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Pendokumenan templat[lihat] [sunting] [sejarah] [nyahcache]
Pendokumenan templat berikut ditransklusikan daripada Templat:S-start/doc [sunting]

Templat:SBSnav S-Start is the initial component in a template series for succession boxes. It replaces the previous formats for succession tables but still allows for most of their use indirectly. In the new format, every succession box begins with s-start, and thus it is an essential component of the new system. If you find a succession template not in this standard, please contact WT:SBS or Whaleyland.

Templates discussed on this page

[sunting sumber]

This template is to be used in coordination with the following:

The functions and use of each one will be analysed in the following sections.

Instructions for use

[sunting sumber]

There are many types of succession boxes, as the combinations of the various templates previously mentioned are virtually endless. We will begin by demonstrating the use of simple boxes, and proceed with the analysis of more complex boxes of many lines and multiple titles.

Simple boxes

[sunting sumber]

For the purposes of this tutorial, we will call simple the boxes that follow the format "predecessor, title, successor", and essentially consist of one line. As they are by far the easiest and most fundamental, we will begin with them.

Basic format: s-start, s-bef, s-ttl, s-aft, end

[sunting sumber]

The very purpose of a succession box is to show the place of the subject of the box (the person whose article the box is in) in a succession of people (henceforth referred to as a succession chain). Because of this, most boxes include three people, namely the subject, their predecessor, and their successor.

The quintessential succession box consists of three cells, which go from left to right in the same order that the three persons' terms succeeded each other: the left cell names the predecessor, the middle one names the title of the subject and the years that mark their term in an office (the person's name is already mentioned in the article's title and is thus not repeated here), and the right one names the successor.

Simply enough, the creation of a box follows the same order. First comes the predecessor (template s-bef), the title and years follow (template s-ttl), and then comes the successor (template s-aft). It should not be forgotten, of course, that any succession box opens with the s-start template, and ends with the end template. Each command should be given its own line.

Have a look at this diagram.

Enter the start field so that the program recognizes the table:
Enter the name of the predecessor:
{{s-bef|before=[[Enter Predecessor here]]}}
Enter the title of the person on whose page you are working:
{{s-ttl|title=[[Enter Title here]]
Also, enter the years during which they held that title:
|years=Enter start date hereEnter end date here}}
Enter the name of the successor:
{{s-aft|after=[[Enter Successor here]]}}
Once everything is done, type:

This is an example of the technique. Writing…

{{s-ttl|title=King of Europe
|years=1492 – 1528}}

…will produce this:

Didahului oleh
King of Europe
1492 – 1528
Diikuti oleh:

Note the absence of double square brackets in the names of the predecessor and the successor and in the name of the title in this example; their presence allows for the names in the table to link to their respective articles, and were omitted here because these specific names do not correspond to articles in Wikipedia. Although it is strongly suggested that you do link the names in the tables even if they do not have their own article for the time being (resulting in a red link), there can be exceptions.

It is encouraged that you include the title-holder's date whenever possible; if a date is dubious or disputed, use the s-ref template to include references that will back up that date (see the relevant section for details). Please do not link the dates except in special cases described in the SBS Guidelines page.

Predecessors and successors

[sunting sumber]

Titles and offices do not last forever; they have to begin somewhere, and sooner or later they end. As a result, there is not always a predecessor or a successor, as a person might be the first or the last holder of an office. In addition, various events might occur, disturbing the smooth succession in an office and causing vacancies or other changes in the chain. Because of this, the previously described templates s-bef and s-aft can be substituted to allow for special circumstances.

Titles can be created along with the birth of new states, during periods of governmental reform, or at the creation of new institutions. The mention of a title creation is necessary when the article containing the succession box is about the first holder of an office, in which case there is no predecessor and the template s-new is used instead of the usual s-bef.

There is the option of entering the reason behind the title's creation, using a short sentence. If you do not want to include the reason, write only {{s-new}} instead of the full version used in the following example.

