about eswiki was sent. Thank you!