Wikidata:Events/IRC office hour 2021-10-20


  1. Anupamdutta73
  2. Auregann
  3. Csisc1994
  4. Jan_ainali
  5. JeroenDeDauw
  6. lucaswerkmeister
  7. mahir256
  8. masssly
  9. Mike
  10. moebeus
  11. Nightrose
  12. Nikki
  13. salgo60
  14. Sam Alipio
  15. Susannaanas



2021-10-20T16:01:54 <Mohammed Sadat> Okay!
2021-10-20T16:01:55 <Mohammed Sadat> Now, let's begin with what happened around the development of Wikidata and Wikibase over the past few months. Over to you Lydia & Sam :)
2021-10-20T16:02:11 <Lydia Pintscher> Hey everyone
2021-10-20T16:02:22 <Lydia Pintscher> Lot's of things happened in the last 3 months around Wikidata.
2021-10-20T16:02:59 <Lydia Pintscher> The most anticipated one is probably the Query Builder. The first version has been released and I hope you had a chance to try it out. If not you can give it a go here:
2021-10-20T16:03:28 <Lydia Pintscher> It can't do all the magic SPARQL can do but it is pretty powerful and hopefully opens up querying to more people.
2021-10-20T16:04:26 <Lydia Pintscher> In other news around the Query Service: The search team at the WMF has just released the new straming updater for the Query Service.
2021-10-20T16:04:58 <Lydia Pintscher> This new updater will make it possible for more edits to be sent to the query service as they happen on Wikidata.
2021-10-20T16:05:28 <Lydia Pintscher> So far this has been a major bottle neck for keeping the query service up-to-date and allowing more edits to happen in Wikidata per minute.
2021-10-20T16:05:37 <Nikki> is the new updater what's needed for real time updates for sdc?
2021-10-20T16:05:48 <Lydia Pintscher> I am not sure. We can ask the team.
2021-10-20T16:05:57 <Nikki> ok
2021-10-20T16:06:28 <Lucas Werkmeister> I wouldn’t think they’re directly related, but I might be wrong
2021-10-20T16:06:44 <Lydia Pintscher> We also made improvements to constraints. For example you can now restrict a constraint to a certain entity type so for example it only applies to Items and not Lexemes.
2021-10-20T16:07:00 <Lydia Pintscher> We also added a new constraint type to ensure that the Item has a label in a particular language
2021-10-20T16:07:11 <Lydia Pintscher> and the “distinct values” constraint type now supports the “separator” parameter.
2021-10-20T16:07:49 <Nikki> \o/ I've been making plenty of use of the first and last of those :D
2021-10-20T16:07:51 <Lydia Pintscher> Then we worked on a number of things related to data integrity. For example we fixed a bug that made it possible for two Items to have the same sitelink or for two Properties to have the same Label.
2021-10-20T16:08:15 <Lydia Pintscher> We also fixed an issue with invalid dates that the API accepts but should not
2021-10-20T16:08:45 <Lydia Pintscher> And we changed the formatting of low year numbers so that they now show as e.g. “5 CE” instead of “5” to reduce ambiugity in dates like “March 5 (CE)”. That should make it less likely for people to enter wrong data.
2021-10-20T16:09:05 <Houcemeddine Turki> reply to <Lydia Pintscher> "We also made improve…" We have advocated for this for a long time. Data integrity will bring Wikidata to the next level.
2021-10-20T16:09:14 <Lydia Pintscher> Behind the scenes we made a number of performance improvements. For example saving an edit should now be twice as fast.
2021-10-20T16:10:00 <Moebeus> reply to <Lydia Pintscher> "Behind the scenes we…" say whaaaa? That's amazing! 👏👏👏👏
2021-10-20T16:10:00 <Lydia Pintscher> And we have overhauled the system that propagates edits from Wikidata to Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia projects. Nothing should have changed for editors but under the hood it's better (TM).
2021-10-20T16:11:01 <Lydia Pintscher> And to better understand and identify edits we added edit tags for all edits made through the UI so that we can all better see which edits are made via the Wikidata UI and which ones are made via tools, bots etc.
2021-10-20T16:11:49 <Lydia Pintscher> And last but not least we have the Mismatch Finder that is in progress. It's a tool that will help us improve Wikidata's data by allowing review of data that is different in Wikidata and another database/website/etc.
