Lillian Lee receives 25-year Test-of-Time award at ACL 2024 [Jul 2024]

Gregory Yauney, David Mimno, and collaborators recieve an outstanding paper award at ACL 2024 [Jun 2024]

Wenting Zhao named one of three AI2 Outstanding Interns of 2023 [Jan 2024]

Claire Cardie elected fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) [Jan 2024]

Sasha Rush and colleagues from Hugging Face receive an outstanding main track runner-up paper award at NeurIPS 2023 [Dec 2023]

Jack Morris, Volodymyr Kuleshov, Vitaly Shmatikov, and Sasha Rush receive an outstanding paper award at EMNLP 2023 [Dec 2023]

GQ UK mentions Cornell memorable-movie-quotes paper [Sep 2023]

CS blog post summarizes research awards at ACL 2023 [Aug 2023]

Alumni Jack Hessel (AI2), Lillian Lee, and collaborators receive a best paper award at ACL 2023 [July 2023]

Jacob Sharf, Omer Gul, and Yoav Artzi receive an outstanding demo paper award at ACL 2023 [July 2023]

Alane Suhr receives a 2023 CS Dissertation award [May 2023]

Alane Suhr receives an ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award honorable mention [May 2023]

Anya Ji and Fangcong Yin are named as Merrill Presidential Scholars [May 2023]

Yoav Artzi appointed as arXiv's associate faculty director [May 2023]

The Wall Street Journal interviews Katherine Lee about the term "hallucination" in NLP and the phenomena behind it [Apr 2023]

Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil interviewed by NPR about joint work with Jonathan Chang on a tool to keep conversations from getting tense [Mar 2023]

Anya Ji is a finalist and Fangcong Yin receives an honorable mention for the CRA 2023 Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award [Dec 2022]

Anya Ji, Noriyuki Kojima, Noah Rush, Alane Suhr, Wai Keen Vong (NYU), Robert D. Hawkins (Princeton), and Yoav Artzi win the best long paper award at EMNLP 2022 for their paper title "Abstract Visual Reasoning with Tangram Shapes" [Dec 2022]

Sasha Rush and colleagues at Hugging Face win the best demo paper award at EMNLP 2022 for their paper titled "Evaluate & Evaluation on the Hub: Better Best Practices for Data and Model Measurements" [Dec 2022]

Yejin Choi (UW), who did her PhD at Cornell NLP with Claire Cardie, wins a MacArthur Fellowship (aka the genius award) [Oct 2022]

The work of Kaelyn Lamp, Marten van Schijndel, and colleagues on the xenophobia meter project is featured on the Cornell Chronicle [Jan 2022]

Claire Cardie elected fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Sasha Rush and collaborators at Hugging Face win best demo paper at EMNLP 2021 for the paper "Datasets: A Community Library for Natural Language Processing"

ACL 2021 Test of Time award for 2011 paper written at Cornell by Myle Ott, Yejin Choi, Claire Cardie and Jeff Hancock on deceptive opinion spam [Aug 2021]

Lillian Lee receives ACL 2021 Distinguished Service Award [Aug 2021]

Valts Blukis, Yoav Artzi, and collaborators from Nvidia/UofT/UW win the ALFRED robotic instruction following challenge [Jul 2021]

Tianze Shi and Lillian Lee won the 2021 Shared Task at the 17th International Conference on Parsing Technologies [Jul 2021]

Sasha Rush and Teven Le Scao (Hugging Face) win outstanding short paper award at NAACL 2021 for their paper "How many data points is a prompt worth?" [Jun 2021]

Lillian Lee and Chenhao Tan quoted in Salon [Apr 2021]

Sasha Rush receives an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship [Feb 2021]

Yoav Artzi quoted in Knowable Magazine (by Annual Reports) [Dec 2020]

Sasha Rush and colleagues at Hugging Face win best demo paper at EMNLP 2020 for the paper "🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-Art Natural Language Processing" [Nov 2020]

Ana Smith selected for the 2020-2021 cohort of the NextGen Professors [Oct 2020]

Ana Smith wins Provost Diversity Fellowship [Oct 2020]

Sasha Rush and colleagues from Harvard win best paper award at DAC for work on algorithm-hardware co-design of adaptive floating-point encodings for deep learning [July 2020]

Ashudeep Singh, Jessica Hong, Thorsten Joachims, and Marco Morik (TU Berlin) win best paper award at SIGIR for work on controlling fairness and bias in ranking [July 2020]

Sasha Rush gets honorable mention for demo paper in ACL 2020 for the Torch-Struct deep structured prediction library [July 2020]

Lillian Lee receives a named chair as the Charles Roy Davis Professor [May 2020]

Sasha Rush, as general chair, and collaborators moved ICLR 2020 online, doubling the number of attendees on the way! 👏 [May 2020]

