
IMDb member since August 2018
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    IMDb Member
    6 years


House of the Dragon

No longer watchable, nothing happens.
The first 3 episodes were barely watchable, but sadly the latest episode was all talk, and zero action, other than a sex scene.

I had to FF all of it as there was zero action. A dragon flew overhead at one stage and I guess to the writers that was enough?!

Four episodes and it's nothing but a slow and boooooring soap opera with some soft porn, the traditional GOT-violence and a moronic dialogue.

Everything that was so great with the original GOT is totally lost here. No strong villains, no strong heroes, no mystery and nothing interesting that takes the story forward.

And the insane total rating (8,8!?) must come from die hard GOT-fans who have not watched this nonsense at all.


Its pretty good.
I enjoyed that it was set 2-300 years ago, but why did the Predator have somewhat primitive weapons?

Ie no laser gun, only laser targeting bolts of some kind.

Way better than all the crap marvel movies anyways in which there are 22949849 heroes.

The Mandalorian

Not a Star Wars fan.
But this show is really good to watch.

Even the baby yoda thing, as corny as it was, was cute.

Im really glad they used the actor they did to play Mando, and not some Hollywood douche who might have overdone it.

The Terminal List

Good show except for one episode.
Overall I really enjoyed it except for the episode in which he is being chased through a Nat Park.

He is a SEAL, why stop when its raining? They even remark that the rain will only help him beforehand, yet he then hunkers down for the night.

Otherwise, good.

Picked the s vest thing, but still enjoyed seeing the top gun getting blown up.

The Gray Man

Great, fun, action movie.
I really enjoyed it.

Best action flick for some time.

Sure some is "unreal", so what, its all fake, its a movie.

But man he kicks some butt.

No obvious plot holes or anything that ruined it which is unusual in this day and age.

The Dropout

Same patterns happens so often.
Harold Shipman was a doctor in the UK who killed around 250 people and his patients actually seemed to know about what was going on.

Dr Death was a great TV show in which a US surgeon was killing people and getting away with it.

Seems authority figures can do what they want in most peoples eyes.

Good show tho, just making a point about how no one could see what was going on even tho it was pretty obvious.

The Girl from Plainville

So slow and boring.
8 episodes of this show is 4 too many.

Its always switching from the present to the past so you really have to focus on what is happening.

But honestly, give it a miss.

So many good true story tv shows over the last 2 years, but this is not one of them.

The Essex Serpent

Thought it would be good but after 2 episode I had to ff it and then stop altogether.

CD is a bad actor.

I thought it was going to be about a serial killer or something. No such luck.

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

Nic Cage smooches good.
What a fun movie.

One of the best non massive budget movies I have seen for a long time.

Almost like a 90s classic but in 2022.

Funny at the end when it changed from reality to the movie and his daughter is doing an almost Baywatch Pam Anderson run into his arms. Lol.

Slow Horses

Episode 1 was a bit slow
But what a show. Can't wait for season 2. It had a bit of comedy mixed in which really added to the drama. Another great "cop" show out of the UK.


Bosch: Legacy

Bosch never fails.
I forget how many seasons exactly but this show has not detoriated at all. Not many shows can go past 2-3 so it's a credit to everyone involved. Hoped J Edgar would get more screen time tho.

Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty

Great show.
I could not get enough. The episodes were about 60 minutes long but seemed like they were about 30. Magic was brilliant. One of the best shows of 2022.

61st Street

Not that good.
A lot of scenes are very dark for some reason. The acting is pretty average. And why did he run in the first place. Barely watchable.,.................

Stranger Things

It gets better.
Season 1 was pretty average, only for kids really. 2 was better, 3 was pretty good (tho why would russians were russian uniforms when working in the USA and how did they get set up without being discovered), and the first part of season 4 was actually decent, but still some things that dont make sense.

Def not a 9/10 show. Not sure how old these reviewers are but if 18+ then they prob dont have much between the ears.


Season 2 is disgusting.
I liked season 1 and hoped it would follow on but it went downhill quickly. The girl continued to be arrogant and entitled and it ended for me when she talked about sexuality on the "kinsey scale" (a known pedo who did bad things to children).

Pam & Tommy

Its actually pretty good.
I am a fan of the crue but thought this would be some commercialized reality BS, but was pleasantly surprised.

The ending was not great but I really enjoyed all the other episodes.


Replace PURDUE with PFIZER and...
You will get what is happening now with the covaids jabs.

Fantastic show.

They even use some of the same terminology now (breakthrough infections). Same play book.

Mayor of Kingstown

Best show of 2022.
Great show.

Lots of action and a really good story.

Its not a violent for the sake of violent show like YELLOWSTONE, but it is based around some truth no doubt. Ie gang life, prison life, etc.


Very over-rated.
This is not a great show.

Its 9 episodes when it should be 3-4.

Just because something is long and overly complicated does not make it a great show.

I had to FF most of it to stay awake.

The last episode was ok, but all the rest are pretty dull.

Joe Pickett

Not that good
B grade tv at best.

Started off well and promised a lot but let me down.

Drags on a lot.

150 characters is long. ...,.............................................

Outer Banks

Terrible at the end
I enjoyed the first 2/3 but the last few episodes were almost unwatchable.

The writers lost the plot.

Irrational, and often idiotic acting.

Remember the Titans

Fantastic movie, even in 2021
Watched it again today and it was still amazing.

Great cast and well written.

Its a shame that people can come together over a game but are so easily divided over things that matter no more than a football game.

The Tomorrow War

Good movie until...
The first 90 minutes was good. Lots of alien action.

But then once Chris returns from the future, all rational goes out the window.

I think the writers stopped and let their 12 year old children take over. They prob felt 90 mins was long enough, and they would have done a decent job if they did stop there.

But alas, no.

Cruel Summer

Pretty good show overall.
A couple of plot holes but overall good.

Very good ending also.

The first episode is a bit slow until the end when you find out what is going on.


Season 2 is almost unwatchable.
I liked season 1, enough to keep me watching anyways, but towards the end of season 2 I had to stop.

A guy goes into a hospital and tries to kill Harrows daughters partner, and the police do not even think to check the security footage, no nurses/doctors see him, or hear the cries, and the police ignore Ferns confirmation that the bad guy is still alive, while people are dying and cars are being destroyed all around Harrow?!

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