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Kinds of Kindness

As usual I'm torn about this type of movie.
I'm watch a lot of movies and I don't know if that earns me the title of cinephile. But even if it does, I'm more like your everyday guy who just likes movies, and definitely not a scholar of the genre. So I understand there are a lot of movies that are pieces of art and exercises in style, that are meant for a refined audience who can understand and appreciate that; but I am fully aware that's not me. All that to say that I can tell they are doing something like that with this movie and I know the right audience should appreciate it, even I can see it. But if you're a commoner like me, just skip it and use those 3 hours to watch 2 other movies instead.

When We First Met

Entertaining and pretty well done for the genre.
I'm always happy when I come across a romcom I haven't seen yet, and even though I was a bit skeptical at first considering the unoriginal premise (time travel / groundhog day) I am glad I gave it a go as they managed to make it feel fresh. If you're a fan of the genre like I am, it is a bit predictable but it's well written and the actors are doing a fairly good job at selling the story so you can still enjoy the ride. There is really not much more to say about this movie: it knows exactly what it set out to be and sticks to it throughout. Nothing more, nothing less. Just a good piece of entertainment, which I recommend.


Overhyped, as others have pointed out, but not bad.
I'm just going to repeat what others have already gone over in details: the promotion team for this movie are great at their job for creating a whole lot of hype for it. Unfortunately, the final product is definitely not what was promised as some kind of horror masterpiece with Nicholas Cage in a career defining role (or re-defining in his case). That being said, it's still a pretty well done, chilling horror/mystery movie, with good writing and directing, and fairly decent acting from all, including Nic Cage. Is it memorable? No. But is it enough to make a good movie night with your favorite choice of beverage? Absolutely.

This Is Where I Leave You

The excellent acting is selling the whole movie.
I really enjoyed this, even if some of the scenes and characters' decisions rubbed me the wrong way (but that's a me problem). I do think the story is pretty basic and there is not much of a "plot" per se, but it's very well written and directed. Mostly though, I think every single cast member absolutely nailed their role and are doing a fantastic job (I was surprised by how convincing Tina Fey was in a much more serious role than she is used to). And not only do they do a great job individually but they have undeniable chemistry between them, and it shows in the final product. All in all, I strongly recommend this family drama/comedy!


Overhyped in my opinion, but still good.
This movie has been on my list for a long time, especially since in certain circles it seems to have reached a bit of a cult status in recent years. And I think because of that my expectations were a bit skewed. First of all, I always heard how shocking it is and I assumed that it was referring to ultraviolent visuals, which is not necessarily the case. And while the script is somewhat original, it also doesn't always make a lot of sense if you think about it a little too long. That being said, it is very well directed, and for the most part, acting is on point (you need to be ok with the typical Asian cinema "overacting" at times). Overall not a bad movie, but not the masterpiece I was expecting.

Shiti Hanta

My 9/10 rating is only for the fans!!!
Let me start by saying that if you don't know City Hunter and/or are not a fan, this is definitely more of a 6/10, 7 at best. However I grew up reading the manga and watching the anime and I'm a superfan, so it's with that in mind that I am giving it a 9/10. I absolutely loved this adaptation (never been a fan of the Jackie Chan version and I refuse to even entertain the idea of watching that weird French one). I was impressed by how close to the original material this was, while still making it feel "real"; I only learned after the fact that the script was written by none other than the original mangaka Tsukasa Hojo, which makes a ton of sense. So for the general public: you need a healthy amount of suspension of disbelief and be ok with the typical Japanese "overacting" to even mildly enjoy this. For the long time fans, watch it right now!

X-Men: Apocalypse

Late review; still liking it upon re-watching it.
I only saw this once when it came out and gave it a 7/10 but never wrote a review so I'm fixing this. I will stick to the 7 as I think it is still a great continuation of the then-reboot of the X-Men franchise. It is however not as good as the previous one, which at the time of this review is still the best X-Men movie to date in my opinion. In essence, it is on par with the fist one (First Class) and if you liked one you will like the other. There are also plenty of references for the comic books fans (like me) and overall that is a pretty enjoyable superhero flick, even if by now even the superfans like me are feeling the superhero genre fatigue.

Winter's Bone

I was expecting something different.
I only hear about this movie recently from a couple of different sources coincidentally. And from what I heard, I thought this would be a lot darker and much more of a "mystery thriller" that keeps you guessing until the end. It kinda does that but the whole question of who did what is definitely not the main point of the movie. This is more of a family story revolving around a young girl, and the atmosphere is more bleak than dark and mysterious. Not to say that all of this is bad, but it's not what I expected and not necessarily my type of movie. That being said, it's very well written, directed, and acted.

