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Ready or Not

What a film
Yes, it's utterly bonkers. Yes, it lacks depth.

Yes, it's bloody brilliant.

Woman married into weird family visa their estranged son, finds out the family have a pact with the devil that they have to kill any additions to the family if they draw a card from a magic box that has the game Hide and Seek. Caught up?

What follows is a tight 90 minutes where the new bride tries to avoid the murderous family through a series of entertaining, inventive, and gruesome set pieces.

It doesn't take itself too seriously, it really leans in hard on the fun factor. Watch it, you'll love it, you're welcome.


This show is brilliant, I found it purely by accident when I was scrolling through looking for something a bit funny to pass half an hour, I was hooked immediately by some great writing, and a hugely likeable cast.

The story is simple, but the creative team do really well to expand on the characters, giving just the right amount of backstory to get their motivations.

Most important is the fantastic lead performance, who you really can't help but root for from the off. She is not just your normal shallow rich kid, she has layers, and they come through time and again throughout the show in funny, heart warming ways.

Everything crossed for a series 2!!

Doctor Who: Empire of Death
Episode 8, Season 1

Truly dreadful
I love doctor who. I love old who, new who, new new who. I love it's spin offs, it's audios, it's books.

I've desperately wanted to love this series, and I thought after the anniversary episodes that we were in for an absolute treat now that RTD was back at the helm.

The series has been really hit and miss (mostly miss) and after last week's dreadful lead up to a big bad that was so obvious I don't know why they tried to hide it, my expectations were set fairly low, but still hopeful he'd been saving the best for last.

How wrong I was. This was quite possibly the most boring hour of TV I've seen this year. I could go on about it's overbearing music, the early 'something so terrible happens that you know its all going to get rewritten in the end anyway so why bother doing it', the disappointing effects, the poor plotting, done ropey acting, the sticky sweet (and veeeeeerry disappointing) ending.

Everything about it was horrible. For the first time ever, I shan't be running in for the next (and presumably last) series.

Doctor Who: The Legend of Ruby Sunday
Episode 7, Season 1

A 45 minute anti climax
Nothing happens in this episode, it's just one long run up to announcing who the 'big bad' is, something that most people had worked out long ago.

There's a teenage schoolgirl who is apparently a Unit agent so skilled that she's knows what's going on and how to do complicated 'machinery things'

There's Mel. She has a chat with Sue, looks worried a few times, and tells the doctor to pull himself together.

Ruby has nothing to do. She just stands and looks anguished.

I usually love Lenny Rush, he's a real talent, but he's not great in this.

Why bother bringing Carla into it? Again, just to stand there and do nothing.

How did no-one at Unit pick up the H Arbinger.

One can only assume with Rose at the heart of the action, her 'uncle' David, currently sitting in Donna's garden 10 miles away, and Donna herself, will pop up in the next episode to help out at the end of the world?

That score, AGAIN, so overpowering that it was actually impossible to hear what old 'Sue Tech' was saying at the end.

Acting, writing, pacing, plot, music aide, at least it looks very good.

I honestly despair at the 10* reviews for this episode, and question just how bad their normal TV choices are.

Doctor Who: Rogue
Episode 6, Season 1

Be careful what you wish for....
... because you j just might get it.

This week we have a story that's actually led by the Doctor. Hurrah, I initially thought, though not for long.

They arrive in Bridgerton (essentially) and a ball hosted by a Lady, and there's some fun set up with the doctor and ruby finally having 2 minutes where they can develop some chemistry, before they are then separated for the entire episode.

You see, there's a group of murderous shape shifting aliens about, chief amongst them is Indira Varma (by a country mile the best thing in this episode), and some time agent (the Rogue of the title)

Ruby goes off on her full as dishwasher adventure spaked by a romance of some drippy girl, and the doctor goes off on his with this rogue time agent, who INEXPLICABLY within 30 minutes (and remember this all takes place at a ball, so we're talking almost real time timeframe) sort of falls in love with him.

Stuff happens, none of it that interesting, but Rogue is lost and the doctor is INEXPLICABLY heartbroken. Yawn.

I'm not a fan of RTD and his obsession that the doctor keeps needing to fall in love. He does this in one form or another with all of his companions (he loves rose, Martha loves him, he lives Donna the most as a mate, etc) and it's just so very very boring. I think Jonathan Groff could have been quite an interesting character, and there's scope for him to return of the doctor can find him, but I really hope not.

So, just the finals to go then. This series has been so hit and miss and weirdly paced, I don't know if I'm looking forward to them.

Doctor Who: Dot and Bubble
Episode 5, Season 1

Inventive, enjoyable
Ahh back to a monster of the week (but who or what is the REAL monster, she spoilers) which I largely thoroughly enjoyed.

