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The Conners: Three Exes, Role Playing and a Waterbed
Episode 9, Season 4

Oh Darlene
Darlene has always been dark and brooding, but at least there was some humor to it. Now she has become just a hateful, despicable person. Why would any man want to be with her? To be a sitcom, you need some comedy and this show is severely lacking these days. (Not even going to get into Beverly Rose's amazing growth spurt...)

The Goldbergs: Hip Shaking and Booty-Quaking
Episode 11, Season 9

Because Zero Stars is not an Option
Everything about this episode was ridiculous and hokey and completely unentertaining. If you look in the rearview mirror, you will see they jumped well over the shark here. No wonder Jeff Garlin hated being part of this show.

Call Me Kat: Call Me Kerfuffled
Episode 1, Season 2

The blossom has faded
Not even Joey, Jenna and Michael could save this episode. Contrived, stupid and not a single laugh. The first episode of the new season is even more dreadful than the first season.

Go-Big Show

Oh Jennifer
Jennifer Nettles, blink once if you're being held hostage. Blink twice if you're being blackmailed. I can't think of any other reason why you would associate yourself with this horrible show.

Saturday Night Live: Jason Sudeikis/Brandi Carlile
Episode 4, Season 47

WE and Brandi
Weekend Update and Brandi Carlile were the only good parts of this episode. Jason Sudeikis was truly a non-factor -- only his devil was entertaining. Everything else was just bad, bad, bad and devoid of humor..

When Nature Calls

This show could not be any worse. Seeing the cute animals on the commercials and knowing that Helen Mirrren looked appealing. Can we sue for false advertising? The inane "dialogue" of the animals was just ridiculous. I think we made it less than 5 minutes in beore I erased it and deleted it from the recording schedule. Life is too short to waste it on this drivel.

Real Time with Bill Maher: Neil deGrasse Tyson / Rob Reiner / Rachel Bitecofer
Episode 18, Season 19

More Annoying
Bill finally found someone who is more annoying than he is. Rob could hardly get a word in edgewise. Rachel is posssibly the worst guest in histroy. She had no facts on her side, so she had to shout over everyone else. I don't have an issue with swearing, but when you can't complete a single sentence without a swear word, that says it all. And Bill completely misrepresented that poll to make his "point." The poll said nothing about being vaccinated. Bill's always right (in his eyes).

Real Time with Bill Maher: Bob Costas, Nicholas Kristof, James Carville
Episode 16, Season 19

The more Bill talks, the more you realize how little he really knows. And don't dare challenge him on the facts -- he sure doesn't like that. And he needs to fire his writing staff. There's never anything to laugh at in his "comedy" bits.

Pride: 1980s: Underground
Episode 4, Season 1

New York
Apparently all LGBT history took place in NYc. This could have been so much better, but it just doesn't motivate or inspire.

The Goldbergs: The Proposal
Episode 22, Season 8

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse
What can you say about this horrible episode? Everything was contrived -- the plot, the locations, the dialogue. I was with Bria up until the end when they gave her stupid lines to say too.

Blue Bloods: Justifies the Means
Episode 16, Season 11

Most Disappointing
This two-part season finale was most disappointing. I felt like I was watching The Sopranos instead of Blue Bloods. Are the Reagans a mob family now? And could someone at CBS please pay the electric bill? Even scenes set mid-day (sun visible through the blinds) and bathed in shadows. It gets old.

Saturday Night Live: Elon Musk/Miley Cyrus
Episode 18, Season 46

Elon was not the worst part
Granted, Elon was not good, but he wasn't the worst part of this episode. Everything was horrible, except for a couple of points in Weekend Update. As another revierwer said, I don't think I laughed at all during this episode because there was nothing funny.. From the clumsy humorless opening to the dreadful las skit, it was just bad.

Young Sheldon: A Black Hole
Episode 17, Season 4

I don't know what show the other reviewers were watching, but this was possibly the worst episode so far. It was practically unwatchable -- not funny, not well written. There was nothing good about this episode at all.

