Wikidata:Property proposal/Indiana Plant Atlas ID

Indiana Plant Atlas ID


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Natural science

Descriptionidentifier for a plant species, subspecies, or variety in the Indiana Plant Atlas
RepresentsIndiana Plant Atlas (Q123199826)
Data typeExternal identifier
Domainitem; taxon (Q16521)
Allowed values[1-9]\d*
Example 1Rudbeckia triloba var. rupestris (Q24691277)6
Example 2Allium tricoccum (Q2714893)97
Example 3Antennaria plantaginifolia (Q15524973)166
Example 4Packera plattensis (Q7122973)457
Example 5Iris brevicaulis (Q15570542)1000
Example 6Frangula alnus (Q146136)1247
Example 7Najas guadalupensis subsp. olivacea (Q24688841)3488
Example 8Amelanchier arborea ×A. humilis (Q123219881)3637
Example 9Asarum canadense var. acuminatum (Q111512574)3846
Planned useadding to items edited or created
Expected completenesseventually complete (Q21873974)
Formatter URL$1
See alsoAlabama Plant Atlas ID (P6137), Atlas of Florida Plants ID (P6159), New York Flora Atlas ID (P10333), Maryland Plant Atlas ID (P11083), Flora of New Jersey Project atlas ID (P12114)
Applicable "stated in"-valueIndiana Plant Atlas (Q123199826)



The Indiana Plant Atlas (Q123199826) is a joint effort by the Consortium of Indiana Herbaria (Q123199837) and Friesner Herbarium (Q123199844) "to provide users with a comprehensive searchable database of plants that occur growing outside of cultivation in Indiana." It includes information on the species, subspecies, and varieties of plants of Indiana, with distribution maps, photographs, status, taxonomy, common names, and specimen data, and links to other resources. AdamSeattle (talk) 04:50, 28 October 2023 (UTC)[reply]

