Revolutionary War

Situations that led to the Revolutionary War 5th grade social studies
13 Pins
Reasons behind the Revolutionary War
Reasons behind the Revolutionary War The far reaching problems that let to war.
The Winter Soldiers - Washington's Crossing the Delaware
The Winter Soldiers what Washington and his soldiers went though. This is a video.
History Brief: American Revolution, the Two Sides
History Brief: American Revolution, the Two Sides - YouTube
Jeremiah Greenman, American Revolutionary Soldier - YouTube
From Bunker Hill to Yorktown: the American war of Independence
From Bunker Hill to Yorktown: the American war of Independence - YouTube
10 Most Influential People in the American Revolution
10 Most Influential People in the American Revolution - YouTube
Important People of the American Revolution
Important People of the American Revolution - YouTube
Who Won the American Revolution?: Crash Course US History #7
Who Won the American Revolution?: Crash Course US History #7 - YouTube
Tea, Taxes, and The American Revolution: Crash Course World History #28
Tea, Taxes, and The American Revolution: Crash Course World History #28 - YouTube
25 Things About The Revolutionary War You Might Not Know
Important things that happened that aren't well known duiring the Revolutionary War.
Awesome Stories
American Revolution - Highlights - TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION
Revolutionary War- Famous People
Good vocabulary quizzes and quizzes on people involved with the war.