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Perang Kemboja-Vietnam

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Perang Kemboja-Vietnam
Sebahagian daripada Perang Indochina Ketiga, Perang Indochina, Perang Dingin
TarikhApril 1977 – September 1989
Pertempuran berskala kecil bermula sejak bulan Mei 1975
Pertempuran berskala besar berlangsung antara 25 Disember 1978 dan 7 Januari 1979
(serangan ke atas Demokratik Kampuchea oleh tentera Vietnam berlaku sehingga kejatuhan Phnom Penh).
Kemboja, selatan Vietnam, timur Thailand

Kemenangan Vietnam.[note 1]

Pihak yang terlibat
Vietnam Vietnam (VPA)
Kemboja KUFNS
Kemboja Republik Rakyat Kampuchea (KPRAF) (selepas 10 Januari 1979)
Disokong oleh:
Kesatuan Soviet Kesatuan Soviet
Laos Laos

Kemboja Demokratik Kampuchea (RAK)

Disokong oleh:
Republik Rakyat China China
 Amerika Syarikat
 United Kingdom

Konflik selepasnya:

 Thailand (Pertikaian sempadan)
Komandan dan pemimpin
Vietnam Lê Đức Anh
Kemboja Heng Samrin
Kemboja Hun Sen
Kemboja Pol Pot
Kemboja Khieu Samphan
Kemboja Son Sann
Kemboja Norodom Sihanouk
150,000-200,000 tentera Vietnam[note 2] 1979: 73,000[1]
1989: 30,000[note 3]
Kerugian dan korban
15,000 mati
30,000 cedera[note 4]
atau 25,300 mati[2]

1979: 15,000 mati[3]

Jumlah: 50,000+ mati[2][4]
100,000+ orang awam mati (termasuk kebuluran)[5]

Perang Kemboja-Vietnam merupakan satu konflik bersenjata yang berlaku di antara Republik Sosialis Vietnam dan Demokratik Kampuchea. Pada 25 Disember 1978, Vietnam telah melancarkan satu serangan mendadak ke atas Kemboja, dengan pantas berjaya mengalahkan rejim Khmer Rouge dan mengusir saki-baki tentera ke dalam Thailand. Vietnam melakukan serbuan ini bagi membalas provokasi Kemboja, apabila rejim Pol Pot bertindak secara ganas ke atas Vietnam, melakukan pembersihan etnik besar-besaran ke atas orang Vietnam yang tinggal di Kemboja, dan melancarkan satu siri serangan melepasi sempadan yang menyebabkan kematian ramai penduduk Vietnam.[6]

Semasa Perang Vietnam, komunis Vietnam dan Khmer Rouge telah membentuk satu persekutuan untuk menentang rejim yang disokong oleh Amerika Syarikat di dalam negara mereka. Di sebalik kerjasama erat dengan Vietnam, kepimpinan Khmer Rouge gusar akan pihak komunis Vietnam cuba membentuk sebuah persekutuan Indochina dengan Vietnam sebagai pihak yang dominan di wilayah ini. Dalam satu usaha cubaan awal untuk mengagalkan usaha Vietnam, kepimpinan Khmer Rouge mula membersihkan anggota yang dilatih oleh Vietnam selepas rejim Lon Nol dijatuhkan pada tahun 1975.