Home Economics

Life Is tToo Short
Life is too short to waste on this drivel. It strives to be Life in Pieces or maybe The Unicorn, but falss way short. A sitcom should make you laugh. After three laughless episodes, I've removed it from ,my DVR list -- anything is better than watching this show.

9-1-1: Parenthood
Episode 10, Season 4

If you're lactose intolerant...
You will want to avoid this episode. It was cheese on top of cheese the whole way through. It was so bad that it didn't even tug on heartstrings. It was just eyeroll inducing.

Nancy Drew: The Scourge of the Forgotten Rune
Episode 11, Season 2

Dumber Every Week
This show gets dumber every week. There are no mysteries here -- it's just ghosts and memory-erasing gas and....just stupid, stupid, stupid. There's barely even a storyline.

The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon: Queen Latifah/Paris Hilton/The Network
Episode 102, Season 8

Shut Up Jimmy
You would think that after all these years, Jimmy would have learned how to conduct an interview, but that isn't the case. He introduced Queen Latifah, she appeared on her Zoom and then he didn't let her get a word in for the first two minutes. We want to hear from the celebrities, not Jimmy the whole time.

Saturday Night Live: Maya Rudolph/Jack Harlow
Episode 15, Season 46

But Wait, It Gets Worse
If you thought the cold open was bad, just wait, it gets worse. Asode from a couple of good cracks on Weekend Update, this whole episode was dreadful. The writers clearly did not know what to do with Maya and the result was humorless skit after humorless skit. Every guest appearance was completely wasted -- including Adam Levine performing with the talentless Jack Harlow.

The Rookie: True Crime
Episode 7, Season 3

Way past the shark
This episode started dumb and got dumber by the minute. Save your brain cells and watch something else.

This Is Us: In the Room
Episode 8, Season 5

Let Down
I love this show and this episode should get a 10, but I just feel manipulated and let down. Is Kevin going to make it to the delivery on time? Of course he is. What will Toby choose for a middle name? Of course it's Rose -- I called that one as soon as he told the other man he was trying to come up with a middle name. The twins and Kate's baby being born on the same day? Who'd have seen that coming? And the story about the guy who invented the technology for video conferencing? Did the writers not have enough to fill this episode? Disappointed.

Nancy Drew

Nancy Who?
The plethora of authors who wrote as Carolyn Keene have to be rolling over in their graves with this show.. It's Nancy alright, but it's certainly not Nancy Drew. There;s no mystery here, jsut sci-fi hack. Some episodes are OK, most are not. I'd rather read a Nancy Drew book.

Whitney Houston & Bobbi Kristina: Didn't We Almost Have It All

I'm not sure what is more tragic -- what happened to Whitney or this pathetic attempt at a documentary. It was completely disorganized and they did a horrible job of trying to tell a story. This was more about Whitney's do-called friends capitalizing off of her name than an actual dcoumentary. The worst part is the friends continuing to make excuses for Whitney's drug use because they refuse to accept responsibility for their part in this tragedy. Everyone involved in this should be ashamed for continuing to ride on Whitney's coattails.

Real Time with Bill Maher: Kellyanne Conway/Katie Couric/Matt Jones
Episode 1, Season 19

KC and KC
Thank goodness for Katie Couric. She saved this episode. The other KC (Kellyanne Conway) was a nightmare. If Bill Maher was even half as funny as he thinks he is, he would be hilarious.

The Rookie: In Justice
Episode 2, Season 3

Predictable and Hokey
I don't have an issue with the political part of this episode. However, if you have ever watched ANY TV, you will be able to predict every thing that happens in this episode. It's a combination of bad writing, stilted dialog, bad acting and if that's not enough, let's throw in stereotyping as well. The moments of "light and understanding" were so over the top, I wanted to vomit. The whole episode was ridiculous.

Mr. Mayor: Mayor's Day Out
Episode 2, Season 1

Even Worse than the Pilot
IOK, there were a couple of funny jokes, but they were drowned in a sea of mediocre. The humor is generally tired, weak and predicatble. None of the characters are the least bit relatable. The whole storry line just doesn't work.

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