
IMDb member since January 2019
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Stellar Dakota

Its My Show, of Course Im rating it 10
Its My Show, of Course I'm rating it 10; silly goose. However it is requested that I write a 600 letter review; so here we go. Once upon a time I started making videos on the internet, videos on many things but mostly playing video-games. Reviewing them and capturing my reactions as such. Sometimes we get sponsors, sometimes we don't; but that is okay. It really has come a long way since I first started. I mean, yea it's still pretty slow but it's still going strong. Maybe one day we will make more out of this fun little hobby. Thanks for listening to my tedtalk. Oh wait, 22 more characters to go, and we are done.

15 Months

A Beauty
An astronomically phenomenal short I might add. All around it is very entertaining to watch and it holds your attention every second of the way. I love to see Sean getting in touch with his filmmaker side, it was fate to happen anyways and I very much look forward to his future adventures in the industry.

In Space with Markiplier

Astronomically Phenomenal
And that concludes my review.. This was Phenomenal @Markipler . The overall quality was flawless, it flowed very smooth and the storyline was astronomically executed. The acting really added to this as well; I very much look forward to future projects. You've come a very long way from the start, let's see how far we can go. I cannot wait to see a Markiplier movie in theater one day, if you ever need help; I'm here.

Trinity of Love

Brittany is a great writer!
This does have a lot if potential, I hope to see a longer storyline this on the future!


Worth A Watch!
I found that this turned out great, I would recommend to anyone to give it a watch! Attacking them current world issues like a boss!

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