2021-10-20T16:12:12 <Lydia Pintscher> The system is coming together and you can take a sneak peek at it here:
2021-10-20T16:12:27 <Mohammed Sadat> reply to <Lydia Pintscher> "I am not sure. We ca…" pokes @zbyszko_p
2021-10-20T16:12:28 <Anupam Dutta> Are there any mobile app for Wikidata?
2021-10-20T16:12:30 <Houcemeddine Turki> reply to <Lydia Pintscher> "And to better unders…" Excellent work. This goes in line with what @frimelle has done regarding research on bot edits of Wikidata.
2021-10-20T16:12:31 <Lydia Pintscher> However do keep in mind that it is not finished yet and still more work needs to go into it before it is really usable.
2021-10-20T16:12:49 <Lydia Pintscher> And with that I am handing over to Sam for Wibase news.
2021-10-20T16:13:22 <Sam Alipio> Hello everyone, since last we met in July, plenty of interesting things have been happening on the Wikibase side of the house at Wikimedia Germany
2021-10-20T16:13:43 <Sam Alipio> Over the past months, we continued work on the expanded Wikidata-Wikibase federation feature (Federated Properties v2) that we kicked off development work on over the summer.
2021-10-20T16:14:08 <Sam Alipio> The goal of this initiative is to expand the recently released Federated Properties v1 feature with additional functionality, including the ability to have custom local properties in addition to remote properties.
2021-10-20T16:14:27 <Sam Alipio> Our plan now is to deploy an experimental version of this feature to a public testing environment by the end of 2021 to gather feedback from users.
2021-10-20T16:14:44 <Sam Alipio> We will start conducting testing with interested Wikibase users and projects once we have set that site up.
2021-10-20T16:15:11 <Sam Alipio> Secondly, Wikibase engineers have also been contributing to the WBstack open source project (, including improving their WBstack Query Service Updater and deploying ElasticSearch to wikis.
2021-10-20T16:15:34 <Sam Alipio> Besides improving performance for the 100s of Wikibases hosted on, this was also a great learning opportunity for our development team.
2021-10-20T16:15:47 <Sam Alipio> And now, back to Mohammed
2021-10-20T16:15:54 <Mohammed Sadat> alright
2021-10-20T16:16:03 <Mohammed Sadat> Now, let's have a quick overview of what happened outside of all the development things
2021-10-20T16:16:09 <Mohammed Sadat> We had 2 new admin RfPs in the last 3 months. One was successful. Welcome onboard BrokenSegue \o/
2021-10-20T16:16:17 <Mohammed Sadat> on projects
2021-10-20T16:16:21 <Mohammed Sadat> WikidataCon 2021 is here \o/
2021-10-20T16:16:27 <Mohammed Sadat> in just 9 days from October 29th to 31st, the largest gathering of the Wikidata community will begin
2021-10-20T16:16:39 <Mohammed Sadat> the conference theme is “A sustainable future for Wikidata” and it will have some parts dedicated to people who want to learn more about Wikidata, some workshops and discussions for the community to share skills and exchange about their practices
2021-10-20T16:16:51 <Mohammed Sadat> and some space left to include side events for specific projects (WikiCite, Wikibase, GLAM, etc.)
2021-10-20T16:16:58 <Mohammed Sadat> Registration is still open, you will need to register in order to get access to the program, so please head to d:Wikidata:WikidataCon 2021 and do that now :)
2021-10-20T16:17:06 <Mohammed Sadat> this year's event is organized jointly with Wiki Movimento Brasil. @Érica and team, many thanks for your tireless efforts <3
2021-10-20T16:17:13 <Mohammed Sadat> And as tradition goes, we’re celebrating the 9th birthday of Wikidata on October 29 during the WikidataCon 🎂
2021-10-20T16:17:24 <Mohammed Sadat> At this occasion, some people develop new tools, add features to existing tools, create logos or templates and present it to the community.
2021-10-20T16:17:32 <Mohammed Sadat> You can even be creative and produce a piece of art, a song, a poem... anything that is celebrating Wikidata or that is useful for its community is very welcome
2021-10-20T16:17:39 <Mohammed Sadat> Once you prepare a gift, add it to d:Wikidata:Ninth Birthday/Presents with all the relevant links
2021-10-20T16:17:42 <Mohammed Sadat> Hope to see you all at the WikidataCon!
