Women and men

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Psychology Facts On Love, Love Psychology Fact You Need To Know
Love Fact: Whereas men in love show more activity in the visual region of the brain, women in love show more activity in the region of the brain that controls memory. #lovefacts #psychologyfacts #humanpsychology #factsaboutlove #humanmind #affiliatelink
Women Are Better At Making Good Decisions Compared To Men
Studies show that women tend to be more analytical and thorough in their decision-making processes, weighing multiple factors and considering a wider range of options before making a choice. Men, on the other hand, may be more inclined to make quick decisions based on instinct or intuition. That’s why it is popularly assumed that women are blessed with better decision-making abilities. #facts #factcheck #factsdaily #humanpsychology #psychology #brainscience **Study link in post
Psychology Facts On First Impression, Women Psychology Fact, Psychology Fact You Need To Know
Psychology Fact: According to study, before a man even speaks a word, the way he stands (whether he is slouching or not) counts for more than 80% of a woman’s first impression. #psychologyfacts #humanbehavior #womenfacts #needtoknow #facts #affiliatelink