⭐️The millefiori beads on the stretch bracelets are made of glass. ⭐️These Italian Floral beaded bracelets include multicolored Millefiori beads with glass evil eye. ⭐️This Millefiori Stretch Bracelet with Evil eye charm would be the perfect gift as a protection amulet. For more evil eye bracelets, click the link below; https://www.etsy.com/shop/EyeDesignsbyGG?ref=search_shop_redirect&section_id=30219689 Multicolor 8mm Beads Wristband For Gift, Multicolor 8mm Beads Stretch Bracelet As Gift, Multicolor 8mm Bead Wristband Gift, Multicolor 8mm Beaded Wristband, Multicolor 8mm Beads Evil Eye Bracelet, Multicolor Stretch Bracelet With Round Beads As Gift, Multicolor Round Beads Stretch Bracelet Gift, Multicolor Round Beads Stretch Bracelet As Gift, Multicolor Bohemian Evil Eye Bracelet With Colorful Beads

Glass Beaded Bracelet, Evil Eye Stretch Bracelet, Millefiori, Italian Floral Bead Bracelet, Turkish Eye Jewelry, Nazar

Product Details
⭐️The millefiori beads on the stretch bracelets are made of glass. ⭐️These Italian Floral beaded bracelets include multicolored Millefiori beads with glass evil eye. ⭐️This Millefiori Stretch Bracelet with Evil eye charm would be the perfect gift as a protection amulet. For more evil eye bracelets, click the link below; https://www.etsy.com/shop/EyeDesignsbyGG?ref=search_shop_redirect&section_id=30219689