2021-10-20T16:17:59 <Mohammed Sadat> The Wikimania conference in August saw some interesting community sessions related to Wikidata and Wikibase. Many thanks to everyone who participated
2021-10-20T16:18:11 <Mohammed Sadat> Also in this quarter we organized Data Quality Days focusing on data quality on Wikidata. The Data Quality Days are a series of gatherings that took place from September 8th to 15th. Many of you came to discuss and create tools that can be useful when working on data quality <3 The slides and replays can be accessed at d:Wikidata:Events/Data Quality Days 2021
2021-10-20T16:18:19 <Mohammed Sadat> New tools were created by the community over the past months. Here are a few of them:
2021-10-20T16:18:25 <Mohammed Sadat> SPARQL query generator for lexicographical data -->
2021-10-20T16:18:30 <Mohammed Sadat> Wikidata2ical --> it provides an ical file for each Wikidata entity that has start time (P580) and end time (P582) --> d:User:Shisma/wikidata2ical.js
2021-10-20T16:18:41 <Mohammed Sadat> One other cool tool we saw this quarter was Face The Facts mobile app. It allowed people to scan posters during the German elections, and see facts about politicians:
2021-10-20T16:18:49 <Mohammed Sadat> New userscrips were written. Some of them are
2021-10-20T16:18:58 <Mohammed Sadat> d:User:Mahir256/syndepgraph.js is used to make interesting SVG-based syntactic dependency graphs generated with d:Template:Syndepgraph to appear
2021-10-20T16:19:06 <Mohammed Sadat> d:User:So9q/duplicate item.js is a userscript that can duplicate the current item, minus sitelinks and descriptions (not allowed by Wikidata)
2021-10-20T16:19:11 <Mohammed Sadat> d:User:Inductiveload/scripts/ShowQsAndPs shows the Q and P IDs on Items
2021-10-20T16:19:25 <Mohammed Sadat> One of the newest WikiProjects started over the past months was d:Wikidata:Neighborhood Public Art in Boston
2021-10-20T16:19:34 <Mohammed Sadat> WikiProjects are the place where you can team up with others with a particular focus to improve Wikidata. Do check them out and add new ones to the weekly summary!
2021-10-20T16:19:46 <Mohammed Sadat> A few milestones this past quarter
2021-10-20T16:19:53 <Mohammed Sadat> Wikidata reached the 10000th numbered property, with the creation of P10000
2021-10-20T16:19:53 <Mohammed Sadat> Wikidata now has over 600,000 Lexemes!
2021-10-20T16:20:01 <Mohammed Sadat> Wikidata now has over 150,000 Senses on Lexemes!
2021-10-20T16:20:14 <Mohammed Sadat> d:User:SuccuBot made its 100.000.000th edit. It is the first user account in Wikidata to reach this milestone
2021-10-20T16:20:19 <Mohammed Sadat> And finally, here are a few interesting things to watch and read in different languages
2021-10-20T16:20:27 <Mohammed Sadat> Mapping Diversity Puts The Gender Gap of Toponymy On Paper (in Italian) -->
2021-10-20T16:20:34 <Mohammed Sadat> One of the WikiCite grant project was to build a Wikidata course in video, the result is a collection of interactive videos in 4 languages and counting. Read more about it on diff
2021-10-20T16:20:42 <Mohammed Sadat> Guide to fetch Wikipedia data from Wikidata (in Hindi) -->
2021-10-20T16:20:49 <Mohammed Sadat> Wikidata: Behind the Scenes of the Great Wikipedia Data Repository (in Spanish) -->
2021-10-20T16:20:56 <Mohammed Sadat> Introduction to Wikidata SPARQL query service (in Arabic) -->
2021-10-20T16:21:04 <Mohammed Sadat> @siobhanleachman and @Jan_ainali were featured on Q108700243 talking about Wikidata. Listen to their podcast here:
2021-10-20T16:21:20 <Mohammed Sadat> As always, special \o/ to @Jan_ainali for organizing the Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing sessions in Swedish & English, to Wiki Movimento Brasil for running the Wikidata Labs + what they’re already doing with WikidataCon, and to @Nicolas_VIGNERON for doing the SPARQL tutorials in French
2021-10-20T16:21:31 <Mohammed Sadat> Also @Envlh has been organizing weekly Lexeme editing challenges over the past months <3 Read more about how to participate:
2021-10-20T16:21:40 <Mohammed Sadat> and finally, if you’re interested to look up interesting SPARQL queries, @MKar has been collecting them here d:Wikidata:Weekly query examples. Many thanks Mrutyunjaya
2021-10-20T16:21:50 <Mohammed Sadat> As a reminder…
2021-10-20T16:21:59 <Mohammed Sadat> We have the next bug triage hour on Monday, November 15th, at 18:00 CET. Topic will be the d:Wikidata:REST API feedback round
2021-10-20T16:22:11 <Mohammed Sadat> If you haven’t been to any of the bug triage hours so far: they are online events where Lydia publicly works on triaging Phabricator tasks while collecting the wishes and needs from the Wikidata community d:Wikidata:Events#Wikidata bug triage hour
2021-10-20T16:22:15 <Mohammed Sadat> At the next event, we will look at existing API issues and how we could make things better with the upcoming REST API.
