Wikidata:Property proposal/sponsor

sponsor/introduced by/proposed by


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Person

   Not done
Descriptionperson who presents a bill or resolution to a legislature for consideration
Representssponsor (Q7579032)
Data typeItem
Domainhuman (Q5)
Example 1Health and Social Care Act 2012 (Q5690771)Andrew Lansley (Q333276)
Example 2Danish Popular Education Act (Q12311795)Margrethe Vestager (Q270820)
Example 3North Carolina Identity Theft Protection Act of 2005 (Q7054544)Daniel G. Clodfelter (Q5217216)
Planned usein the next month I intend to add this qualifier to all instances of act of the Parliament of Denmark (Q113627831)
Wikidata projectWikiProject Law (Q8486941)



Similar to introduced on (P9448), this property describes who introduced a bill into a legislature, often a member of government. This is different from sponsor (P859) (commercial sponsor of e.g. sport teams), even though both concepts (sponsor (Q152478) and sponsor (Q7579032)) are called “sponsor” in English. C960657 (talk) 22:59, 23 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]

