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Comedy Inc.

Bum Vomit
Comedy Inc. is bum vomit. By bum vomit I am sure you realize what I mean exactly, I mean the liquidy unhealthy brown goo that oozes and explodes out of your bum after you've become incredibly sick after drinking a big glass of water straight from a ditch in one of the world's poorest third world countries. Comedy Inc is what you get when you feed a mentally challenged ape nothing but unripened apples for two straight weeks and then punch it in the stomach until it released it's bowels. I know that these feces related comments are very low brow and not very creative but guess what they are still infinitely better thought out and funnier than anything you will ever have the misfortune of having to sit through on this travesty of a show called Comedy Inc.

Late Night with Jimmy Fallon

Worst Late Night Show, Worst Late Night Host, Worst Late Night Writing, EVER.
Late Night with Jimmy Fallon is the single worst late night TV show I have ever had the displeasure to watch.

He has had enough time now to settle in to the job but he has not gotten one bit better! When will NBC admit that this show is a huge fail and just let it die already? Jimmy Fallon should not be on TV.

The monologues and his interviews are simply painful to watch and the jokes and skits he does are all just terrible. What are these people even attempting to do is beyond me and every time I try to watch this show I just end up staring at the screen wide-eyed wondering to myself "how does something this bad actually get put on TV?"

Jimmy Fallon should do everyone a favour, including himself, and get this show off TV for good. It's for his good too because in the long run he'll be remembered as the guy who had the late night talk show that was even worse than Chevy Chase's show. This show and Jimmy Fallon are just terrible.

He was also the worst Emmy host I have ever seen.

MTV Live

This show sucks!
I get the feeling the positive reviews here are by people who either work for the show or have friends/family who work for the show, otherwise I have no idea why they are being so violent in defending it. It's not the worst show ever but to be honest it is a very, very bad show. I guess some kids might like it so this show's not for me, but I've sat through it several times and it's completely pointless and I find the hosts vapid, uninteresting and not very bright. Also I wonder why a show for tweens etc would be hosted by 30/40ish year olds. The skits they do are always terribly unfunny. I find the ratings here (currently 2 out of 10) is about right, I give it a 1 because I really think this show is awful myself but I'm sure this show's target audience likes it okay. Luckily I can just turn the channel and not have to watch it!


Is There a Cure for Hiccups?
I hope there is a cure for Hiccups because this show is completely awful in every possible way a TV show can be.

I thought Dan for Mayor was a stinker but Hiccups is way way WAY worse than Dan for Mayor. Hiccups is maybe the worst show I have ever seen in my entire life.

Corner Gas was okay but I didn't really watch it and seeing these two shows, Dan for Mayor and most especially Hiccups, I wonder how these people were able to make a decent show to begin with.

These shows are both terrible but if you can only avoid one Hiccups is easily the worse of the two.

Hiccups stinks!!!

Girls Will Be Girls

Painfully Awful
At first I felt bad for anyone who had to work on this show because it must have been a really humiliating experience.

But then I realized that since they were obviously not famous or anything, any exposure is good exposure and it's not like people will recognize them in the streets or anything. Except maybe for me and other people who are so masochistic they make themselves sit through more than ten seconds of this garbage. Or in my case three whole episodes.

The people I feel bad for now are people like me who had to watch it. I think we are owed an apology by everyone who made this painfully awful show.

I only wish I could give it a zero out of ten.

Good Luck Chuck

One of the Worst "Comedies" Ever!
First off, Dane Cook sucks. I only went to see this movie because I had a free preview ticket. It was even worse than I was expecting (and I was expecting pretty bad, seeing as Dane Cook is in it). There is only one more laugh in this movie than I've ever gotten from Dane Cook (namely, one laugh, and it had nothing to do with Dane Cook's "performance").

Well, at least Dane Cook didn't steal any jokes in this movie, at least none that I noticed. Dan Fogler also delivered an extremely annoying character in the movie. A character that piggish should have been funny, but he somehow didn't get a single laugh from me, or the entire viewing audience.

(One unrelated note here, I was confused how we watched the entire movie and there was only one laugh, everyone was obviously bored, no less than five people walked out and still when it ended a few morons clapped?!?! Anyway back to the trashing this movie deserves...) This movie is being bashed by critics and it deserves it 110%. The plot is based on a ridiculous premise. I didn't notice the written by credits but it was so stupid and ill-contrived I'm assuming Dane Cook must have had a hand in it. On top of that, it's misogynistic (again talking about the Fogler character in particular) to an incredible degree but still can't get a single laugh out of it.

Do yourself a favor, see any movie other than this! Even if it's not a comedy, it will still be more funny. And even if it's a grade two student film made by a mentally challenged kid with A.D.D. it will have a more believable and heartfelt plot.

Looks like this movie has already bombed, which is great because it hopefully gets us one step closer to a Dane-free world. What an awful movie!

Saturday Night Live

Impossible to rate!
This show is impossible to rate. We all know Saturday Night Live started great in 1975 with Chevy Chase, John Belushi, and so many others. Then when they started leaving, the show got to suck. There are even a couple of seasons in there that were so bad they refuse to air the reruns in syndication. The show was good with Eddie Murphy. Then it got really good again, during the Hartman/Myers/Farley/Spade (again, so many others) years. Then they left, and the show has really sucked since, with the possible exception of Will Ferrell (if you like Will Ferrell, which I don't). I keep trying to give the show another chance, and it continues to disappoint. I was so happy when they apparently turned the whole show's cast over, but so far the new no-names aren't impressing at all. Amy Poehler's not bad. I think the main problem is the writing. SNL please get some new blood. Or bring back the old blood. Whatever, do something! The show is just lame and unfunny now. Hopefully things turn around and we end up with a great period of SNL again. If not, hopefully it gets canceled. It's pretty bad when Mad TV typically gets more laughs out of us that SNL.

Sex and the Matrix

Pretty good except for Jimmy Fallon......
This would have been a great spoof if Jimmy Fallon wasn't in it. He almost ruins this spoof with how bad he is which is ridiculous seeing as it is only a very short parody! Sarah Jessica Parker is great in her Sex and the City role even though she is not exactly focused on, she is more just a small bit part in the short movie.

The script is very funny and combines Sex and the City and the Matrix very well. If you have seen the show and the movie the Matrix or even if you have just seen one of them you will find this short film enjoyable to watch but I am not sure where you will ever see it again unless you get your hands on a tape of the awards broadcast or if they ever broadcast it again for some reason. It would be great if they put together some sort of a "best of the awards parodies" show and put this in it, but only if they could somehow replace Jimmy Fallon with computer effects, with another actor or just a computer generated one like a Star Wars character, really anything would be better than Jimmy Fallon. Or they could just delete him from it entirely or just put one of those black dots or fuzzy dots over him and have someone else record his dialogue to play over top.

Seriously Jimmy Fallon was that bad and annoying in this. Would give it a 9 but with him a 3 and a generous 3 at that because I would feel guilty giving the other people in it and the people who made this otherwise good short less than 3. Jimmy Fallon gets a -10 and they get a +13. Scores are out of +10.

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