
IMDb member since November 2018
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Not really sure what they were going for here. Was it to get you to think about your current life and what could happen in the afterlife (if that's your belief)? Is it that people are caught in this never ending pit of purgatory or that if you've lived your life, well, there is that bright light that you can walk into. Not sure what the goal was but it makes for a goodnight of margaritas and a room of friends for a good philosophical discussion.

And on the other hand it could just be a very, very awful film that missed all intended objectives and goals. I'm thinking it's a mix of all things noted, that resulted in a bad movie.

Merry Liddle Christmas Baby

Just ok
A little entertaining, although the storyline was not as good as the first two in this series. I also missed seeing Debbi Morgan actually with and interacting as the family matriarch. Video calls just weren't the same. I don't know if this will be the last movie, but please writers, liven up the script if this series is going to continue. There were some real blah-blah scenes.


Not what I expected
I really wanted to like this movie. As a black/brown person who is very sensitive to the race and cultural issues that we face, however I'm not sure this is the right movie to bring about the issues of race more to the forefront. The political and racial stances just don't work for me in this film to the extent that they were imposed and infused. Moreover it jumped all over the place and was not easy to follow. I think it was just too metaphorical.

Crazy, Rich and Deadly

This was soooo slow. I really couldn't get into it until the last 20-25 minutes of the movie. It took 6 different attempts to finish this movie.


Cool mermaid show
This was a very entertaining show. It's a shame that it was canceled. Really hoping another network picks it up. It had great promise and there are a number of loose ends.

The Stranger She Brought Home

Not so good
It took 3 attempts to get through this movie. I mean was she really that desperate for a man that she had to hang around a hospital and wait for a hit & run victim to come out of a coma and then lie about them being engaged. It was really, really hard to feel sorry for her. I mean she's stalking people and then being a liar on top of that. She brought that drama into her life-I'm just sayin.


The acting was meh. The plot was interesting but I think it could have had a better script. I'm assuming that the ending was Anita losing her mind and now taking on the traits of her Alex. The ending had too many loose ends. What happened to Brandi and her boyfriend? I guess Alex was in fact dead and not just unconscious or in jail. Who knows????

Island of Bryan

Bad habit
This show needs to drop Sarah like a bad habit. When Bryan worked by himself, I loved watching him, but adding this on as a "family affair", isn't the answer. His wife is rude and a cry baby. I don't know how many times she has walked off, huffing and puffing when she didn't get her way. And quite frankly, I don't think her design choices are that great for all the kicking and screaming she does. I think the crew is quite tired of her as well. Sometimes, family simply can't work together and THIS is one of those times.

Unsellable Houses

Painfully Horrible
I literally cannot watch 5 minutes of this show. HGTV can do sooooo much better. If their marketing ploy was to sell us more "twins" (Property Brothers), then this a fatal failure. They have NO personality, no style and they do not know squit or squat about renovations or decorating. This show is certifiably and absolutely cringe worthy. Seriously, when this show comes on, I cannot switch the station fast enough. I really wish they would pull this mess. Yuck 🤢!

Mortal Kombat

I am a mortal kombat fan and this movie hit ALL the marks. For people wanting more dialogue, you're kidding right? For those that said the fight scenes were too fast, umm, flawless victory-duh. It was the right cast, for the right roles and I think executed wonderfully. The producer and director did a fantastic job.

Mermaid Down

A little interesting
I enjoy mermaid movies and it's really hard to luck out and get a good one. This was ok. Not great, but ok. I'm glad that it had a good ending tho.


I watched this movie (having to stop, pause and go back) because I was doing other things while watching, but what a waste. Like that's the ending that I get for all that? And please was she crazy or were they manipulating her? I think the latter but I guess we'll never know, will we? I gave it 3 stars for the acting, but otherwise it just wasn't a good movie.