Alane Suhr wins a 2020 Facebook PhD Fellowship [January 2020]

New York Times article covers both Cheng, Bernstein, Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, and Leskovec 2017 and Tan, Niculae, Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, and Lee 2016. Chenhao Tan quoted in the article. [December 2019]

Claire Cardie named an ACM fellow for contributions to natural language processing, including coreference resolution, information and opinion extraction [December 2019]

Yoav Artzi, Dipendra Misra, and collaborators at the University of Washington and NVIDIA are nominated for the RoboCup Best Paper Award at IROS 2019 for their work on early fusion for goal directed robotic vision [October 2019]

Yoav Artzi and Kilian Weinberger receive a Facebook Computationally Efficient NLP Research Award [August 2019]

Sasha Rush and co-authors nominated for Best Demo Paper award at ACL 2019; Shengli Hu nominated for Best Long Paper award [July 2019]

Yoav Artzi and Mohit Bansal (UNC) receive a Google Focused Research Award [July 2019]

Research on online debates social networks by Esin Durmus and Claire Cardie profiled in the Cornell Chronicle [May 2019]

Ryan Benmalek awarded an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship [April 2019]

Yoav Artzi and Claire Cardie receive 2019 Google Faculty Awards [March 2019]

Lillian Lee named ACM fellow for contributions to natural language processing, sentiment analysis, and computational social science [December 2018]

Claire Cardie receives a named chair as the Joseph C. Ford Professor of Engineering [November 2018]

Jonathan P. Chang and Justine Zhang were interviewed by The Verge and The Cornell Chronicle regarding their work on predicting when conversations will derail into personal attacks. The story was featured on Cornell's homepage and across the popular media [July 2018]

Tianze Shi awarded an inaugural Bloomberg Data Science Fellowship for 2018-2019 [July 2018]

Laure Thompson and David Mimno win Best NLP Engineering Experiment Paper Award for their paper "Authorless Topic Models: Biasing Models Away from Known Structure" at COLING 2018 [June 2018]

Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil quoted in CNN, BBC Future on antisocial online behavior [April 2018]

David Mimno recognized as an outstanding writing mentor for the COLING 2018 conference [April 2018]

Alane Suhr, Srinivasan Iyer (UW), and Yoav Artzi win Outstanding Paper Award at NAACL 2018 for the paper "Learning to Map Context-Dependent Sentences to Executable Formal Queries" [April 2018]

Alane Suhr awarded an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship [April 2018]

"Thumbs up? Sentiment Classification using Machine Learning Techniques" (2002) by Bo Pang (Cornell CS PhD 2006), Lillian Lee and Shivakumar Vaithyanathan (IBM) receives the inaugural Computational Linguistics Test-of-Time Award [March 2018]

Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil and Yoav Artzi each receive a 2017 Google Faculty Research Award [March 2018]

Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil receives NSF CAREER award for research on artificial conversational intuition [March 2018]

The AI2 NLP Highlights podcast interviews Vlad Niculae about sparse and structured attention mechanisms [March 2018]

Yoav Artzi receives NSF CAREER award for research on scalable learning and models for mapping instructions to actions. [February 2018]

"Thumbs up? Sentiment Classification using Machine Learning Techniques" (2002) by Bo Pang (Cornell CS PhD 2006), Lillian Lee and Shivakumar Vaithyanathan (IBM) nominated for inaugural Test-of-Time Paper on Computational Linguistics, spanning all ACL conferences between 2002-2012 [February 2018]

Justine Zhang won a Microsoft PhD Fellowship. Her research on modeling complex conversational dynamics was highlighted as "bringing insight to how conversations shape everything from political outcomes to community identities." [February 2018]

PBS educational video on work by Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil and coauthors regarding online antisocial behavior [Jan 2018]

Lillian Lee named a 2017 ACL Fellow for "significant wide-ranging contributions to the rigorous analysis of human social communication and for advancing the field of computational social science" [December 2017]

Alane Suhr awarded an Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2) Key Scientific Challenge award [December 2017]

The AI2 NLP Highlights podcast interviews Alane Suhr about the Cornell Natural Language for Visual Reasoning corpus [October 2017]

David Mimno and Laure Thompson win an Outstanding Paper Award at EMNLP 2017 for the paper "The strange geometry of skip-gram with negative sampling". [September 2017]

New York Times' Upshot column covers "brilliant" work on biased language in tennis interviews by Liye Fu, Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, and Lillian Lee [September 2017]

Alane Suhr, Mike Lewis (Facebook), James Yeh, and Yoav Artzi win Best Resource Paper Award at ACL 2017 [August 2017]

The ACL Exec extends Lillian Lee's term as co-Editor-in-Chief of TACL through 2019 [August 2017]