This time we get a Doctor AND Ruby light episode, with both of the characters appearing in 'video clips' until the final scenes where they grace us with our presence. I must say that at this point in the series, with the doctor being so absent for so much of it (busy filming sex education by all counts) it's starting very much to feel more like Doctor Who-is that I'm watching here.

Anyway, the stage is clear for our main protagonist to hold the episode (which she does very well) as a social media obsessed spoilt brat with a genuine evil streak leading to a superb final scene from Ncuti.

Let's just hope he's a bit more present as we come to the last few episodes...

Hit Man

Don't believe the hype
Just before this was released, the press and social media were awash with reports of 'Hollywood finding it's new lead man in Glen Powell' in this rotten tomatoes critical 'smash hit comedy' that was one of the 'best films of the year so far'

I believed the hype.

What I got was an overly long film that, shockingly considering it's promising opening act, was really devoid of any fun. Sure Powell is OK, but he completely implausibly goes from mild mannered college teacher to actor extraordinare using his range of disguises and accents to convince people he's a serial killer.

I also like the Superman like 'oh he's so hot now he's taken his glasses off' transformation.

It's just all so lazy, unbelievable and bland.

Anyway. It's not terrible, it's mildly entertaining but definitely undeserving of it's praise.

Dead Boy Detectives

Top notch entertainment (so it'll probably get cancelled)
I knew nothing about this series going in.

I'm not a big Gaiman fan, I find his stuff quite 'samey' but I was bored so I thought I'd give it a whirl.

Imagine my surprise when, by the end of episode one, I found myself completely and utterly immersed in this richly drawn world with its engaging characters.

Each episode thunders along at a pace with a recurring roster of bad guys (or are they) alongside the 'case of the episode'.

Unfortunately, Netflix has a terrible history of cancelling series without giving them due time to flourish, and I doubt this found the audience figured it needed, which is a real tragedy as it has fantastic future potential.

Doctor Who: 73 Yards
Episode 4, Season 1

It's Turn Left
I won't spoiler this.

Positives: It's Millies's episode. The doctor is only in it for about 90 seconds in total. It's Millie, doing a thing via an alt timeline and it all gets ok again in the end.

I think I was most disappointed that it was billed as a folk horror, and it turned out to just be a rehash of Turn Left. An episode I liked very much, and of which this is a paler reminder.

Enjoyed Millie, cameos, sense of unease, a criminally underused Sian Davies.

Didn't enjoy a rehash of old ideas, underwhelming acting, lack of character development in the 'bad guys', and overall lack of fun..

Doctor Who: Boom
Episode 3, Season 1

Finally a good episode
I was initially so excited at RTD's return, and it's fair to say that, although better than Chibnells run, the episodes so far have been a bit on an anti climax.

I was cautiously excited when I found out Moffat had written an episode for this series, I've always enjoyed his contribution episodes more than his showrunning ones overall (yes, Heaven sent/hell bent aside).

This was such a tense compact story that threw in a few big themes to boot (the inference that there's no god is one I particularly enjoyed, brave move though).

Also, if anyone had any doubts about Ncuti's doctor, after this episode there can be no doubt. He was fantastic.

Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver

Zach Snyder once again proving he's the worst 'talent' around
Where do you start with this? It's like kicking a baby after you've stolen it's sweets. Everyone involved in this truly awful two parter will have known it was going to be terrible. Most Zach Snyder films are.

Sure, in the early days we quite liked the endless slow mo, light flashing, action sequences in the rain trick that has become his one and only enduring characteristic (aside from making generally dreadful films) but this plunges new depths I didn't think possible.

Who gave this man that amount of money on a script that feels like it's been devised by one of the weird little 'adults living in mommas basement DC fanboys' that he seems to attract.

There isn't a single redeeming scene, effect, performance, edit, sound. It's one of the worst things I have ever seen.

The Gray Man

A really fun movie
Can I see where two HUNDRED M I L L I O N dollars was spent? Absolutely not, it's ridiculous.

That said I enjoyed Chris Evans playing against type (somewhat, I mean he's very pretty but his range is limited). I always enjoy Ryan, his action/comedy delivery is top notch and you root for him.

There's some good action sequences, some very good stunt work, it's paced well, and it's acted well.

Yes, it's a mishmash of all the actions film tropes/characters, but then so are almost all action films and we still lap them up.

Great 'switch off the brain' Friday night entertainment. Maybe they'll do another (cheaper hopefully) one.