Template:s-new (with others)

{{s-new|reason=Enter reason for title}}
{{s-ttl|title=Insert title of person here|years=Insert years here}}
{{s-aft|after=Insert successor here}}

Which looks like:

Gelaran baharu
Conquest of Africa
King of Africa
1820 – 1830
Diikuti oleh:

Many titles have expired, become extinct, or otherwise fallen into disuse. The last holders of these titles had no successors, and in such cases the template s-non is used. A short description of the reason for the discontinuation of the title's use is necessary (e.g. Extinct, Merged into crown, Lapsed, etc.).

The same template can be used for a title that needs description but does not fall under the other predecessor or successor forms.

This form requires |- if it is used in a complex table (see relevant section):

Template:s-non (with others)

{{s-bef|before=Insert predecessor here}}
{{s-ttl|title=Insert title of person here|years=Insert years here}}
{{s-non|reason=Give brief reason why no more title}}

Which looks like:

Didahului oleh
King of Asia
1263 – 1320
Conquest by
Arabian Empire

Another occasion where there might be no successor to a title, is when the person in question is the current occupant of said office or position. To create a table for an incumbent (current title holder), use the template s-inc.

Note that instead of an end date you must enter the word "present", as the subject is still the holder of the title. The inclusion of an heir is optional.

Template:s-inc (with others)

{{s-bef|before=Insert predecessor here}}
{{s-ttl|title=Insert title of person here|years=Insert start year here – present}}
{{s-inc|heir=Insert designated heir here}}

Which looks like:

Didahului oleh
King of North America
2001 – present
Pemegang jawatan kini

Thrones and other titles can be usurped by people other than the rightful holder. In such cases, the holder of the title is not the rightful successor and may be recognised as such or not. They still undeniably exercise the powers of the title (de facto) and are part of the succession chain.

There are four versions of the s-urp template, created by use of an obligatory parameter (within parentheses): one to show that the subject of the succession box has usurped a title from another person (from), one to show that another person has usurped the subject's title (by), one to show that the subject has reclaimed a title from an usurper (refrom) and one to show that a title was reclaimed from the subject by someone else (reby). As can be understood, the "from" and "refrom" versions are to be used in the predecessor (left) cell, while the "by" and "reby" versions ought to be used in the successor (right) cell.

Template:s-urp (with others)

Example 1:

{{s-urp|from=Enter person from whom title was usurped}}
{{s-ttl|title=Insert title of person here|years=Insert years here}}
{{s-urp|reby=Enter person who reclaimed title}}

Which looks like:

King of the World
1901 – 1905


Example 2:

{{s-urp|refrom=Enter person from whom title was reclaimed}}
{{s-ttl|title=Insert title of person here|years=Insert years here}}
{{s-urp|by=Enter person who usurped title}}

Which looks like:

King of the World
1905 – 1912


Vacant titles are titles not held by anyone for a considerable length of time (a short period during which a title is unoccupied until a successor is chosen/elected does not count as a vacancy). For monarchs, such periods are often known as interregna, though vacancies can occur to most offices. In case of a vacancy, the s-vac template is used. It is a rather flexible template, as this table cell can go before or after the title of the individual and is meant to designate if they have no predecessor and/or successor, although the title is not extinct.

If the last or next title holder is known, that information can be filled into the form. There is also the option of giving a reason why the vacancy has occurred.

Template:s-vac (with others)

To create a table that begins with a vacant title, use this (example with reason):

{{s-vac|last=Enter last person to hold title|reason=Enter reason why vacancy}}
{{s-ttl|title=Insert title of person here|years=Insert years here}}
{{s-aft|after=Insert successor here}}

Which looks like:

Madagascar Revolution

  Gelaran dipegang dahulu oleh  
King of Madagascar
1620 – 1641
Diikuti oleh:

To create a table that ends with a vacant title, use this (example without reason):

{{s-bef|before=Insert predecessor here}}
{{s-ttl|title=Insert title of person here|years=Insert years here}}
{{s-vac|next=Enter next person to hold title}}

Which looks like:

Didahului oleh
Dictator of Japan
1912 – 1934
  Gelaran dipegang kemudian oleh  

In multiple row tables (see the relevant section) it is necessary to add |- after a line that ends with this template, so that the computer can recognise the new row (unless the line that ends with s-vac is the last one in the Wikitable).

