"Norway 9-10 century. Presumably the decoration with the waist set. Ornament Borre is a compact combination belt and animal forms. Lines are often complementary strokes, common geometric shapes, and the jewelry and other decorated items often found filigree and granulation or simulate their casting. The Borre style was the first of Scandinavian style, which became widespread in the Viking colonies. Description: Metal: bronze or silver 925 Weight: approx. 4,5 g Size: approx. 2,9 x 2.0 cm \\ 1,14\ Viking Style Handmade Gold Jewelry, Handmade Viking Style Gold Jewelry, Handmade Viking Gold Jewelry, Gold Viking Style Jewelry, Handmade Viking Style Bronze Jewelry, Byzantine Style Brass Ceremonial Jewelry, Brass Byzantine Jewelry For Ceremonial Occasions, Bronze Viking Jewelry For Ceremonial Occasions, Ceremonial Byzantine Pendant Jewelry