Chenhao Tan on NPR's Planet Money for his ChangeMyView subreddit study with Vlad Niculae, Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, and Lillian Lee [July 2017]

Xinya Du, Junru Shao and Claire Cardie's "Learning to Ask" ACL paper in New Scientist, TechRepublic [June 2017]

Work on online trolls by Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil and coauthors featured in the press, including the Wall Street Journal and The Atlantic; Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil interviewed by Public Radio International [February 2017]

Best Paper Award at CSCW to Justin Cheng (Cornell alum), Michael Bernstein (Stanford), Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, and Jure Leskovec (former Cornell postdoc) [February 2017]

Lillian Lee makes Arnet Miner list of top 10 most influential NLP scholars [February 2017]

Claire Cardie general chair of ACL 2018 [November 2016]

Claire Cardie a keynote speaker at WSDM 2017 [November 2016]

Research on English and French native speakers brain structure by John Hale and collaborators profiled by Cornell Chronicle [November 2016]

Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil gives two keynotes in one week --- “Social Cues in Conversational Dynamics” at SocialNLP at EMNLP and “Language Norms and Social Dynamics” at NLP + Computational Social Science at EMNLP [November 2016]

Chenhao Tan interviewed on You Are Not So Smart regarding persuasion work with Vlad Niculae, Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil and Lillian Lee [November 2016]

Yoav Artzi gave a keynote talk at *Sem 2016, speaking on "Context and Non-compositional Phenomena in Language Understanding" [August 2016]

Alane Suhr wins a Microsoft Research Women's Fellowship [July 2016]

Liye Fu, Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, and Lillian Lee win Best Paper Award at IJCAI 2016 Natural Language Processing Meets Journalism workshop [July 2016]

Xanda Schofield awarded an NDSEG Fellowship, an NSF Fellowship, and an Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship. [April 2016]

Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil interviewed by the BBC on stopping internet trolls; the joint work with Justin Cheng (CS '12) and Jure Leskovec also covered by Wired, The Guardian, and others [March 2016]

David Mimno named a 2016 Sloan Fellow [February 2016]

The Wall Street Journal reports on the linguistic-harbingers-of-betrayal paper by Vlad Niculae, Srijan Kumar, Jordan Boyd-Graber, and Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil [February 2016]

Vlad Niculae (who is on the scikit-learn core team) gives an invited tutorial on sci-kit learn at the 2016 ADSA Data Summit [February 2016]

Lillian Lee gives the 2016 Arnold Family Lecture at the IMA [February 2016]

Chenhao Tan, Vlad Niculae, Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil and Lillian Lee in The Washington Post, Slate, etc. on studying linguistic correlations of persuasion [February 2016]

Cornell study, with co-PI David Mimno, on (not) quitting Facebook in the New York Daily News, Huffington Post, and other outlets. [2016]

Lillian Lee's keynote at WiML 2015 covered by Talking Machines, Lee called "badass" [January 2016]

David Mimno interviewed on Talking Machines ("what machine learning can tell us about lady zombie ghosts and huge bodies of literature") [November 2015]

Claire Cardie named a 2015 ACL Fellow [2015]

Yoav Artzi, with UW coauthors Kenton Lee and Luke Zettlemoyer, wins EMNLP 2015 best paper award [2015]

Science News reports on work by Vlad Niculae and Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, with Srijan Kumar and Jordan Boyd-Graber, on linguistics harbingers of betrayal [2015]

Lillian Lee gives NAACL 2015 keynote [June 2015]

Justin Cheng ('12) and Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, with Jure Leskovec, win ICWSM 2015 honorable mention [2015]

Science News reports on work by Vlad Niculae, Justine Zhang, and Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, with Caroline Suen and Jure Leskovec, on media bias uncovered by quoting patterns [2015]

Chenhao Tan wins the 2015-2016 Facebook Fellowship in HCI and Social Computing [March 2015]

Chenhao Tan, Lillian Lee, and Bo Pang's 2014 work on retweeting covered in the Washington Post, CBS News, and Fast Company [February 2015]

Xanda Schofield wins a Microsoft Research Graduate Women's Scholarship [February 2015]

The story of Claire Cardie's co-founding of Appinions written up in Forbes [2014]

Lillian Lee named one of People Pattern's Five data scientists to watch [2014]

Chenhao Tan, Lillian Lee, and Bo Pang's work on the effect of wording on message propagation (like retweets) covered in the Upshot section of the New York Times [July 2014]

Lillian Lee named co-Editor-in-Chief of TACL [March 2014]

Lillian Lee was one of four invited speakers on "Big Data" at the 2013 EU-US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium [November 2013]

Claire Cardie and Jiwei Li's work on extracting life stories from Twitter covered in Technology Review and other venues [October 2013]