As (s-bef, s-aft)
[sunting sumber]

Many a title has suffered a change of its name once or more often in its history. Although the title essentially remains the same, and the chain is not interrupted, this change must, nevertheless, be visible in a succession box, or confusion may arise.

Both s-bef and s-aft have a parameter that allows for this kind of adjustment. Using the as parameter in either template produces an extra line at the bottom of the cell in question which shows that person's version of the title's name. Like most others, this is an optional parameter.

Template:s-bef with as parameter (with other templates)

{{s-bef|before=Insert predecessor here|as=Enter predecessor's title}}
{{s-ttl|title=Insert title of person here|years=Insert years here}}
{{s-aft|after=Insert successor here}}

Which looks like:

Didahului oleh
sebagai Prince of the West Indies
Prince of the Caribbean
1836 – 1847
Diikuti oleh:

Template:s-aft with as parameter (with other templates)

{{s-bef|before=Insert predecessor here}}
{{s-ttl|title=Insert title of person here|years=Insert years here}}
{{s-aft|after=Insert successor here|as=Enter successor's title}}

Which looks like:

Didahului oleh
Countess of the Rhein
1797 – 1803
Diikuti oleh:

Titles and offices

[sunting sumber]

The s-bef and s-aft templates are not the only ones to be substituted in occasions. There are three basic alternatives to the simple s-ttl template, for the event when a person does not hold a title in the usual way.

Regents, colleagues (s-ttl)
[sunting sumber]

Often in history, some offices have been held by more than one person at a time. The most common example of this is a regency, when a monarch rules with the aid of another person, like the joint occupation of the throne of England by Mary II and her husband, William III, from their accession in 1689 until her death in 1694. The standard s-ttl template is used in this case, and the regents are entered in the way demonstrated below.

The inclusion of the regents is always optional, as are the dates of their reign and even those of the title holder's reign. This template currently supports up to three regents, as there can be more than one regent at a time, or a regent may be succeeded by another. In order to allow the reader make sense from complex regencies, inclusion of dates is at least preferred in such cases. On the other hand, if a regent holds the office throughout the whole reign/term/tenure of the subject then no dates ought to be given for the regent at all.

Template:s-ttl with regents parameters (with other templates)

{{s-bef|before=Insert predecessor here}}
{{s-ttl|title=Insert title of person here|years=Insert years here ::<nowiki>|regent1=Enter name or title of first (or only) regent|years1=Enter first regent's years}}
|regent2=Enter name of title of second regent|years2=Enter second regent's years}}
|regent3=Enter name or title of third regent|years3=Enter third regent's years}}
{{s-aft|after=Insert successor here}}

Which looks like:

Didahului oleh
Queen of Antarctica
1889 – 1914
bersama Philip (1889 – 1897)
Anthony (1889 – 1895)
Elizabeth (1895 – 1897)
Diikuti oleh:

There is also another optional field in template s-ttl: the alongside field. This is a milder version of the "regents" one, as in this case the person or persons listed are not holding the same office jointly with the subject but are the subject's colleagues, occupying identical posts but not the same one. The usage of this version of the template is most usual for parliamentary constituencies with more than one members, like in old British constituencies or in the United States Senate.

The alongside parameter makes the message "Served alongside:" appear at the bottom of the title cell, followed by the name or names (in the latter case separated by commas) of the subject's colleague(s) in a reduced font and without any dates whatsoever.