Doctor Who: The Devil's Chord
Episode 2, Season 1

Not as promising
People seem to like this more than episode one, and I enjoyed Jinxx and the general concept very much, but I'm only giving it 5 stars because of all the execution issues.

The music was such that at points it was genuinely hard to hear what Jinxx was saying.

It's far too early for the doctor to be using his 'i can't save you this time' lines. In fact, it's used so often in Who now it's annoying. We all know the doctor will save the day, stop trying to pretend otherwise.

The musical dance scene. It's too long, it just feels like it's thrown in there, it all feels a bit CBBC.

Gods. We're going to have the doctor fighting god's now? Pfft.

Trying to again, shoehorn in a bit of lore that again we dint investigate. The doctor who just said he was the last of his species because of a genocide let's skip that he had a grandchild living a mile away in 1963, and it all gets forgotten about by Ruby because a piano arrives.

Another companion who is 'not what they appear to be' and is something special (like Donna, Clara)

The effects were a bit dodgy, both the musical notes and the scenes of a devastated future/present London. I'm not sure where all the extra Disney money has gone. Salaries perhaps.

The Beatles. Could they genuinely have not got people who looked at least a little bit like them.

So, bonus points for Jinxx, negative points for everything else. I'm staying hopeful for ep 3!!

Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire

If the words 'Below Average' were turned into a movie
Such high expectations, with the return of the original cast to proper full time roles in this movie. Until I saw the trailers.

No, I said to myself, trailers can be misleading, they don't want to give anything away!

I was wrong. The original kids from the first film are back, as is Paul Rudd playing the one character he is able to play which I don't think anyone could have been excited by.

The originals! Dan Ackroyd have it a good shot, assuming he had a hand in the script to make him the only one with anything meaningful to say and a smattering of development, otherwise, all wasted.

The plot is paper thin, the comedy is base and badly executed. The effects are average, assuming they needed to save a bit of money after the bad box office of Afterlife.

It's just meh. It was the 24th best film I saw in April 24, out of 27 movies. It beat only Madame Webb and Rebel Moon 2.

I think this should at least signal the end of a franchise that has been dead since the 80s.


Ignore all the 32year olds still living at home....aced
...furiously review bombing this because it dared to put women front and centre. These silly little boys wouldn't know a good thing if it tapped them on the shoulder and said 'Hi, I'm a good thing'.

What we have here is a really good fun movie, with excellent comedic performances from the entire cast, giving their all to commit to the fun. The fact the cast they faced violence and death threats from this bunch of pathetic man-babies is a shocking insight into incel culture, but thankfully they rose above it all.

I would watch this over any of the other ghostbusters films (superior to 2, Afterlife, and country miles ahead of FE), with just the original pipping it to the post, because, y'know, it was an iconic part of my childhood.

So, if you want a good, fun, fast paced, funny, kind film to kill a couple of hours, you could do a lot worse than to give this a go!!

Fellow Travelers

Don't believe the hype
It's a turgid romp through time anchored by two leads who, certainly by episode 6 when I stopped watching, you really couldn't care any less about them or their boring love affair.

There have been many shows and films about gay lovers throughout history who have had to keep their love a secret, some are great, this is not.

There have been a number of gut punching 80s AIDS dramas, almost unbearable to get through because you care so much about the characters and their tragic demise. This isn't one of them.

Bailey is unable to rise to the material. Bomer cements why he's never made it big in Hollywood with yet another of his wooden performances.

I do like the black supporting cast, and the lesbian character, alas none of them get a fair crack at the whip.

I am genuinely at a complete loss as to how this has got such good reviews. Perhaps it's the 'edgy' sex scenes between two attractive men.

Twisted Metal

Just brilliant
I'm not normally a big Mackie fan, but in this role he really gets to play to his strengths. Quick witted, action man, and so funny.

I hadn't heard about this show until a friend mentioned it in passing, I went home and found it and could not stop watching it.

Really consistently engaging from the start, getting better each episode until a great finale.

Can not wait for season 2

Really consistently engaging from the start, getting better each episode until a great finale.

Can not wait for season 2

Really consistently engaging from the start, getting better each episode until a great finale.

Can not wait for season 2.


Absolutely brilliant

If you are already a fan of Diane Morgan's work, then you are going to enjoy this. The character of Mandy plays to all of her strengths. Obscure, crude, deadpan, tragic but optimistic, Mandy is the antiheroine for our times.

The episodes are only 15 minutes long, but this actually really helps the show. There's no filler, just gag after gag, and most of them hit the mark.

Id recommend this show to everyone with a sense of humour..

Id recommend this show to everyone with a sense of humour

Id recommend this show to everyone with a sense of humour.

Id recommend this show to everyone with a sense of humour.

