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Improving the intensity-contrast image of a noisy digital hologram by convolution of Chebyshev type 2 and elliptic filters

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In this paper, a new, to the best of our knowledge, technique convolves the windowed Fourier filtering (WFF) of the Fresnel transform with the transfer functions of both Chebyshev type 2 and elliptic filters to enhance the intensity-contrast image of a noisy digital hologram. The recorded digital hologram is reconstructed by the Fresnel approach, the reconstructed intensity-contrast image is transformed by WFF, and the obtained spectrum is convolved in frequency domain with the transfer functions of Chebyshev type 2 and elliptic filters. The result of convolution is transformed by inverse WFF to produce a speckle-free image with a sharp roll-off and no ripples in both pass- and stop-bands. The experimental results with a die in the presence and absence of a rotating ground glass diffuser are shown and demonstrate that the resolution can be effectively enhanced with simple setup and procedure. The proposed technique can improve the capabilities of digital holography in three-dimensional (3D) microscopy.

© 2021 Optical Society of America

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