Template:s-ttl with alongside parameters (with other templates)

{{s-bef|before=Insert predecessor here}}
{{s-ttl|title=Insert title of person here|years=Insert years here
|alongside=Enter name(s) of colleagues}}
{{s-aft|after=Insert successor here}}

Which looks like:

Didahului oleh
Member for Falkland University
1582 – 1618
Berkhidmat bersama: Percy, Elizabeth, George
Diikuti oleh:
Lords (s-ttl)
[sunting sumber]

Members of the House of Lords, the upper house of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, have never been elected; instead, they have been hereditary for the greater part of the House's existence, and most of them are nowadays appointed. Although seats in the Lords cannot be tracked by succession boxes, the titles that used to grant them were (and, to an extent, still are), and so a label may be added to succession boxes of peers that were or are members of the House of Lords to indicate this membership.

As this label is only appropriate for (arch)bishops of the Church of England and hereditary peers, the succession boxes that use it ought to go either under the "Church of England titles" (s-rel|en) header or under one of the Peerage headers. (See the relevant section for headers for more details.)

This template is optional and works more or less like the template for regents described in the previous section.

Template:s-ttl with the lords parameter (with other templates)

{{s-bef|before=Insert predecessor here}}
{{s-ttl|title=Insert title of person here|years=Insert years here|lords=Enter years in Lords}}
{{s-aft|after=Insert successor here}}

Which looks like:

Didahului oleh
Duke of the Celtic Sea
1716 – 1741
Diikuti oleh:

There are two categories of people who have regnal titles but not the power connected to them: titular rulers and pretenders.

Titular rulers are people who legitimately deserve a title yet are somehow incapable of securing it, as in the case of Louis XVII of France, heir to the throne during the early years of the French Revolution. Generally, a titular ruler's title will again be inherited by someone with power and remains only temporarily suspended. There is generally only one titular claimant to a title.

Pretenders are people who may or may not have a rightful claim to a title, but regardless do not possess any legitimate authority. Perhaps the most famous pretenders were Prince James Francis Edward Stuart and his son, Bonnie Prince Charles, who were respectively known to the Jacobites as James III and VIII and Charles III but nicknamed by others the Old Pretender and the Young Pretender. While James Stuart was the legitimate heir to his father, the Glorious Revolution irrevocably overruled that power in favour of his half-sister. Therefore, he lost his legitimacy to govern but still claimed his hereditary titles, as did his son. Pretenders are not always successive, as titular leaders generally are, and there can be multiple pretenders at the same time (as in France's Legitimists and Orleanists).

In cases of titular rulers or pretenders, use the s-tul template. It is possible to include a reason for the inability of the title-holder to exercise their power, but this is something optional. The "reason" field removes the necessity for additional cells in the "before" or "after" fields to give information about important events causing a title to either start or stop being titular/in pretence.

Note that a title of a titular ruler should go under the same header as of all the other holders of that title (usually, but not always, s-reg), while any titles held in pretence should go under the appropriate header (s-pre).

Template:s-tul (with others)

{{s-bef|before=Insert predecessor here}}
{{s-tul|title=Enter title|years=Enter years claimed|reason=Enter reason why titular/pretender}}
{{s-aft|after=Insert successor here}}

Which looks like:

Didahului oleh
King of Australia
1620 – 1675
Alasan untuk kegagalan Pewarisan:
Australia not settled
Diikuti oleh:
[sunting sumber]

In addition to the three basic templates (s-bef, s-ttl, and s-aft) and their substitutes, there are four kinds of templates that may be completely omitted from a succession box depending on the circumstances. These include templates s-hou, s-ref, and an assortment of header templates.

This template is generally for use with monarchs or other rulers. It is placed at the top of a succession box, directly beneath the s-start, and establishes which royal house a person belongs to, giving their birth and death dates.

If you do not know the day and month, leave a | (a pipe) and fill out the rest (leaving the space for the unknown date blank). For unknown birth or death dates, type Unknown; for living people, type Living; if no dates or years are known whatsoever, leave all four fields blank and the date line will not appear in the box.

