Heels:Approx 11.5 cmPlatform:Approx 3.5 cmShaft:Approx 12 cmRound:Approx 26 cmColor:Black, Yellow, Beige, BrownSize:US 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12(All Measurement In Cm And Please Note 1cm=0.39inch) Note:Use Size Us 5 As Measurement Standard, Error:0.5cm.(When Plus/Minus A Size,The Round And Shaft Height Will Plus/Minus 0.5CM Accordingly.Error:0.5cm) Note: The size you choose is US Size and 1CM=0.39inch. Size Guide: US 3=EU34=22CM,US 4=EU35=22.5CM,US 5=EU36=23CM, US 6=EU37=23.5CM,US 7=EU38=2 High Heel Faux Leather Boots, High Heeled Boots With Padded Heel, Synthetic High Heeled Boots With Reinforced Heel, High Heel Faux Leather Booties With Reinforced Heel, Brown High Heel Lace-up Boots For Party, High Heel Boots With Reinforced Heel, Platform High Ankle Heels, High Heel Booties With Padded Heel, High Ankle Platform Heels Medium Width