Wikidata:Property proposal/main upper course

main upper course


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Natural science

   Not done
Descriptionhydrological feature describes main upstream following (not necessarily linked) watercourse/headstream/course/reach with different name determined on the basis of hydrological criteria
Representsupper course (Q2182740)
Data typeItem
Template parameterfor articles with filled parametr |zdrojnice= in cs:template:Infobox - vodní tok
Domainwatercourse (Q355304)
Allowed valuesInstance of subclasses of watercourse (Q355304)
Example 1Regen (Q317036)Schwarzer Regen (Q19655112) with qualifier criterion used (P1013) = length (Q36253)
Example 2Schwarzer Regen (Q19655112)Großer Regen (Q17778628) with qualifiers criterion used (P1013) = length (Q36253) & discharge (Q8737769)
Example 3Amazon (Q3783)Marañón River (Q200174) with qualifier criterion used (P1013) = discharge (Q8737769)
Example 4Amazon (Q3783)Ucayali River (Q200952) with qualifier criterion used (P1013) = length (Q36253)
Planned useuse it for rivers



Rivers have different names in their upper courses and this is the way how to define (and find) main watercourse determined on the basis of hydrological criteria (river lenght, catchment area, discharge). -xfi- (talk) 20:57, 20 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]