Asteroid City

Not his best, but still just beautiful
I love Wes Anderson stuff. Everything he's ever done has been on a scale from absolutely incredible down to 'still engaging and looks fantastic'

This is down at the lower end for me, despite really engaging characters, impeccable acting (looking at you there Scarlett) and quite simply some of the most beautiful looking sets, another thing we've done to expect from Wes and his regular collaborators.

It lacked some of the humour and depth of his other films, and some of the actors truly had thrown away non roles, but even at his worst, I still take a lot of joy from watching what Wes and his team put on screen!

Things You Should Have Done

Painfully unfunny
It's amazing what clearly passes as humour these days. I made it 20 minutes into the first episode where my husband and I sat in complete silence, when I paused and asked if it would be ok if I turned it off.

"Oh my god yes, this is terrible, I just didn't want to say" was his response.

It's weird, but perhaps not unsurprising that the lead character who is a big thing and often quite funny in her 30 second clips on tiktok, struggles to stretch out paper thin ideas and dead pan delivery into a 30 minute episode format. Perhaps it might've worked if it was done in 10 minute episodes instead.

Anyway, as it goes, this is a show without and redeeming feature. Unfunny, lacking any charm, badly acted. Avoid.

House Party

Can ANYONE explain how Tosin Cole keeps getting work...?
He is absolutely dreadful, in anything I've ever seen him in.

I thought maybe it was drama he couldn't do/anything that requires seriousness or integrity.

No, it stretches to comedy too. Dreadful.

Tosin Cole is the worst actor of his generation Tosin Cole is the worst actor of his generation Tosin Cole is the worst actor of his generation Tosin Cole is the worst actor of his generation Tosin Cole is the worst actor of his generation Tosin Cole is the worst actor of his generation Tosin Cole is the worst actor of his generation Tosin Cole is the worst actor of his generation Tosin Cole is the worst actor of his generation Tosin Cole is the worst actor of his generation Tosin Cole is the worst actor of his generation Tosin Cole is the worst actor of his generation.

The Queen

Turgid, dreary, cheap
How this film managed to attract such largely positive reviews is something that I don't think I'll ever understand.

The relentlessly smug thesp Mirren does a passable impersonation of the queen (though frankly most people's Grans do it better, mine certainly did) in a really cheap 'made for tv' looking melodrama that had a complete lack of style, a bog standard script, and largely serviceable acting.

This is a film that no-one will remember a few months after watching it as it has nothing to merit remembering, not least the main performer herself who somehow (one can only assume it's Americans obsession with our royal family) managed to bash an Oscar.

What a complete waste of time.

Mr. & Mrs. Smith

It's quite good
Not really much else to say. Good chemistry. Boring in parts. It isn't the film, so don't expect it to be. Love Parker posey! Just above average hence the 7*

Not really much else to say. Good chemistry. Boring in parts. It isn't the film, so don't expect it to be. Love Parker posey! Just above average hence the 7*

Not really much else to say. Good chemistry. Boring in parts. It isn't the film, so don't expect it to be. Love Parker posey! Just above average hence the 7*

Not really much else to say. Good chemistry. Boring in parts. It isn't the film, so don't expect it to be. Love Parker posey! Just above average hence the 7*

Abbott Elementary

Very very gentle comedy
It's the sort of thing that you largely smile rather than laugh, with the exception of the headteacher (who is thankfully used very sparingly) who says the occasional inappropriate thing and raises a chuckle.

There is nothing original about the show. Each joke you can see coming. All the stereotypes are there on display, doing what you would expect them to. There's a love triangle (ISH). There are kooky friends. Etcetera.

Maybe it's my Britishness, but I find this kind of veeeeeeeeery gentle comedy more like a meditation because you know there'll be no surprises, rather than watching it as a comedy.

I am around that the lead actress just won an Emmy as a Lead Comedy Actress, in a category where she faced both Rachel Brosnahan and Natasha Lyonne who were infinitely better in their roles than Quinta.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters

I can't quite believe I watched the entire thing. I just really kept hoping that it would get better, and fundamentally in a show about Monsters, I expected them to play a large part in the series. They don't. Someone online did a count of the amount of time given to the titans during the 6hr+ runtime of the series, and it's less than 5 minutes.

The young cast are uniformity unengaging. I was actually rooting for them to get bumped off. I'd say 40% of the entire series are the tube cast moping about because either they resent each other, their parents, monarch, the system, blah blah blah. It's just so boring.

The only time for me that the series came alive was in the flashback scenes to the 50's, where it felt the cast had some chemistry (Anders Holm was totally undersized however, he hardly had any screen time).

Let's hope this is the end of it.

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