If there is such information available, you may also include the cadet branch information for the royal house. For more questions concerning this topic, see Cadet branch. Furthermore, the article title will normally appear at the top of the box as the name of the subject; if you believe that title is not the proper name for the subject, insert the alternative at the end of the template and it will appear in the box instead.

Template:s-hou (with others)

{{s-hou|Enter name of house|Day and month of birth|Year of birth|Day and month of death|Year of death|Parent house|Alternative name}}
{{s-bef|before=Insert predecessor here}}
{{s-ttl|title=Insert title here
|years=Insert start date hereInsert end date here}}
{{s-aft|after=[[Insert successor here]]}}

Which will look something like this:

House of Lucanzzo
Cabang kadet bagi House of Petre
Tarikh keputeraan: 18 March 1920 Tarikh kemangkatan: 31 December 1987
Didahului oleh
King of Greenland
1972 – 1987
Diikuti oleh:

Template s-ref exists for the purpose of sourcing a succession table. Considering the effort put by Wikipedia to qualify all articles on the site, this template should be used in all succession boxes whenever possible. It is designed to host individual references based on whatever medium preferred, except, of course, other Wikipedia article links; Wikipedia should not be used to verify itself.

To use, type the following after completing a succession box (instead of {{end}} or {{s-end}}):

{{s-ref|Write out source 1 here|Write out source 2 here|Write out source 3 here}}

After adding, you do not need to add template end to close the succession box, as that is included in this template. The template can support up to 10 different sources.

It will result in the following added to the bottom of any succession box:

Nota dan rujukan
1. Write out source 1 here
2. Write out source 2 here
3. Write out source 3 here

Sources should be written according to the instructions found in Wikipedia:Citing sources.

For each source, add a superscript number (1, 2, and so on) at the name or date in the succession box that is referenced; you can do this by enclosing the number in <sup></sup> or, for numbers from 1 to 3, by using the numbers from the character box under the edit window.

There are various headers that can be placed in succession boxes to sort the various titles into categories. Although their main use is to distinguish the various titles and lessen the feeling of confusion created to the reader by a large and complex box (see Winston Churchill for an example), they are also used for plain, one-row tables (and are especially in succession boxes for regnal titles, titles of nobility, and parliamentary seats where the disambiguation information given in the header is important).

Some of these headers can be further specialised with the use of parameters (e.g. s-par|us-hs produces "United States House of Representatives", while s-par|eu produces "European Parliament"); some of those headers cannot work at all without the parameters. Further information about the use of headers and the categorisation of titles in general can be found in the Guidelines page of WikiProject Succession Box Standardization.

A list of header templates (in alphabetical order) follows. Any that have a strike through them have had their function replaced by another template.

  • {{s-aca}} — Academic offices (Positions like university provosts, chancellors, etc.)
  • {{s-ach}} — Awards and Achievements; requires one of the following parameters:
    • {{s-ach|ach}} — Achievements
    • {{s-ach|achievements}} — Achievements
    • {{s-ach|aw}} — Awards
    • {{s-ach|awards}} — Awards
    • {{s-ach|rec}} — Records
    • {{s-ach|records}} — Records
  • {{s-bus}} — Business positions
  • {{s-civ}} — Civic offices; can be further specialised:
    • {{s-civ|pol}} — Police appointments, (Positions like police chiefs, commissioners etc.)
    • {{s-civ|fir}} — Fire appointments, (Positions like fire chiefs, senior fire officers etc.)
    • {{s-civ|med}} — Medical appointments
  • {{s-court}} — Royal court positions (Chamberlains, Wardrobe Masters etc.)
  • {{s-culture}} — Cultural offices (Senior positions in major cultural institutions and organisations)
  • {{s-dip}} — Diplomatic posts (Ambassadors etc.)
  • {{s-edu}} — Cultural and educational offices
  • {{s-gov}} — Government offices (Appointed governors, civil servants etc.)
  • {{s-herald}} — Heraldic offices (Kings of Arms, Heralds etc.)
  • {{s-hon}} — Honorary offices (This is a vague description and should be used with caution)
  • {{s-legal}} — Legal offices (Solicitors general, district attorneys etc.)
  • {{s-lit}} — Literary series
  • {{s-media}} — Media offices (Important positions in large newspapers, TV channels etc.)
  • {{s-mil}} — Military offices (Chiefs of Staff, Commanders-in-Chief etc.) Used for army, navy and air force appointments.
  • {{s-off}} — Political offices
  • {{s-ppo}} — Party political offices (Party leaders etc.)
  • {{s-pre}} — Titles in pretence (Includes all titles held in pretence)
  • {{s-npo}} — Nop-profit organizations
    • {{s-npo|bsa}} — Boy Scouts of America
    • {{s-npo|gsusa}} — Girl Scouts of the USA
  • {{s-sports}} — Sporting positions (Champions, sport award winners, sport clubs' presidents etc.)
  • {{s-other}} — Other offices (Not belonging to any other category)
  • {{s-wea}} — Weather by year, requires one of the following parameters:

