Faina (schip, 1978): verschil tussen versies

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Regel 63:
Op 25 september 2008 werd het schip gekaapt door [[Piraterij in Somalië|Somalische piraten]] tijdens de achtentwintigste aanval in 2008.<ref name=sun>{{cite news | url = http://www.sundayherald.com/international/shinternational/display.var.2453784.0.0.php | title = Pirates call all the shots | work = [[Sunday Herald]] | accessdaymonth = 29 september | accessyear = 2008}}</ref> De bemanning van de ''Faina'' bestond ten tijde van de aanval uit 17 Oekraïners, drie Russen en een Let.<ref name=sun/><ref>{{cite news | first = Nick | last = Wadhams | title = Somali Pirates' Unexpected Booty: Russian Tanks | url = http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1844914,00.html | work = [[Time (magazine)|Time]] | date = 26 september 2008 | accessdaymonth = 28 September | accessyear = 2008}}</ref> Op 28 september meldde Viktor Nikolsky, de eerste stuurman aan boord, dat Vladimir Kolobkov, de Russische kapitein was overleden aan een door [[Hypertensie|hoge bloeddruk]] veroorzaakte [[Cerebrovasculair accident|beroerte]].<ref name=sky>{{cite news | url = http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/Crew-Member-On-Ukrainian-Ship-Hijacked-Off-Coast-Of-Somalia-Dies-Says-Fainas-Captain/Article/200809415108746?lpos=World_News_First_Home_Article_Teaser_Region_4&lid=ARTICLE_15108746_Crew_Member_On_Ukrainian_Ship_Hijacked_Off_Coast_Of_Somalia_Dies%2C_Says_Fainas_Captain | title = Pirates Demand Ransom Of Millions | publisher = [[Sky News]] | date = 28 september 2008 | accessdaymonth = 29 september | accessyear = 2008}}</ref><ref name=NYT>{{cite news | url = http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/29/world/africa/29pirates.html?ref=world | title = Tensions Rise Over Ship Hijacked Off Somalia | last = Gettleman | first = Jeffrey | authorlink = Jeffrey Gettleman | date = 28 september 2009 | work = [[The New York Times]] | accessdaymonth = 29 september | accessyear = 2008}}</ref><ref name=celebrate>{{cite news | url = http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5igGmlfz-K3g6EyC2vN8yK10vpCugD93H9K500 | title = Pirates say they celebrated Muslim holiday on ship | last = Hassan | first = Mohamed Olad | date = 30 September 2008 | agency = Associated Press | publisher = Google News | accessdaymonth = 30 september | accessyear = 2008}}</ref>
Naar aanleiding van de toename van de Somalische piraterij — waarbij naast de ''Faina'' nog zo'n elf schepen worden vastgehouden — neemt de [[Veiligheidsraad van de Verenigde Naties|Veiligheidsraad]] [[Resolutie 1838 Veiligheidsraad Verenigde Naties|resolutie 1838]] aan, die oproept tot actieve jacht op Somalische piraten.<ref name=UN>{{cite news | url = http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5jxzBM8B5jScl8Wirb9gP7aMZ-A0g | title = New Somalia piracy resolution adopted at UN | last = | first = | date = 8 oktober 2008 | agency = Agence France-Presse | publisher = Google News | accessdaymonth = 10 oktober | accessyear = 2008}}</ref>
== Kaping ==