
IMDb member since August 2017
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    7 years



It's a good film, but have problems.
I am the first one to write a review, so I'll be very honest. When I got to the cinema I was very excited about this movie, some people said that it's the hungarian version of 'requiem for a dream'. In the first 30 minutes I liked everything, the protagonist character 'Gyozo' was a good choice for the role, (he reminded me of John Travolta from Pulp Fiction, maybe it was an easter egg Lmao), the CGI effecrs were well made, and gave the terrifying images of a drug trip, and were awesome. But then problems came. Dr. Cernus's character does not feel right. He somehow is overacting his role, doesnt feel genuine. The scritp is good, but besides the acting of Gyozo's character, I was bored by the other characters and events.

Overall 6 stars means that it's worth to watch, but dont expect a film as poweful as Requiem for a dream.

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