Here are examples for each of the above templates (in order):

Jawatan akademik {{s-aca}}
Pencapaian {{s-ach|ach}}
Anugerah {{s-ach|aw}}
Jawatan perniagaan {{s-bus}}
Jawatan sivik {{s-civ}}
Pejabat mahkamah {{s-court}}
Jawatan kebudayaan {{s-culture}}
Jawatan diplomatik {{s-dip}}
Pejabat-pejabat kerajaan {{s-gov}}


Gelaran Kehormat {{s-hon}}
Jawatan undang-undang {{s-legal}}




Pegawai tentera {{s-mil}}
Jawatan pertubuhan bukan keuntungan {{s-npo}}
Jawatan politik {{s-off}}
Kerusi dewan {{s-par|uk}}
Jawatan parti politik {{s-ppo}}
Gelar sebagai penuntut {{s-pre}}
Susunan keutamaan {{s-prec}}
Gelaran pemerintah {{s-reg}}
Gelaran keagamaan {{s-rel}}
Gelaran Diraja {{s-roy}}
Kedudukan sukan {{s-sports}}


Jawatan lain {{s-other}}

Complex boxes

[sunting sumber]

Many people, like monarchs and Prime Ministers, active businesspeople, prominent scientists and talented athletes have held more than one offices and/or titles in their life. As it would be unwieldy to create separate boxes for all those titles, we include all of them in a single succession box. Thus, each article has one box at the bottom, which is easier to manage and more aesthetically pleasing.

Complex boxes can be sorted into two groups. The first group contains boxes that consist of the plain lines examined in the previous sections. The second group contains more advanced boxes with a more complicated structure. For the purposes of this tutorial, the boxes of the first group will be called multiple-line boxes and the ones of the second group will be termed advanced boxes.

Multiple-line boxes

[sunting sumber]

As has been mentioned, succession boxes that consist of many separate rows are made up of the previous section's simple boxes, and thus their creation follows more or less the same rules; the only difference is that special care should be given to the placement and relative order of said simple boxes.

Generally, in boxes with many lines, it is necessary to place |- between every row on the list. However, this text is already imbedded into most of the templates, so it is no longer necessary to add it to multiple-line boxes. The sole exception is the template s-vac: if a line ends with this template, you need to place this character or the computer will not recognize a new row.

