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    The 2007-08 Rice Price Crisis
    How policies drove up prices... and how they can help stabilise the market
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    After increasing slowly and steadily from historic lows, world rice prices tripled in just six months during 2007-08. The price surge caused much anxiety because so many of the world’s poor are rice consumers. And it caught many by surprise as market fundamentals were sound. Indeed, it was government policies, rather than changes in the production and consumption of rice, that drove the surge. This suggests that improved government policies can help avert such crises in the future.
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    Price Volatility in Agricultural Markets
    Evidence, impact on food security and policy responses
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    Recent bouts of extreme price volatility in global agricultural markets portend rising and more frequent threats to world food security. To reduce countries’ vulnerability, policies should improve market functioning and equip countries to better cope with the adverse effects of extreme volatility.
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    Fighting Poverty and Hunger
    What Role for Urban Agriculture?
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    Towns and cities are growing rapidly in developing countries. This process is often accompanied by high levels of poverty and hunger, leading many urban dwellers to engage in farming activities to help satisfy their food needs. Policy makers need to recognize this reality and actively seize the opportunities offered by urban agriculture.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    全球饥饿人数在减少,但仍 处于令人难以接受的高位 2010
    饥饿人数已减少,但依然处在令人无法接受的高位; 尽管人数间少,但是实现诸如千年发展目标1减少世界饥饿目标的能力依然面临风险; 各国政府应当鼓励增加农业投资,扩大安全网络并扶持城乡穷人的创收活动
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    Gender and Land Rights
    Policy Brief: Economic and Social Perspectives; Understanding Complexities; Adjusting Policies
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    Increasing women’s access to land is crucial to fight hunger and poverty. However, gender disparities in land access remain significant in most countries, regardless of their level of development. A new FAO database helps to understand the factors that prevent women from accessing land; and to design better policies to effectively address this situation.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    رغم تراجع عدد الجياع في العالم فانه ما يزال مرتفعا وعلى نحو غير مقبول 2010
    انخفض عدد الجياع في العالم ولكن ماتزال أعدادهم مرتفعة وعلى نحو غير مقبول رغم الانخفاض المتحقق فان القدرة على بلوغ الحد من الجوع في العالم مثل بلوغ الهدف الأول من الأهداف الإنمائية للألفية ماتزال مهددة بالمخاطر . ينبغي على الحكومات أن تشجع على المزيد من الاستثمارات في مجال الزارعة، وأن توسع شبكات الأمان، وأن تدعم الأنشطة المدرة للدخل للفقراء في المناطق الريفية والحضرية
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    Making the Food Aid Convention meet the realities of the 21st century
    Some proposals for more effective interventions
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    Emergency situations have become increasingly frequent over the past 25 years, often coupled with acute and chronic food insecurity in the affected countries. International responses to these crises have generally focused on addressing immediate humanitarian needs, as evidenced by the growing share of food aid that is channeled to emergencies. However, achieving lasting food security would often require an integrated development approach that combines short-term relief measures with longer-term mitigation strategies. A reformed Food Aid Convention (FAC) could provide the institutional framework for more effective interventions.
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    Global hunger declining, but still unacceptably high
    International hunger targets difficult to reach
    At close to one billion, the number of undernourished people in the world remains unacceptably high in 2010 despite an expected decline – the first in 15 years. This decline is largely attributable to a more favourable economic environment in 2010 – particularly in developing countries – and the fall in both international and domestic food prices since 2008. The recent increase in food prices, if it persists, will create additional obstacles in the fight to further reduce hunger.
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    Price surges in food markets
    How should organized futures markets be regulated?
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    The drastic increase of food prices in the period 2006-2008 spurred fears of global food insecurity. Apart from actual changes in supply and demand of some commodities, the upward swing might also have been amplified by speculation in organized futures markets. However, limiting or banning speculative trading might do more harm than good.
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    When Emergencies Last for Decades
    How to improve food security in protracted crises
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    33 countries currently face a food security crisis, 14 of which have been in this situation for more than a decade. When emergencies continue for such extended periods of time, traditional humanitarian and development paradigms are not suitable for guiding effective responses. Rather than engaging in ad hoc relief programmes, interventions should follow longer term strategies and build on local institutions.