
IMDb member since September 2018
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    6 years



Great show, I enjoyed it
We don't get to see that many Roman era shows, but this one took the dramas of that time and put it into action, very much like I, Claudius which I throughly enjoyed. Very entertaining. The backlog of the characters was well portrayed, and throughly explained. This show doesn't lose steam, and keeps going strong. The costumes were fantastic, it made sense. Going into the roman world, there is a lot of intrigue, and this was captivated perfectly. The costumes, and the views, along with going back into an ancient world, and bring that to life was really something spectacular. This show has amazing themes, and overall great acting. Especially capturing a head of state in the Roman era, and how each character has their own personality, and believe so strongly. I loved how this was portrayed.

House of the Dragon: The Queen Who Ever Was
Episode 8, Season 2

A huge letdown.
It's hard not going from comparing fGOT to HOD, when the latter had the intelligence in dialog, but we are ones that surmised that the wit of GOT, was far greater with the Targaryen's, but we haven't seen that. There are hints with the towns people, some parts, with others. But just blemishes. Action is similar. Two tedious difficult people facing off. The talking was so much better before (GOT). The noir. Now this show is to show us not much there. The portrayals. Some good. But they're feeding us scraps bc (GOT) was a great show that they know people will watch.2 much Anticipation. Zzz boring lmao.

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

Very entertaining show
The acting is fantastic, very entertaining. It gets slow, there are some parts where you just want to fast forward, like the plots with the forest folk, they get too serious, and it's just so boring. Now fast forward, you get some really good stuff with the elves, the dwarves too. Very interesting. Numenor gets really boring too, when it's supposed to be fantastic, there's a politician who is suppose to be like Cicero, but not very engaging, loses your interest. The characters are very interesting though. The beginning is good. But they skip around parts to get to now. But overall love it.!!!!

The World Made Straight

Totally underrated story, I enjoyed it
This production doesn't stand out, but it's suppose to be that way, because it's gritty and about the Appalachia people, how they live very differently in a civilized world, there's terminology, in how they navigate with their communities. The actors made it, and overall, just an incredible job. The story is really good. This is sort of an unforgettable, older culture, and community of people that, go untamed in a modern world, living modernly with lots of old traditions, and ways much similar to the pioneers, but on the western United States, but their families and the families after that is how its explained to them. And a culture that never really gets explained, to where poverty line is tough, but the people survive, and are strong. The story is great, but it's different, how the past can define someone, and how a generation can affect a person, even when they weren't around, and were much differently. Kind of going through it with the reader. As is the lead played by Jeremy. Overall it was really good, and light hearted, and some deep moments.


Incredible... Show
Probably one of the best crime shows I've ever watched. It's a shame that the show has seemingly pendingly concluded.. which I hope is just a farce to keep us in store for what's to come. This show is too good to not revive, it will leave a lot of people wondering. And also, this show has a newfound following from Netflix that producers need to consider. Because it doesn't get much better than this. The nastaligia, the feelings, every sense takes you through DCI Mathias' head. & I think the cast wants to go on, but they don't know so there's a halt. But there is hope and that's all I can perhaps hope for. The return, but If not that's okay. But the huge following from Netflix will make a bigger following also in the UK and this is a big deal that needs to be taken into serious consideration before saying let's end this. Maybe like nothing ever happened, even though the things happen. Yes, He is the best detective and that is something of a ground to grow off of... maybe writers got a little carried away, of why he is the way he is. But I think its brilliant, they're brilliant, but hey. It's a privilege watching. And I'm so happy I watched.

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