GAP Tutorial at the 20th Postrgaduate Group Theory Conference St Andrews, Jul. 16 -- 20, 2018

Main goals

The Postrgaduate Group Theory Conference (PGTC) is an annual meeting of young researchers in group theory. The GAP Tutorial was organised as an optional satellite event.

OpenDreamKit implication

Although OpenDreamKit was not formally involved in this event, it was organised by Olexandr Konovalov, and was used to promote the project and its outcomes.

Event summary

The GAP Tutorial was intended for beginners without requiring any prior knowledge of the GAP system. The first part on Monday July 16th covered the Software Carpentry lesson Programming with GAP'' and was delivered in the live coding style. The second part on Friday July 18th included a talk on debugging and profiling in GAP by Christopher Jefferson (St Andrews) and a talk Using GAP Effectively: Some Tips and Pitfalls’’ by Olexandr Konovalov. The latter included the demonstration of the GAP Jupyter interface as included in the GAP 4.9.2 release (June 2018). Using Jupyter notebooks for this talk contained in the repository at, attendees were able to launch them on Binder and try to work with GAP in Jupyter themselves. Several participants received help with installing the latest release of GAP and configuring its Jupyter kernel after the tutorial and left the event with fully usable working environment.

Workshops and Conferences