Nomination for ACL Best Paper Award to Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Moritz Sudhof, Dan Jurafsky, Jure Leskovec, Christopher Potts [2013]

Lillian Lee named a AAAI Fellow [2013]

Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil co-wins WWW 2013 Best Paper Award [May 2013]

Work on phrasing effects in memorable movie quotes mentioned in the New York Times [2013]

Myle Ott quoted in the New York Times and Time Magazine [October 2012]

Lu Wang and Claire Cardie are nominated for best paper award at SIGDial [2012]

Claire Cardie receives the Outstanding Achievement in Education from UMass, Amherst's CS department for her key role in integrating computing and information science into education, research, and scholarship in engineering, the social sciences, arts, and humanities [2012]

Work on whether and how phrasing affects memorability, by Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Justin Cheng, Jon Kleinberg and Lillian Lee, covered on NPR's All Things Considered, The Independent, and NBC's Today Show, among other venues [2012]

Amit Sharma and Chenhao Tan win Yahoo! Key Scientific Challenges awards [2012]

The New York Times, ABC News, LA Times, and others cover Myle Ott, Yejin Choi, Claire Cardie, and Jeff Hancock's identification of opinion spam [2011]

Lillian Lee quoted in Communications of the ACM on the impact of Watson [2011]

Nature's News section reports on Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil and Lillian Lee's use of movie dialogs to study the unconscious social habits of everyday conversation. [June 2011]

Karthik Raman receives a Yahoo! Key Scientific Challenges award [May 2011]

Marisa Boston received the Student Paper award at the inaugural Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics workshop [July 2010]

Cornell's eRulemaking Initiative Regulation Room project, with team member Claire Cardie, wins a White House Leading Practices award. [2010]

Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil finalist for Facebook PhD Fellowship [2010]

Mark Yatskar profiled in Cornell Chronicle and by the College of Engineering [May 2010]

Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil receives a Yahoo! 2010 Key Scientific Challenges award [April 2010]

Mats Rooth heads one of eight teams winning the international Digging into Data Challenge for the project “Harvesting Speech Datasets for Linguistic Research on the Web” [2010]

Lillian Lee quoted in New Scientist and critiqued in the New York Observer [May 2010]

Claire Cardie's company Jodange and Bo Pang and Lillian Lee's book on sentiment analysis are mentioned in an August 2009 New York Times article [August 2009]

The April 2009 issue of the Communications of the ACM contains an article on sentiment analysis that discusses Claire Cardie's startup, Jodange. The article also quotes Bo Pang (PhD '06) and David Pierce (PhD '03). The book Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis, written by Bo Pang and Lillian Lee, makes a cameo appearance. [April 2009]

NLP/CUCS alum Bo Pang a featured scientist at Yahoo! Research [2008]

Lillian Lee invited speaker at AAAI [July 2008]

Claire Cardie elected councilor of AAAI [July 2008]

Cornell was a host site for the North American Computational Linguistics Olympiad (NACLO) for high-school students. Of 763 participants across North America, 117 (~15%) qualified for the invitational round. These included 7 students from the Ithaca area, corresponding to a 78% qualification rate, with two Ithaca-area students in the top twenty overall. In the invitational round (over 100 contestants), 2 of the Ithaca-area 7 placed in the top twenty overall (positions 9 and 17). [2008]

Two Ithaca High School students sponsored by Cornell professors place first in U.S. in linguistics Olympiad [2007]

Claire Cardie program chair of COLING/ACL 2006, with Pierre Isablle [2006]

Lillian Lee elected secretary of NAACL [2006]

Claire Cardie elected to ACL Exec [2005]

Lillian Lee quoted in Forbes [2005]

Claire Cardie gives invited talk at ECML [2005]

Technology Review names Regina Barzilay and Lillian Lee's content-models work one of the "Technology Research Advances of 2004" [2004]

Regina Barzilay and Lillian Lee win inaugural best paper award at HLT-NAACL 2004 [2004]

The New York Times covers Regina Barzilay and Lillian Lee's paraphrasing work [2003]

Regina Barzilay and Lillian Lee nominated for EMNLP 2002 best paper award [2002]

Lillian Lee named Sloan Fellow [2002]

Lillian Lee program chair of EMNLP, together with Donna Harman [2001]

Rie Kubota Ando and Lillian Lee nominated for SIGIR 2001 best paper award [2001]

Claire Cardie elected Secretary of the NAACL [2000]

Claire Cardie elected Secretary of SIGNLL [1999]

Claire Cardie program chair of EMNLP, with Ralph Weischedel [1997]

Claire Cardie is NSF CAREER award winner [1996]

Claire Cardie receives Honorable Mention for Best Written Paper Award, AAAI 1991 [1991]