
186 Pins
Leftover resin? Small resin projects to put it to good use - Resin Obsession
Five small resin projects ideas to use leftover resin. Have list handy for the next time you need epoxy resin craft ideas. . #resin #resinobsession #resincrafts #resinjewelry
How To Easily Handle Every Resin Clean Up Challenge - Resin Obsession
How To Easily Handle Every Resin Clean Up Challenge - Resin Obsession
Resin Crafts: 25 Tips For Creatives To Try Today - Resin Obsession
5 Most Common Mistakes Beginners Make With Resin - Resin Obsession
The 10 Most Underrated Resin Tips for Beginners - Resin Obsession
What I wish I would have known about making things with resin before I got started.
What I wish I would have known about making things with resin ...
Learn the trick to mixing resin with no bubbles
If there's one thing that all resin crafters struggle with, it has to be bubbles. But there IS a way to mix resin WITHOUT bubbles. And it's so simple that you won't believe it! Find out the simple change you need to make that will minimise the bubbles and if you're really careful, it will totally eliminate bubbles during the mixing process.
How to Clean Your Resin Mixing Cups
Did you know you can clean and re-use your resin mixing cups? If they're made from PP or PE plastic, or silicone, use this tip to clean them up and you can use them over and over. It's good for your pocket and good for the planet too! #MillLaneStudio #howtocleanresincups #cleaningresintools #resintipsandtricks #resintutorial #reusecrafts