Robin Roberts Presents: Mahalia

Loved this movie
Danielle did an awesome job playing Mahalia. She really brought Mahalia alive and well in 2021. I had heard that Danielle could sing, but that girl can saaannnggg. She's also a really talented actress. I really enjoyed all the actors (but not the portrayal of Martin too much), not really sure why he didn't quite fit me. But nevertheless, it got a 10/10 from me. Was it a totally accurate story w/o a little embellishment, absolutely not, but pretty accurate and on point,

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air: Reunion

This was so heartwarming and healing. This reunion brought back so many memories and pointed out so many teachable moments that as a youngster watching, I did not even realize. So happy that all of the cast was there (obviously except for Mr. James Avery) who to this day is still sorely missed.

And to top it all off, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that Will and Janet finally reconciled. Won't HE do it!!!

A Christmas Recipe for Romance

The RIGHT recipe
This movie had all the right ingredients for a terrific Christmas movie recipe. I loved that it wasn't "routine" in its story. With these s one you really didn't know what was coming next and it was interesting and not dull.

The Christmas Aunt

Didn't get the warm and fuzzies
I typically love LMN Christmas movies and I try to catch all the new LMN ones, but this just fell dry for me. Of course Keshia Knight Pulliam is always wonderful but I think it's the script. I had to rewind this movie 4x to get through it. It just did not keep my attention.

My Online Valentine

Nicely done
This was a nicely written, produced and directed movie. All of the characters had depth and there was a clear plot. Really enjoyed this romantic movie. It did make me hungry (tho)-lol, with all the food scenes.

Could This Be Love

What happened?
This movie was like 4 movies in one and no concept of how to get from one place to the other. There were some good actors playing the characters of the young Sandra, Terrance and Terrance's boss, but aside from this, it was awful. And pallleeeaassesse, someone explain to me why Sandra is in a wheelchair with no memory at the end, however Terrance who got shot twice, is seemingly perfect. Make it make sense, please.


I watched this movie because they alluded to the fact that the producers also worked on Get Out and Us, giving the impression that it was going to have a bit of flair like those movies. I was wrong. I really wish they would have just promoted it based on the actual writers and directors, but then I guess people would have been more skeptical.

It took me up to the Uber and phone scene to figure out that she had been kidnapped. The film just didn't make much sense up to that point.

Was there a horror, yes, in the fact that these people were really-enacting aspects of history and kidnapping black men and women to be their "slaves" was despicable and horrific. The fact that these were educated, professionals that were made to be nothing more than "cotton pickers", who were demeaned, marginalized, beat, murdered and belittled was a bit more than I bargained for with this movie.

The Lodge

Fell Flat
This movie started out eerily with the mom killing herself, but then it just spiraled into a dark abyss. Not to mention that it was so long and drawn out. The dollhouse contrasting with real life. The weird girlfriend, the dumb father (BTW-who leaves their children w/someone the kids just met after losing their mom to suicide???). Oh my goodness just a flat, dull and ridiculous movie.


Pretty good watch
I thought the storyline was intriguing and there was a lot of action throughout, with bits of drama and comedy thrown in. Vin Diesel, I thought was very good in this as well as the other actors. I loved Eiza's and Lamorne's characters.

Fantasy Island

It was a good take on the Fantasy Island 70's hit show. The movie itself at times seemed scattered and it seemed odd the way the crosses fantasies to get to the climatic ending. There were very dull, high and low points in terms of the storyline. The actors did the best they could with the script.


Crazy woman movie. Nothing new and out of the box. Woman wants a child and will do whatever it takes, including murder.

Pride & Prejudice: Atlanta

Loved this...
I thought the movie was very well done. The acting is 95.5% on point. Of course the veteran actors did their thing, but the newcomers held their own. Great adaptation. Victoria Rowell is aging gorgeously. And of course Jackèe Harry and Reginald VelJohnson are always dynamic. Good looking cast all around and very well balanced acting.

The Weekend

Not really...
This movie just didn't get all the way there. It rattled on at times and then didn't go there enough during other times. You were kind of left hanging with the characters in terms of their relationships. I suppose Zadie ended up with Aubrey. Not sure tho...it's implied, but again just kinda hanging there.

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