2021-10-20T16:22:35 <Mohammed Sadat> And finally (really finally this time before I bring back Lydia and Sam) The 3rd edition of the Coolest Tool Award is looking for nominations. We hope you’ll nominate your favorite Wikidata tools. Please submit your favorite tools by October 27th: m:Coolest Tool Award
2021-10-20T16:22:43 <Mohammed Sadat> If you want to know more about the cool things that other community members are doing, or add more to the list: please consider subscribing & contributing to the Wikidata newsletter :) d:Wikidata:Status updates
2021-10-20T16:22:53 <Mohammed Sadat> Now, What’s coming next for Wikidata & Wikibase?
2021-10-20T16:22:58 <Mohammed Sadat> Over to you again Lydia and Sam
2021-10-20T16:23:07 <Lydia Pintscher> So many cool things going on :D
2021-10-20T16:23:15 <Lydia Pintscher> So next on the Wikidata side:
2021-10-20T16:23:53 <Lydia Pintscher> We'll continue working on the Mismatch Finder to get it to version 1 and then work with partners and editors to get mismatches that can then be reviewed in the tool.
2021-10-20T16:24:46 <Lydia Pintscher> And we'll start coding on the improvements to Lexemes. Specifically we will start with rewriting Special:NewLexeme to make it more understandable for people who are maybe not super versed in lexicography.
2021-10-20T16:24:57 <Lydia Pintscher> How about the Wikibase side of things?
2021-10-20T16:25:21 <Sam Alipio> In the coming months we will continue our earlier work on the “Wikibase as a Service” topic by developing our beta platform based on WBstack.
2021-10-20T16:25:39 <Sam Alipio> The goal is to provide the ecosystem with another option for easily creating new Wikibases, opening up more possibilities for open knowledge projects to get started with Wikibase.
2021-10-20T16:25:56 <Sam Alipio> We will be sharing more information about this future initiative during the Wikibase track of WikidataCon.
2021-10-20T16:26:12 <Sam Alipio> In November, we expect to publish the second Wikibase release of the year, based on MediaWiki 1.36.
2021-10-20T16:26:27 <Sam Alipio> As with our Spring release, there will be detailed release notes provided so you can see what is new and different before deciding to install/update.
2021-10-20T16:27:15 <Sam Alipio> Around the time of the new release, we’ll be conducting a second round of our Installation Experience and Software Updating Experience surveys. These surveys are meant to help us continuously improve the experience of installing and upgrading your software.
2021-10-20T16:27:25 <Nikki> reply to <Mohammed Sadat> "[[d:User:Inductivelo…" I already had which (as far as I can tell) works better. mine supports lexemes and adding IDs after edits are made, which that one doesn't seem to
2021-10-20T16:27:43 <Sam Alipio> Thank you to everyone who completed the first surveys, the results of which were published here in August: We got some very insightful responses from the first round!
2021-10-20T16:27:59 <Mohammed Sadat> reply to <Nikki> "I already had https:…" cool
2021-10-20T16:28:02 <Sam Alipio> And that's it for today from team Wikibase.
2021-10-20T16:28:22 <Mohammed Sadat> that was it.
2021-10-20T16:28:32 <Mohammed Sadat> thanks sam and lydia
2021-10-20T16:28:32 <Mohammed Sadat> Now do you have any questions for us :D
2021-10-20T16:28:42 <Susanna Ånäs> 👏👏👏
2021-10-20T16:28:50 <Magnus Sälgö> Are you working with any externals on integrating with the Mismatch Finder
2021-10-20T16:29:57 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Magnus Sälgö> "Are you working with…" There are a number of interested partners already, yes. Which ones actually deliver is of course to be seen. But my hope is that once this becomes an established thing more and more of the larger partners especially will jump on it.
