India, secara rasmi Kesatuan India,[3] adalah penguasaan bebas di Komanwel Bangsa-Bangsa British antara 15 Ogos 1947 dan 26 Januari 1950. Ia telah diwujudkan oleh Akta Kemerdekaan India 1947 dan telah diubah menjadi Republik India oleh pengisytiharan Perlembagaan India pada tahun 1950.[4]

Kesatuan India
Bendera India
Lambang[1] India
Bendera Lambang[1]
Ibu negaraNew Delhi
• 1947–1950
George VI
• 1947–1948
Louis Mountbatten
• 1948–1950
Chakravarti Rajagopalachari
Prime Minister 
• 1947–1950
Jawaharlal Nehru[2]
Badan perundanganConstituent Assembly
15 August 1947
22 Oktober 1947
26 January 1950
19503,287,263 km2 (1,269,219 bt2)
Mata wangIndian rupee
Kod ISO 3166IN
Didahului oleh
Diganti oleh
British Raj
Republic of India

Raja diwakili oleh Gabenor-Jeneral India. Walau bagaimanapun, Gabenor Jeneral tidak ditugaskan oleh Viceroy, seperti yang telah diamalkan di bawah British Raj. Pejabat Viceroy telah dimansuhkan atas kemerdekaan. Dua gabenor jeneral yang memegang jawatan antara kemerdekaan dan transformasi India menjadi republik: Louis Mountbatten, Earl Mountbatten dari Burma (1947-48) dan Chakravarti Rajagopalachari (1948-50). Jawaharlal Nehru ialah Perdana Menteri India.


  1. ^ "Press Communique' - State Emblem" (PDF). Press Information Bureau of India - Archive. Diarkibkan daripada yang asal (PDF) pada 24 Februari 2018.
  2. ^ As Prime Minister of India until 1964.
  3. ^ Winegard, Timothy C. (2011), Indigenous Peoples of the British Dominions and the First World War, Cambridge University Press, m/s. 2, ISBN 978-1-107-01493-0 Quote: “The first collective use (of the word "dominion") occurred at the Colonial Conference (April to May 1907) when the title was conferred upon Canada and Australia. New Zealand and Newfoundland were afforded the designation in September of that same year, followed by South Africa in 1910. These were the only British possessions recognized as Dominions at the outbreak of war. In 1922, the Irish Free State was given Dominion status, followed by the short-lived inclusion of India and Pakistan in 1947 (although India was officially recognized as the Union of India). The Union of India became the Republic of India in 1950, while the became the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in 1956.”
  4. ^ Winegard, Timothy C. (2011), Indigenous Peoples of the British Dominions and the First World War, Cambridge University Press, m/s. 2–, ISBN 978-1-107-01493-0