An example of the way multiple-line boxes work is this:

{{s-ttl|title=Emperor of Oceania
|years=1989 – 2001}}
{{s-new|reason=Unification of South America}}
{{s-ttl|title=King of South America|years=1985 – 1993}}
{{s-ttl|title=President of Scandinavia|years=1982 – 1992}}
{{s-ttl|title=Prime Minister of Sub-Saharan Africa|years=2001 – present}}

Which will look something like this:

Gelaran pemerintah
Didahului oleh
Emperor of Oceania
1989 – 2001
Diikuti oleh:
Gelaran baharu
Unification of South America
King of South America
1985 – 1993
Diikuti oleh:
Jawatan politik
Didahului oleh
President of Scandinavia
1982 – 1992
  Gelaran dipegang kemudian oleh  
Didahului oleh
Prime Minister of Sub-Saharan Africa
2001 – present
Pemegang jawatan kini

Advanced boxes

[sunting sumber]

Sometimes, a person might inherit more than one titles from a single individual, and/or pass multiple titles on to one person. The several separate crowns of the Commonwealth Realms, held by the same Queen, are one good example (see Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom). It is also possible that someone might take over an office from two different people who had held it jointly until then, or join several different titles into one that will be inherited by a single heir.

For these, and other scenarios, it is possible to create succession boxes that can show clearly those connections by making use of the advanced features of the hereinbefore presented succession template model. The system for the advanced boxes is slightly different from the simple forms demonstrated in the previous sections, and it relies heavily on the |- character, as well as on the correct counting of the rows.

Basically, the format is the following: if a box is taking up more than one rows of the table, it can be specified how many rows exactly that will be by creating a row marker in the field immediately following the s-… field and before everything else, including parameters. That can be done by typing:

{{s-...|row=Insert number of rows here|...}}

The number corresponds to the number of rows this name or title overlaps in regard to the other rows. Lists of title-holders are usually in order of the granting of the title, beginning with the oldest titles held. All successive titles should be noted, though titles tied together permanently can be listed in the same field.

Although multiple heirs can inherit a single title, and any person may be mentioned several times in a succession box (in case they take over several titles that cannot be placed into the same section of the box and thus cannot all lead into the same successor cell), no more than one successor cell should exist in a succession box for one person taking over a single title. That is, if a title passes on to one person, it should not lead into two successor cells one of which showing the successor and the other containing complementary information about the title transfer e.g. citing a reason for a title change. This arrangement has often been noted in occasions when vacancies have occurred because of an important event, and is wrong; the "reason" fields that exist in several of the templates (like s-tul and s-vac) are there just to eliminate such redundancies.

An example of the way advanced tables work is this:

{{s-ttl|rows=2|title=President of the Balkans
|years=2003 – present}}
{{s-ttl|title=King of Southeast Asia|years=1982 – 1992}}
{{s-ttl|title=King of New Zealand|years=1990 – 1997}}
{{s-non|reason=New Zealand declared republic}}

Which will look something like this:

Didahului oleh
President of the Balkans
2003 – present
Pemegang jawatan kini
Didahului oleh
Didahului oleh
King of Southeast Asia
1982 – 1992
Diikuti oleh:
King of New Zealand
1990 – 1997
New Zealand declared republic

Complete example

[sunting sumber]

Using the rows feature of the templates, very advanced tables can be created to help in situations with people who hold many posts, especially British Prime Ministers. The following is a hypothetical chart with at least one use of all the forms above:

House of San Miguel
Cabang kadet bagi House of López
Tarikh keputeraan: 19 January 1958 Tarikh kemangkatan: Living
Gelaran pemerintah
Gelaran baharu
Dowry from father
Queen of India
1972 – 1983
bersama Michael (1972 – 1975)
Diikuti oleh:
Didahului oleh
Lady Supreme of Oceana
1975 – 1983
  Gelaran dipegang kemudian oleh  
Empress of Arabia
1975 – 1993
Title merged with
Great Khanna of Asia
Grand Duchess of Europa
1975 – 1999
Diikuti oleh:
  Gelaran dipegang dahulu oleh  
Karl von Igorstein
Chief Sultana of Africa
1993 – 1999
Gelaran baharu
Consolidation of Asia
Great Khanna of Asia
1993 – present
Pemegang jawatan kini
Didahului oleh
Lady of the Isles
2003 – present
Alasan untuk kegagalan Pewarisan:
Declared a republic
Nota dan rujukan
1. All sources here are made up
2. Wikipedia:WikiProject Succession Box Standardization