2021-10-20T16:30:03 <Lydia Pintscher> Fingers crossed!
2021-10-20T16:30:23 <Lydia Pintscher> If you know partners who we shoudl specifically talk to about it please let me know.
2021-10-20T16:32:07 <Jan Ainali> A big discussion on Swedish Wikipedia is currently the epic of improved watchlists on the client. Are we expecting improvements soon? (Ie. we still see labels and descriptions in other languages, sitelinks in other languages being added and some other stuff that does not result in a change in the article being watched)
2021-10-20T16:32:49 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Jan Ainali> "A big discussion on …" Those should have been improved already. It'd be very useful to look at specific examples of remaining issues if you have them.
2021-10-20T16:33:14 <Lydia Pintscher> One issue might be that the Lua module requests the whole entity and then we have a hard time figuring out that only a small part is needed of the whole Item.
2021-10-20T16:33:21 <Lydia Pintscher> But I'd need to look at specifics.
2021-10-20T16:35:07 <Magnus Sälgö> reply to <Lydia Pintscher> "There are a number o…" MisMatchFinder

2021-10-20T16:35:27 <Jan Ainali> <photo> From my watchlist right now, all Wikidata edits are sitelinks
2021-10-20T16:35:27 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Magnus Sälgö> "MisMatchFinder

  • may…" Thanks! I'll have a look.

2021-10-20T16:36:11 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Jan Ainali> "<photo> From my watc…" Thank you! Will have a closer look later. (Needs too much investigation to do it right now.)
2021-10-20T16:36:24 <Mohammed Sadat> Is there anything else that anyone would like to highlight?
2021-10-20T16:37:01 <Mohammed Sadat> who is planning to participate in the WikidataCon?
2021-10-20T16:37:07 <Jan Ainali> o/
2021-10-20T16:37:17 <Lydia Pintscher> o/
2021-10-20T16:37:19 <মাহির মোরশেদ> o/
2021-10-20T16:37:22 <Mohammed Sadat> o/
2021-10-20T16:37:22 <Sam Alipio> o/
2021-10-20T16:37:28 <Jeroen (Professional.Wiki)> ~=[,,_,,]:3
2021-10-20T16:37:45 <Susanna Ånäs> o/
2021-10-20T16:37:48 <Lucas Werkmeister> o/
2021-10-20T16:37:50 <Léa ~ Auregann> \o/
2021-10-20T16:38:11 <Mohammed Sadat> awesome
2021-10-20T16:38:32 <Mohammed Sadat> and what are you looking forward to the most at the conference?
2021-10-20T16:39:36 <Lydia Pintscher> hearing about all the cool things people are doing that i have never heard of so far
2021-10-20T16:40:00 <Jan Ainali> Everything in the main programlooks really interesting!
2021-10-20T16:40:38 <Sam Alipio> the Wikibase track looks awesome!
2021-10-20T16:40:49 <Sam Alipio> but I might be biased
2021-10-20T16:41:08 <Léa ~ Auregann> The birthday presents! By the way, the lightning talks session will take place on Day 3, and you can still register to present a project :)
2021-10-20T16:41:09 <Mike> Hi People! Very impressive presentation today. I've been wondering, is there any way for outside volunteers to help with the technical improvements and features? if so, where should I start? (I'm already on Phabricator, not sure what I could help with)
2021-10-20T16:42:11 <Lucas Werkmeister> hm, I don’t think we have a lot of resources for that at the moment
2021-10-20T16:42:18 <Lucas Werkmeister> e.g. we don’t tag our issues with “good first task” or anything like that
2021-10-20T16:42:23 <Lucas Werkmeister> which areas are you interested in? :)
2021-10-20T16:42:39 <Anupam Dutta> Is there any mobile app for Wikidata
2021-10-20T16:43:18 <Mohammed Sadat> reply to <Anupam Dutta> "Is there any mobile …" not yet, but there're many specialized apps though
2021-10-20T16:43:49 <Anupam Dutta> Can you give example
2021-10-20T16:44:10 <Mohammed Sadat> lingualibre is one of them
2021-10-20T16:44:27 <Mohammed Sadat> mixnmatch does work well on mobile too
2021-10-20T16:44:34 <Anupam Dutta> Ok
2021-10-20T16:44:58 <Mohammed Sadat> speedpatrolling, wikidata game, are others too
2021-10-20T16:45:17 <Mike> reply to <Lucas Werkmeister> "which areas are you …" Currently I know Python & PHP and I'm really interested in Quality Assurance & Performance Improvements

I don't have any particular projects in mind at this time, though I've been trying to get more active on Wikidata.