Inside Out 2

Yes the previous one was more polished, but this is still very good.
Like many other reviewers, I do think the first one was a bit more polished. I also think it benefitted from the novelty aspect, which helped make it feel more original and fresh. That said, I think this is still very well done, with a layered script that can be appreciated in a very different way by both younger kids and adults alike. Voice acting is on point, animation is stellar, and it has equal parts heart and humor. And yes, while it's true that it never really reaches the same emotional level the first one did it's still very good and I do recommend it, especially watching it as a family!

Game Night

Refreshing comedy!
I don't know how I missed that when it came out back in 2018 but thanks, random clip posted on Instagram for putting it on my radar! Also this is one of those times when I wish you could give half starts because this is definitely more than 7/10, even if not quite an 8. It's pretty original, well acted, and quite funny; I've had more than a few genuine laughs throughout. But of course like with pretty much every movie in this genre you need a healthy amount of suspension of disbelief to just go along for the ride and appreciate it for what it is. If you're in though, I do recommend it as it is highly entertaining!

Bad Boys: Ride or Die

I was ready to be disappointed but it's not bad!
So it seems like I'm one of the few people who think the previous one was a great film to revive the franchise. But honestly I stand by it, and I thought they would just miserably fail if they tried to make more movies to milk that cash cow. So I went in skeptical and while I think (again, against popular opinion apparently) that it's not as great as the last one, it's still very entertaining. Sure it becomes a little predictable and the whole thing seems to be losing a bit of steam but I did enjoy it for what it is and if you don't overthink it too much, you'll probably have a good time as well.

X: First Class

Great way to reboot the franchise!
I'm surprised I didn't write a review when I first saw in theaters. I must admit that I wasn't necessarily looking forward to it back then because 1. Every previous movie had been worse than the precedent, and 2. I don't like prequels in general. But I was very gladly surprised by how well done and fun they managed to make this movie. As a lifelong X-Men comic book fan I was also very happy they tried to stay close to the original material, maybe more so than with previous movies. In hindsight though, it's clear that they were perfectly setting up the next movie, Days of Future Past, which I still think is the pinnacle X-Men movies; so for that if nothing else, I strongly recommend First Class.

Reign of Fire

I was entertained, which is the whole point.
So this is definitely not a great work of art, and it's full of things that don't quite make sense if you look a them a little too closely. But you know what, that's not the point. I remember seeing it when it first came out and being puzzled that it basically bombed. After rewatching it now, I still think it's a good piece of entertainment. Sure it didn't necessarily need Christian Bale and Matthew McConaughey's talent but that's a nice cherry on top. Special effects still hold up pretty well 22 years later and if you just feel like an easy watch for a popcorn night, you could do a lot worse than this.

Beverly Hills Cop

Peak 80s action comedy!
I grew up watching these movies so I do have fond memories of them. It had been well over 20 years since I had watched this one and I decided to watch the whole series before giving the new one that just came out a try. There are definitely many things about this movie that I may dislike if it had been made today; however most of them are acceptable considering when it was made. If you take it as a product of the 80s, then it's pretty great and holds up fairly well. Some fun action, decent jokes, and good chemistry between the actors really help making the whole thing go down smoothly. I think even the newer generation would get a kick out of it.

This Means War

A nice surprise.
I do like a good action rom com and they aren't that many so it's always a nice surprise when I think I've seen them all but I hear about one I missed. As many other reviewers have pointed out, you need to fully accept the silliness of it all to appreciate it. The premise is really pushing the limits of what we're ready to believe for the sake of comedy. But if you manage to do so, it's a pretty fun watch overall. Action scenes are pretty well done and the actors are all doing a great job at selling this for what it is. I had a couple of good genuine laughs here and there, which is as good as it gets for this type of movie. At the end of the day, don't try and take it too seriously and you'll have a good time.

Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes

A bit unnecessary, but a good watch.
I really enjoyed the last trilogy, which ended on an extremely high note. I gave War for the Planet of the Apes a 9/10, which is an extremely rare thing for me to do. And in my review for it I literally said it was so great "please don't try and milk the franchise by making a terrible sequel or spinoff". And here we are, they are doing just that with this spinoff. However, while I was a bit dismayed when I first heard it was going to be a thing I was intrigued by the high ratings so I decided to give it a try. And to my surprise, it is a fairly well done movie that has the right amount of the right ingredients. They are obviously setting it up for a new trilogy and hopefully they will maintain the quality, but I am still skeptical they'll manage to match what they did with the previous one.

Con Air

This is going to be wildly unpopular but...
I'm sorry but this really isn't a great movie, even by ludicrous 90s action flicks standards. Look, I'm not above over the top, ridiculous and cheesy action movies as I grew up in the 80s/90s on those and there are many I do enjoy and I think still hold up considering their specific genre. But I somehow never got to see this classic and my friends insisted I should give it a go. And while all the elements are there (preposterous action, dumb dialogue with cliché one-liners, stereotypical hero-type main character, etc.) for me they just didn't work well enough together to make this the entertaining 90 minutes I thought it would be. I ended up finding myself bored most of the time... so maybe it will work for you better than it did for me but I can't really recommend it.

