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Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F

Are you all on drugs?
Did I watch the same movie as anyone rating this over 5?

Nobody would be prepared for something original here (clearly a cash grab memberberries effort) but even from the outset the action scenes felt like basic recreations of well-trodden tropes that everyone over the age of 20 has seen at least 100 times before...

Loved the 80s throwback soundtrack and musical effort involved and clearly that's the angle these ageing studios are focussed on lately but the sound and folio editing missed the mark by trying too hard to impress

Cameos (cash grabs) aside, when is Eddie going to stick his neck out and actually make something new for once?


Least rubbish of all the subsequent versions
As an avid fan of the original (have watched dozens of times) I was gagging for this rework since it was announced. Thankfully whoever is in charge at Hulu has made sure the finished product was at least memorable and well produced, but... I can't really take anything "new" away from this that hasn't already been tried, tested, and regurgitated many times before.

Superb acting albeit from unknowns, superb lighting and visual FX, superb directing and writing compared to any of the prior entries.

Was really hoping for a more thorough look into the world of the cenobites.. alas, I may just have to search for the puzzle box myself at this rate.

American Horror Story: The Future Perfect
Episode 10, Season 10

When actors try to become producers...
This is a lesson learned for all involved... Probably THE worst episode of the worst season of this show ever made... Aside from the tacky revisionist attempt at history, why even bother with the now-standard AHS femininista trope?


Some of the worst wigs ever seen
C'mon, seriously, aside from any other critique possible about this film... was the Hair Department staffed with interns?

The Twilight Zone: Replay
Episode 3, Season 1

Race-baiting boredom
Not an episode of Twilight Zone, moreso an episode of "Jordan Peele Needs to Preach"


Don't trust the high ratings
This is an awful movie. However if you like seeing the boom-mic hanging at the top of a few scenes then sure, this might be for you

The Wretched

Soundtrack signaling at its worst
Visuals, acting, cast, story all kinda ok given all the other movies of this genre coming out lately.. But seriously the music and soundtrack ruins every potential scare or payoff. When are these studios going to learn less is more!?

The Turning

Are we watching acting class?
No, no, no.... just no Skip this crap if you know what's good for you

Under the Silver Lake

Unique and different
Quite a different experience, which is hard to say about films in recent years. Takes a while to get going but worth the wait


Downhill or Downright Depression
Avoid. Swerve. Bail. Miss This is a shocker even if viewed as a serious film (and why would it be, with Ferrell and Dreyfuss???)


Nothing new aside from CGI tricks
Lizzy Banks can't save this bomb but at least she tried unlike the rest of the cast, happy to get their pay-cheque for prancing in front of a green-screen

John Henry

There have been more interesting music videos than this

A Score to Settle

Waste of time and energy from all involved
Do not bother, unless you have insomnia. Nick Cage just cashing in another cheque basically

Angel Has Fallen

Shaking my head
If you can't tell who the "bad guy" is within the first 20mins of this movie don't worry, it will be shoved in your naive face by just over the half-way mark making the rest of this movie completely redundant and free of tension. Angel may be down, but at least my expectations already were too as this flick really held zero surprises beyond the initial drone strike tech

Devil's Revenge

This is a joke, right?
Absolutely woeful. How the hell anyone financed this rubbish is beyond me? Poor Bill, I'm sure he's embarrassed about being involved!

Angel of Mine

A 90minute Soap Opera
Waste of good talent The higher rated reviews are most likely from movie-staff/employees/investors... It's really not worth the effort and I'm sure will be a very welcome addition to midday matinee spools on cable channels very soon

El Camino

Doesn't live up to the hype
Basically Pinkman's story epilogue, that goes nowhere slowly. A nice book-end for Jesse's character but has no impact on the BB universe nor has any attempt to carry the blue-meth story beyond what we already knew back in 2013


Skip to SLJ's scenes
Definitely a cash-in Definitely topping up Sam's retirement fund Definitely virtue-signaling thanks to the Trump-phenomenon Definitely not a bad watch but avoid the first 15-20mins of tweeny rubbish until Sam arrives


Rubbish but a good distraction
Thankfully the vapid, talentless eye-candy in the first 10 minutes isn't a true indicator of the rest of the actors in the movie. My advice, skip those 10 minutes of cringe as though they're a trailer

Mortal Engines

Fell asleep for a few minutes several times in the second hour. Just yawn

Hotel Artemis

Missed all the marks that it threw out
The very definition of theatrical fly-fishing. Brazen ideas and plot-lines yet only one (the most wholesome OF COURSE!) developed at the expense of all others


All the worst Hollywood traits packaged into 90mins of blah
How is it possible movies like this are still being churned out? Forgettable main characters and woeful supports/ stereotypical boring dialogue/ shaky camera/ lense flare/ omnisphere soundtrack/ predictable plot/ females cast as "eye candy" and nothing else/ Frank Grillo being Frank Grillo........ please just stop this endless cycle of rubbish


It's not bad, it's just predictable
I didn't see the final 15 minutes, because I didn't care. The cast isn't bad, the acting isn't bad, the filmography or any technical aspects aren't bad, there's just no point bothering unless you've never seen or read a story like this before. I can't even understand why the writers and/or producers bothered... Don't waste your time

The Expanse

Star Wars prequels, revisited
Season 1 was great and left me with high hopes going into season 2. But that was short-lived once the storyline devolved into Lucasfilm-esque bland confusion revolving around *groan* politics. The gravely-voiced old politician woman was given way too many scenes: she's wooden, boring and monotonous, just begging for the fast-forward button. Hoping season 3 returns to form, but not expecting much!

Escape Plan 2: Hades

Shakey cam shakey cam, look out epileptics!
C'mon team.. really now it's 2018 Assemble a massive cast, engage all of the production partners, drop some sly marketing here and there and BAM fall straight back into good 'ole shakey camera college-film-student technique failsafe mode just to cut a few bucks off the budget. What's the point? Nobody can see anything, is this an MTV music video or a feature length film? Move on everyone, nothing to see here (literally)

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