2021-10-20T16:45:55 <Mike> I remember giving a presentation about Wikidata Bridge back when the project was first introduced, is that an area that is open to contributions?
2021-10-20T16:46:35 <Lucas Werkmeister> well, Bridge would be in TypeScript, but at least it’s one of our more modern code bases ^^
2021-10-20T16:47:00 <Lucas Werkmeister> there might be some fairly low-hanging fruit in the WikibaseQualityConstraints extension, if you’re interested in data quality
2021-10-20T16:47:01 <Mike> reply to <Lucas Werkmeister> "well, Bridge would b…" I loved the idea, so maybe it's time for me to learn Typescript 😂
2021-10-20T16:47:18 <Lydia Pintscher> 😂
2021-10-20T16:47:23 <Lydia Pintscher> Excellent
2021-10-20T16:47:59 <Mike> 😁
2021-10-20T16:48:06 <Mike> reply to <Lucas Werkmeister> "there might be some …" Thanks, I'll check it out
2021-10-20T16:48:37 <Lydia Pintscher> are the open tickets for the Wikidata Bridge. Not all of them are probably super clear. Feel free to ask!
2021-10-20T16:48:58 <মাহির মোরশেদ> So what's still blocking T285156?
2021-10-20T16:49:01 <Lydia Pintscher> And here is the one for constraints:
2021-10-20T16:49:20 <মাহির মোরশেদ> (similar question wrt T284808)
2021-10-20T16:49:40 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <মাহির মোরশেদ> "So what's still bloc…" Currently I'd love to have 1 or two more people chime in on my question. If I don't get that I guess I'll just make a call.
2021-10-20T16:50:03 <Mike> reply to <Lydia Pintscher> "And here is the one …" Thanks Lydia! 😁👍🏻
2021-10-20T16:50:14 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <মাহির মোরশেদ> "(similar question wr…" That I had not looked at closely yet. Will put it on my list.
2021-10-20T16:50:54 <Mohammed Sadat> Is there's anything else on your mind you'd like to ask to the team about Development?
2021-10-20T16:50:57 <Mohammed Sadat> We're approaching the end of the office hour
2021-10-20T16:53:01 <Mohammed Sadat> if there no more questions then I think we an wrap things up then
2021-10-20T16:53:12 <Jan Ainali> A general question: do you feel understaffed? Ie. would you want more resources?
2021-10-20T16:53:14 <Mohammed Sadat> Thanks so much everyone for attending and asking questions
2021-10-20T16:54:08 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Jan Ainali> "A general question: …" There is definitely more to do than we can do, yeah. But I guess that's a general issue in the movement?
2021-10-20T16:54:39 <Jan Ainali> Sure, but they can often be addressed differently
2021-10-20T16:54:55 <Lydia Pintscher> *nod*
2021-10-20T16:55:13 <Jan Ainali> In some places a bag of money doesn't help, in other they do wonders
2021-10-20T16:55:24 <Lydia Pintscher> heh true
2021-10-20T16:56:29 <Lydia Pintscher> Conversation for over a beer when we meet again? :D
2021-10-20T16:56:43 <Mohammed Sadat> indeed :D
2021-10-20T16:57:10 <Mike> See you all in Wikimania 2022, hopefully!
2021-10-20T16:57:11 <Jan Ainali> Sure, but I will also keep poking people to give you more bags!
2021-10-20T16:57:21 <Lydia Pintscher> Haha ❤️
2021-10-20T16:57:30 <Mohammed Sadat> alright, thanks again everyone, see you around :)
2021-10-20T16:57:40 <Lydia Pintscher> Thanks everyone for coming :)
2021-10-20T16:57:49 <Sam Alipio> See everyone at the next office hour... next year!
2021-10-20T16:57:50 <Lydia Pintscher> See you in a few days at WikidataCon! \o/