The Talented Mr. Ripley

Good but should have been a lot better.
This is one of those famous movies that had been on my watchlist for years (decades even) and I only got to watch now. So I tried to keep my expectations in check but I was still a bit disappointed, but I am not quite sure why. In theory it has everything to be amazing: great actors delivering very good performances, period sets, props, and costumes that are on point, and an interesting premise. So why is it not a modern day noir-ish thriller worthy to be seen as Hitchcock successor? I think the directing and storytelling are the things that's is lacking here, resulting in an uneven pacing. At times you feel like they're going to fast (the first 15 minutes of set up for example) and in other places it drags on unnecessarily. And sometimes it's borderline clumsy and predictable. So all in all a good movie worth the watch, but maybe a bit of a missed opportunity.

Dream Scenario

Weird and not for everyone; but it's good!
If you're not into strange movies, just skip this one as it is quite strange. I'm glad I went in knowing nothing about it, though it was recommended to me as a "sci fi" movie and I don't thing it fits that genre. But I did enjoy the bizarre and original premise, and the feeling of not being quite sure where the movie was going at pretty much any point. And it's pretty accepted by now that Nicholas Cage is capable of the worst and the best performances; thankfully in this case it's the latter and he's doing a fantastic job here. Ultimately the movie will likely end in a way you don't expect, or even like, but it's worth the ride.

Hit Man

Good, and came really close to be great.
I'd say the first part of the movie is really great. I thought the story was very original, and Glen Powell was absolutely fantastic in establishing the setup. However it starts to lose a bit of steam halfway though, and even becomes a bit predictable. That is not to say that it's not enjoyable, far from it, but it's just good when it could have truly be a great movie. In the end, its flaws are becoming a bit too obvious but if you can maintain suspension of disbelief you will still have a good time. All in all I recommend it for something that feels fresh and different, at least in its premise and opening act.

Boy Kills World

Unapologetic style over substance flick that mostly works.
This movie does exactly what it set out to be: an absolutely over the top, excessively violent thrill ride with crazy fight scenes. It's definitely all about style, but I wouldn't say there is zero substance. In a way, it reminds me of Gunpowder Milkshake but it does work a bit better because it doesn't have the same flaws: there is some actual character development (I mean, that's mostly what the main character is about), and the fight scenes are actually pretty well executed. That said, it's still fairly basic and mostly predictable so I would only recommend it if you're a fan of this genre.

Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire

Entertaining but a bit of a let down.
I really enjoyed the previous one and even mentioned in my review of it that it was a great way to transition the franchise in a new and fresh direction so I was pretty hopeful about this one. And while it is a pretty decent movie and fairly entertaining, it feels like a big step back in the wrong direction from Ghostbusters: Afterlife. As many critics have mentioned, the core issue is that they tried to cram too many elements and characters in one movie, and the result is inconsistent pacing, little to no character development, and great actors struggling to do what they usually do best. All in all enjoyable, but also totally skippable.

Puss in Boots: The Last Wish

Wow. Went in skeptical, came out impressed!
I wanted to watch it because of all the hype, but was quite skeptical after watching the original one and found it to be a big meh. But Dreamworks has done an excellent job with this sequel. From the animation (the original and stylish fight scenes are great!) to the plot and character development everything is very impressive and extremely polished (voice acting is also on point but that is less surprising). I am not sure the younger kids can appreciate it, but any adult definitely will; I for one absolutely loved the darker tone and themes they decided to cover. I absolutely recommend it to anyone!

Puss in Boots

Eh, hope the sequel is worth watching this.
For some strange reason, while I usually really enjoy most animated movies I never really fully liked the Shrek universe... in fact I don't think I watched all of them. And so I was never interested in this spin-off. But it has come to my attention the recent sequel has gotten some crazy praise and rating so I am intrigued. And so I had to watch this one first to get some background... and it really confirms my feelings about the Shrek universe. It's a decent little animated movie but I am not sure why, it feels like something is missing. I think kids will like it but there are some grown-up jokes here and there so that probably makes for a nice family watch. I am now really hoping the second one lives up to the hype.

The Fall Guy

A bit of a disappointment.
Considering the cast and the premise I knew it was going some big action entertainment flick but I was still expecting a bit more substance. There are some impressive stunts (not CGI as can be seen in the behind the scenes footage during the end credits montage) but there isn't much more here. In fact for as supposedly thrilling action movie it is surprisingly so boring and flat at times that I found my attention drifting away (which rarely happens in movies). So all in all if you know what to expect and you just go in for some mindless visual entertainment you might enjoy yourself for the most part.

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