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I see the way he looks at her, like she is the best thing that has ever happened to him. If only she could see the way he looks at her, losing her would mean he lost his whole world.
Hey I just wanna say thank you for being my there for me that night. You kept me from hurting my self. That could have been very very bad. I'm sorry I went from wanting to be dead to wanting you my bed in 0seconds flat. I'm sorry I was a hoe. I wish I could take it all back. I wish I could go back to whacky wings and volunteer to drive. I wouldn't have started drinking. I wouldn't have played Mario cart. I wouldn't have puked. Ibwouldnt have broken. I wouldn't have decided to want you that way.
Exuse me but, I think that he wanted to meet Hercules so he could Beat living sh-t out of him. He wanted to meet Hercules so he could tell him, what a jerk he is and what he did to Zoë. HE WOULD NEVER EVER LIKE TO MEET HERCULES IN ANY OTHER WAY
My advice from my experience if your wondering if a guy is into you, he probably isn't.