
Event Registration

Thank you for chosing Vienna for your event!

Please complete all the mandatory fields marked with an *.

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    Event information
    • Title is a mandatory field.
    • Type is a mandatory field.
    • Number of participants is a mandatory field.
    • Venue is a mandatory field.
    • Event date:
      is a mandatory field.
    • To is a mandatory field.
    • Topic is a mandatory field.
    Event formatmandatory field
    • Event format is a mandatory field.
    Participant structuremandatory field
    • Participant structure is a mandatory field.
    Austrian Eco-labelmandatory field
    • Austrian Eco-label is a mandatory field.
    Publication of event datamandatory field
    • Publication of event data is a mandatory field.

    Please fill in at least one organiser (national and/or international).

    Organiser 1

    • Company/Organisation is a mandatory field.
    Titlemandatory field
    • Title is a mandatory field.
    • First name is a mandatory field.
    • Last name is a mandatory field.
    • Street is a mandatory field.
    • ZIP code is a mandatory field.
    • City is a mandatory field.
    • Country is a mandatory field.
    • Phone (e.g. +43…) is a mandatory field.
    • Email is a mandatory field.
    • Please enter a valid email address.
    • Email address valid

    Organiser 2 (optional)

    • Please enter a valid email address.
    • Email address valid

    The information provided under "Event details" will be published on our website and in the meeting calendar on the Austrian Convention Bureau website, unless the "confidential" option has been selected. Specification/publication of the "assigned agency" is voluntary and takes place on the legal basis of consent, which can be revoked at any time (see below), in accordance with Article 6 GDPR. 

    The processing of all data provided in order to send queries or carry out statistical evaluation is for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Vienna Tourist Board in accordance with Article 6 GDPR. The data subject may have a right to object under Article 21 GDPR. All data are saved in our database and deleted or anonymized if consent is withdrawn.

    See our data protection policy for further details.

    By submitting this form, I consent to the publication in the online meeting calendar of the information on third parties provided in the "Event information" section above, unless "confidential" has been selected. This consent can be withdrawn at any time (by email to [email protected]). 

    • Error: Please wait a moment, verification is still in progress.
    • Error: Please try again. If the error continues to occur, it means we cannot identify you as a human being. You will not be able to send the form for security reasons.