The Month in Photos: August 2024

Move-in, new students, and football.

construction in harrison square

Infrastructure and Sustainability spent the early part of August digging out Harrison Square to identify and repair a break in the chilled water system, which provides air conditioning to campus. The system has been repaired, but construction in Harrison Square will continue for a few months. Photo taken Aug. 8 by Allison Carter.

student move-in

Students move into campus housing for the fall semester. Photo taken Aug. 10 by Allison Carter.

student move-in volunteers

Volunteers helped new students and their families find their way on campus. Photo taken Aug. 10 by Allison Carter.

students play soccer in oxford

Across the pond, students participating in Georgia Tech's Oxford Study Abroad Program faced off against their peers from the University of Georgia in a friendly match at the end of the summer session. Georgia Tech won by a score of 7-1. Photo by Aidan King.

mega mixer

The Mega Mixer at Stamps Field was a fun-filled way to welcome new students to campus during Week of Welcome. Photo taken Aug. 12 by Scott Sergent.

rock ramble and roll

Students also enjoyed socializing and crafting at Rock, Ramble, and Roll as part of Week of Welcome. Photo taken Aug. 12 by Samuel Luong.

new faculty orientation

New faculty members were welcomed at New Faculty Orientation on Aug. 12. Photo by Joya Chapman.


Qurbani performs at New Student Convocation at McCamish Pavilion on Aug. 18. Photo by Rob Felt.

filling out a RAT cap

Students participated in the tradition of writing on their RAT caps at New Student Convocation. Photo taken Aug. 18 by Rob Felt.

filling out a RAT cap

Members of the Yellow Jacket Marching Band instructed students on how to write on their caps. Photo taken Aug. 18 by Rob Felt.

bid day 2024

Students participated in Greek life recruitment activities this month. For those joining Collegiate Panhellenic Council sororities, the fun culminated with Bid Day on Tech Green. Photo taken Aug. 19 by Nikki Wilbanks.

aer lingus college football classic 2024

Georgia Tech defeated Florida State in the final seconds of the 2024 Aer Lingus College Football Classic in Dublin, Ireland. Photo taken Aug. 24 by Danny Karnik.


Photography: Allison Carter, Joya Chapman, and Rob Felt
Writing/Editing: Kristen Bailey, Stacy Braukman