The cutest game day tee to add to your spirit wear collection! ⭐️ Comfort Colors is the brand we will use for this product. Tees are 100% cotton and THE most comfortable t-shirt -- please view sizing chart before ordering.  Washing Instructions: - Wash inside out  - Cold water - Do not iron design  - No softener  - HANG TO DRY This puff design is a type of vinyl. If washing instructions are not followed, there may be cracking, peeling, or flattening of the design.  THERE WILL BE NO REFUNDS IF CU Puff Vinyl Shirt Designs, School Spirit T-shirt For Game Day, Red Varsity T-shirt For Sports Season, School Spirit Letter Print T-shirt For Game Day, School Spirit Tops For Sports Season, Cotton Varsity T-shirt With Lettering, Fan Apparel Tops With Lettering For Game Day, Game Day Fan Apparel Top With Lettering, Varsity Style Team-colored Tops For Fans