Family shoot

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The Alwan Family | Auburn, Ca, Lifestyle Family Photographer serving the Greater Sacramento Area
The Alwan Family | Auburn, Ca, Lifestyle Family Photographer serving the Greater Sacramento Area. I just love this family so much! Always so much fun and so much love with this family 💛 #auburncaphotographer #auburnphotographer #lifestylefamilyphotographer #auburncalifornia #familyphotography #fallfamilyphotos #auburncafamilyphotographer #familyof5 #auburnnewbornphotographer #familyphotos #sacramentofamilyphotographer
TIME PASSES VERY FAST! I decided to create a trend with my daughter and my parents (her grandparents). So, each year I will create memories for all of them and for me - at least one photoshoot together. THIS IS THE FIRST ONE! What do you think about it?