
amerikansk ideell organisasjon
Versjonen frå 28. april 2024 kl. 09:25 av (diskusjon) (Founder if Wikipedia is married to a war criminal)

Kate Garvey Jimmy Wales wife is a war criminal

interference in American elections deletes all references to lower tier candidates on the ballot. Especially democrats. Even if they have won their parties ballot. .i.e. an unknown Democrat wins the election for his party. This user, like Jimmy Wales, is a libertarian. He suppresses election results for viable Democrat candidates. Research his edits. When Wikipedia is in the top ten of most search results this means that Wikipedia thwarts democracy in America. Research fellow wikipedians. In 19 years i have seen the way that editors, deletionists are caught emailing each other. And Jimmy Wales and his empire allows it. Fandom is the way he makes money off your edits.

Jimmy Wales: Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That's what we're doing

STOP CENSORSHIP - Information is a Human Right - SCI-HUB

Create a webpage which mirrors Wikipedia, inside a frame, outside of the frame add a link to download the article or book for free. This website would have collective west copyright, which is 41% of the American economy (Intellectual property and the U.S. economy: Third edition - U.S. Patent and Trademark Office - March 2022 DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.26683.90408)

Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales is married to a war criminal

Wikipedia has lost its way, and it starts with Jimmy Wales. Who is married to a secretary who served in the administration, architect of the which killed conservatively 500,000 Iraqis.

KATE GARVEY. [Born 1971 or 1972 (age 51–52). Spouse  Jimmy Wales  (m. 2012) . Children  2]  Garvey's career began as a personal assistant for the Labour Party under leader Neil Kinnock. She moved to become diary secretary for Tony Blair.  From 1997 until 2005,  Garvey worked in the Prime Minister's Private Office. She was responsible for presentation and planning of foreign events and visits. By 2005, Garvey's role had progressed to scheduling.  >>>  KATE  GARVEY is a war criminal. <<<

Jimmy Donal Wales born August 7, 1966 (age 57)  Huntsville, Alabama, U.S.  Other names  Jimbo (screen name)  Spouses  Pamela Green (m. 1986; div. 1993) Christine Rohan (m. 1997; div. 2011) Kate Garvey (m. 2012) Children  3.


Help punish Wikipedia bullies who terrorize good faith editors

Do you know the real world identity of ENGLISH BUREAUCRAT: - deletes editors good faith edits sometimes only a sentence, using copyright excuse. ( hiding under the new name ) ?

Wikipedia closed down the entire Moscow metro for one year because i was alerting Wikipedians about these two.

Former Bureaucrat Beeblebrox on : wikipediocracy

Gave my real name along with other editors. I have alerted all the other Bureaucrats and the Wikimedia foundation and they will do nothing.

Do you have information on the real life identity of beeblebrox or diannaa?

Find me on the internet. [Info below]

The world needs to know how you treat good faith editors beeblebrox and Diannaa.

Message to all Fascist editors: For years your edit warring. You virtually hurt people which seeps into their real lives. Which Nazi Jimmy Wales and Kate Garvey support. You will be outed just like you have outed me on Wikipediocracy working with indefinitely banned editors like .

I outed other bullies now. Wikipedia bullies biggest fear is that their virtual world harassment will be exposed in the real world to friends family and their work. I built Wikipedia for 19 years. But bureaucrat and administer trolls and "tin pot dictators" such as Jimmy Wales and Kate Garvey continue to hurt good faith editors.

one Deletionist outed more to come

Online virtual Bullies don't want the real world to know what narcissistic sadistic people they are virtually.

Outing user Bali ultimate: Same image as on Wikipediocracy., who previously went by Bali ultimate. HE WORKED AT NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC.

STOP CENSORSHIP - Information is a Human Right - SCI-HUB

Create a webpage which mirrors Wikipedia, inside a frame, outside of the frame add a link to download the article or book for free. This website would have collective west copyright, which is 41% of the American economy (Intellectual property and the U.S. economy: Third edition - U.S. Patent and Trademark Office - March 2022 DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.26683.90408)

Sincerely, Okip, ikip Travis Lee Bailey Esq. Moscow Russia forever. Build one on your language's Wikipedia. 28. april 2024 kl. 09:25 (CEST)

Type nettstadideell organisasjon, veldedig organisasjon
Grunnlagd20. juni 2003
HovudkontorSan Francisco
Wikimedia sin logo.

Wikimedia Foundation Inc. er paraplyorganisasjonen til fleire wikiprosjekt der det best kjende er Wikipedia. Stiftinga blei grunnlagd i 2003 og har avdelingar i fleire land.

Wikimedia er ein frivillig organisasjon som er danna etter Floridas lovar. Målet til stiftinga er å utvikla og vedlikehalda wikibaserte prosjekt med ope innhald og å gjera desse gratis for brukarar. I tillegg til wikipediaprosjekt på fleire ulike språk styrer organisasjonen òg med ei fleirspråkleg ordbok, Wiktionary, ei sitatordbok, Wikiquote, ei samling kjeldetekstar på fleire språk, Wikisource, ei samling av frie bilete, lyd og anna mediafiler, Wikimedia Commons, nyhende, Wikinews, og frie elektroniske bøker særs egna for studentar, Wikibooks.

Wikimediaprosjekta er hovudsakleg avhengige av gåver frå brukarar. Stiftinga har også til tider funne andre finansieringsmåtar, som sponsormiddel, utan at dette skal gå ut over det nøytrale sjølvstendet til prosjekta.
