TipsBulletin - Plants & Gardening Tips

Houseplants and gardening tips for beginners to experts. Covering vegetable like tomato or potatoes, growing fruits like strawberries or lemon trees at home, flower, compost and soil, landscaping, herbs up to container gardening tricks. Focusing on plants and garden pests like how to get rid of mites or moles. In addition, we cover backyard and patio ideas.
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3 Easy Ways to Make Homemade Fertilizer for Ginger
If you want to grow a hardy and robust ginger plant, we’ve got some fabulous organic fertilizer tips for you. Learn how to use natural fertilizer like coffee grounds, banana peel, and more to make your ginger plant grow large and healthy this season. #homemade #fertilizer #ginger
4+ Easy DIY Fertilizers for Spinach Plants
Discover ways to feed your plants with a homemade spinach fertilizer, whether you grow spinach indoors or outside. Growing spinach is a great way to produce organic food. However, your spinach plant requires rich soil and nutrients to flourish. #homemade #fertilizer #spinach
3+ Brilliant Homemade Fertilizers for Arugula
Plant arugula seed in cool weather, tend your arugula plant, and harvest arugula to use as salad greens. Learn how to craft homemade fertilizer from Epsom salt or coffee grounds to enrich the soil for a healthy and tastier leaf. #homemade #fertilizer #arugula
17+ Clever Tricks for Getting Rid of Leaf Miners
Leaf miner damage leaves your plant leaf looking unsightly. Spinach leafminers or the citrus leaf miner lay their leaf miner larvae on leaf tissue. Control leaf miner populations with home remedies and stop citrus leafminer larvae from destroying your plants. #get #rid #leafminers
3+ Easy Organic Tomatillo Plant Fertilizers
It’s easy to grow a tomatillo plant. Fertilizer ensures your tomatillo seed develops into ripe tomatillo fruit. Make your own tomatillo or tomato fertilizer for a huge husk tomato yield when you harvest tomatillos. #homemade #fertilizer #tomatillos
3 DIY Natural Squash Plant Fertilizers
Discover how to feed your squash plant naturally with homemade fertilizer. Compost, Epsom salt, banana peels, and eggshells are the perfect organic fertilizer for a squash plant, whether winter squash or summer squash. #homemade #fertilizer #squash
The Complete Guide to Composting Moldy Food
Food waste and yard waste are common compost ingredients, but did you know that moldy bread and mold spores can be part of the compost cycle, too? Learn how to compost right with our helpful tutorials on how to recycle every last food scrap. #composting #moldy #food
Smart Bucket Composting Facts - Start a DIY Compost Bucket
It’s time to turn food waste into a helpful soil additive and amendment for your potted plants and garden vegetables this season. Discover how to create a DIY compost bin with a humble plastic bucket, grass clippings, and unwanted kitchen scraps. #compost #bucket
Harvesting Red Onions - Best Time to Pick Red Onions
Whether you grow long-day, short-day, Spanish, red, or green onions, knowing when to harvest is key. Grow this allium from onion sets or seeds in early spring. Provide full sun, water, and mulch to grow tasty bulbs. Store onions in a cool dry place after harvest. #when #harvest #red #onions
Aloe Vera Food - Fertilizing Aloe Vera Plants Naturally
If your aloe plants need fertilizer to help them grow, skip buying costly fertilizers and make your own. Discover how to make organic fertilizer from Epsom salt and eggshells, and find out how a banana peel can help aloe vera grow. #homemade #aloe #vera #fertilizer
Can Shrimp Shells be Composted - Add Shrimp Shells to Compost
Using the shell from crustaceans in your compost pile has the risk of producing a foul smell that attracts pests to your yard. But, with tips on how to include a cooked shrimp shell in the compost bin, you can avoid odors in your compost while improving your garden soil. #compost #shrimp #shells
Composting With Cat Poop - The Smart Guide
Learn whether it’s safe to compost cat poop and kitty litter in the compost bin. It’s possible to compost cat litter, but pet waste like cat and dog poop is unsafe for the composting process. #compost #cat #poop
Raspberry Fertilizer - The Comprehensive Guide
All raspberry plants, from new canes to primocanes, benefit from fertilizing. Whether fall or summer-bearing, fertilize bare-root canes at planting and in spring during growing season. Fertilizer, water, and mulch ensures a huge harvest of berries. #when #fertilize #raspberries
5 Smart Rhubarb Fertilization Tips for Organic Gardening
Learn how to fertilize a rhubarb plant and make natural fertilizer. A thin rhubarb stalk indicates that your rhubarb is low in nutrients. Feeding your plants when you plant rhubarb and in the early spring and fall for a healthy crop is vital. #fertilizer #rhubarb #homemade
7 Smart Composting Tips for Weeds
Discover how to compost annual and perennial weeds in the compost bin without spreading weed seeds throughout the lawn and garden. Composting weeds is a great way to turn organic matter into mulch and soil amendment, as long you avoid treated weeds. #compost #weeds