
IMDb member since August 2018
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Another great space comedy!
This movie makes your brain hurt. There are so many faults here I don't know where to start.

1. Who locked the guy in? (No investigation into this?)

2. "Jim" from mission control asks the commander about the competency of the crew AFTER they launch?

3. Stowaway guy is frantic like crazy flipping out, and then suddenly he's like... I'm good... and all smiles.

4. It seems no one knows much about how to operate this ship except for the commander. If something happens to her, they're done for.

5. Why couldn't they abort the mission and turnaround? They had only just begun. (Earth was huge in window)

6. No backup life support systems for a 5+ month trip to MARS???

7. If command ship has BARELY enough oxygen for 3 people, then why does the launch vehicle have WAY more oxygen then was necessary? (Enough for another person to last 5 months+?)

8. Two scuba tank sized canisters of 02 can support a man for 5+ months?

9. The worlds greatest PhD's at Hyperion couldn't think of squat. They apparently forgot about the swimming pool worth of 02 on the launch vehicle.

10. Where are the safety tethers when climbing to the other ship??? She was going at with NO HANDS touching at some points!

11. Why not leave BOTH canisters till after the storm passes?

12. Why could they not wait out the storm in the launch vehicle? It had plenty of 02.

13. Where's the carabiner for the canister?

14. If she wanted to sacrifice herself for the guy, why not just inject herself with the shot?

15. This whole ordeal takes place from around Day 2 to maybe about Day 7 of a 5+ month trip. At the end, the doc see Mars slowly approaching in the distance. Seriously?

To make this movie much better, all they needed to do was add one final scene after the doctor was dead and gone. Have the somber crew open up a closet and another guy falls out. I would have given it at least 2 more stars for that!


Better than Big Hollywood Sci-Fi, but still could be better.
I enjoy seeing different types of alien invasion movies as much as anyone, and often I watch them and am very disappointed with the plot holes and shear stupidity.

I often enjoy low budget sci-fi movies better than the big budget hollywood ones, and Revolt was no exception.

What I liked:
  • I enjoyed the creative take on "electric robotic" aliens and the CGI was incredible for a low budget film. While many complained about the plot not making sense because we never find out why the aliens are invading or why they are taking people, this to me doesn't matter. Theoretically in this situation, you may never find out the true intent of the alien invasion - so this didn't bother me at all.

  • I liked that not every main character lived. In most big Hollywood fims, all the main characters SOME HOW pull thru. While I expected Bo to pull thru it all as the main overall character, I was pleasantly surprised that Nadia did not. It's just nice to see a little realism that "not everyone makes it".

What I didn't like: The US military is shown combating the alien onslaught in Kenya as the movie opens. Troops are down all over the place and the main character is blown off his feet. Later in the movie Bo and Nadia are stopped on the road by the Kenyan Army who threaten to kill Bo because there are rumors that the Americans are behind this. Secondly - later in the film they say the United States is no more, along with other countries, and they could be the last ones left. They also said that the satellites fell from the sky so there is no way to communicate with foreign nations.

Here is the conundrum with the above: How can America be behind it all if they don't exist anymore? And how do you know they don't exist anymore if you have no way of contacting them? Hmmm... kinda doesn't make sense at all. And not sure why they would think America could be behind it if the US military was clearly shown fighting and dying against these alien machines like everyone else. Seems like the creator of the movie didn't think this through first.

Also, the portrayal of combat in the film is the last thing from strategic. Everyone with a gun wants to run into the open to take a shot at the big bad alien with the weapon 100,000 times more powerful.. instant later they're smoke. Come on people, are we really this dumb?

Then the main character Bo was being used as a "tracker" by the alien army, how exactly did this work? It seems the aliens had no clue who he was until they "scanned" him. Then they were like - oh, you're the tracker - I don't kill you. That makes little to no sense as a tracking system. If I lost my keys and had no clue where they where until I saw them and scanned them with something and said - yep here they are - then it's a pointless system.

This is proven in the scene when Bo is shown sneaking up behind the aliens to throw a grenade at one of them. The aliens have no clue he's there until they scan him. Same thing on the street earlier on when he was injured. An alien had to scan him first. This was absolutely pointless.

Finally, I don't like it when movies make it seem like there is one random smart dude in the world who has figured out a way to "take 'em out" when the rest of the world - including the most educated and powerful nations "all couldn't figure it out - and are now toast". Give me a break. Not even half way through the movie I already figured out an effective strategy similar to what was used. I'm SURE many others around the world would have developed similar if not way better strategies and have been taking them down already.

But at least this isn't as dumb as "Independence Day" when hero Jeff Goldblum uploads a measly virus to wreck havoc on the WAY ULTRA ADVANCED ALIEN SUPER COMPUTERS because they're not smart enough to have a firewall or anti-virus system. Sigh - typical Hollywood.

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