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Nota kaki
  1. ^ The Khmer Rouge was militarily defeated and subsequently removed from power in 1979, but not completely destroyed. Their legitimacy as the state of Kampuchea was recognized by the United Nations long after 1979. Swann, p. 8
  2. ^ From an invasion force of 150,000, Vietnamese troop strength was estimated to have peaked at around 200,000 until Vietnam began their unilateral withdrawal in 1982. Thayer, p. 10
  3. ^ By 1989, the Khmer Rouge maintained the largest fighting force amongst the three factions which made up the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea. The KPNLF had less than 10,000 men, and FUNCINPEC had 2,000 fighters.
  4. ^ Vietnamese sources generally offer contradictory figures, but Vietnamese General Tran Cong Man stated that at "least 15,000 soldiers died and another 30,000 were wounded in the ten-year long Cambodian campaign". So the figure do not include the casualties from the period between 1975 and 1978. Thayer, 10
  1. ^ Morris, p. 103
  2. ^ a b SIPRI Yearbook: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
  3. ^ Khoo, p. 127
  4. ^ Rummel, Rudolph J.: China's Bloody Century : Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900 (1991); Lethal Politics : Soviet Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1917 (1990); Democide : Nazi Genocide and Mass Murder (1992); Death By Government (1994),
  5. ^ Clodfelter, Michael, Warfare and Armed Conflict: A Statistical Reference to Casualty and Other Figures, 1618-1991
  6. ^
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  • Chandler, David (2000). A History of Cambodia (ed. 3). Colorado: Westview. ISBN ISBN 0-8133-3511-6 Check |isbn= value: invalid character (bantuan).
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  • Corfield (a), Justin (2009). The History of Cambodia. Santa Barbara: ABC CLIO. ISBN 978-0-313-35722-0.
  • Deng, Yong (1999). In the Eyes of the Dragon: China Views the World. Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. ISBN 0-8476-9336-8. More than one of |author= dan |last= specified (bantuan)
  • DeRouen, Karl (2007). Civil Wars of the World: Major Conflicts since World War II. Westport: ABC CLIO. ISBN 978-1-85109-919-1. More than one of |author= dan |last= specified (bantuan)
  • Faure, Guy (2008). Japan-Vietnam: A Relation Under Influences. Singapore: NUS Press. ISBN 978-9971-69-389-3. More than one of |author= dan |last= specified (bantuan)
  • Farrell, Epsey C. (1998). The Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Law of the Sea: An Analysis of Vietnamese Behaviour within the Emerging International Oceans Regime. The Hague: Kluwer Law International. ISBN 90-411-0473-9.
  • Froster, Frank (1993). Vietnam's Foreign Relations: Dynamics of Change. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 981-3016-65-5.
  • Gottesman, E. (2003). Cambodia after the Khmer Rouge: Inside the Politics of Nation Building. New Haven: Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-10513-1.
  • Haas, Micheal (1991). Genocide by Proxy: Cambodian Pawn on a Superpower Chessboard. Westport: ABC CLIO. ISBN 978-0-275-93855-0.
  • International Business Publications, USA (2008). Vietnam Diplomatic Handbook (ed. 5). Washington DC: International Business Publications. ISBN 1-4330-5868-5.
  • Jackson, Karl D. (1989). Cambodia, 1975–1978: Rendezvous with Death. Princeton: Princeton UP. ISBN 978-0-691-07807-6.
  • Jones, David M. (2006). ASEAN and East Asian International Relations: Regional Delusions. Northhampton: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. ISBN 978-1-84376-491-5. More than one of |author= dan |last= specified (bantuan)
  • Kiernan, Ben (2006). "External and Indigenous Sources of Khmer Rouge Ideology". Dalam Westad, Odd A.; Sophie (penyunting). The Third Indochina War: Conflict between China, Vietnam and Cambodia, 1972-79. New York: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-39058-3.
  • Khoo, Nicholas (2011). Collateral Damage: Sino-Soviet Rivalry and the Termination of the Sino-Vietnamese Alliance. New York: Colombia University Press. ISBN 9780231150781.
  • Largo, V (2004). Vietnam: Current Issues and Historical Background. New York: Nova Science Publishders. ISBN 1590333683.
  • Martin, Marie A. (1994). Cambodia: A Shattered Society. Berkeley: California University Press. ISBN 978-0-520-07052-3.
  • McCargo, Duncan (2004). Rethinking Vietnam. London: Routledge-Curzon. ISBN 0-415-31621-9.
  • Morley, James W. (1997). Vietnam Joins the World. New York: M.E. Sharp. ISBN 1-56324-975-8. More than one of |author= dan |last= specified (bantuan)
  • Morris, Stephen J. (1999). Why Vietnam invaded Cambodia: political culture and causes of war. Chicago: Stanford University Press. ISBN 978-0-8047-3049-5.
  • Peaslee, Amos J. (1985). Constitutions of Nations: The Americas. 2. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. ISBN 90-247-2900-9.
  • O’Dowd, Edward C. (2007). Chinese military strategy in the third Indochina war: the last Maoist war. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-203-08896-8.
  • SarDesai, D.R. (1998). Vietnam, Past and Present. Boulder: Westview. ISBN 978-0-8133-4308-2.
  • Shiraishi, Masaya (1990). Japanese relations with Vietnam, 1951-1987. Itheca: Cornell University Southeast Asian Program. ISBN 0-87727-122-4.
  • Spooner, Andrew (2003). Footprint Cambodia. London: Footprint Handbooks. ISBN 978-1-903471-40-1.
  • Thayer, Carlyle (1994). The Vietnam People’s Army under Doi Moi. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 981-3016-80-9.
  • Thayer (a), Carlyle A. (1999). Vietnamese foreign policy in transition. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 0-312-22884-8.
  • Thu-Huong, Nguyen (1992). Khmer Viet Relations and the Third Indochina Conflict. Jefferson: McFarland. ISBN 978-0-89950-717-0.
  • White, Nigel D. (2005). The Law of International Organisations (ed. 2). Manchester: Manchester University Press. ISBN 1-929446-77-2.

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