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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

A victim of its own success
For me personally, GOTG v2 doesn't live up to the billing created after the original film, however as a standalone I'd probably rate this much higher. I still love the film, but the story just wasn't quite as enjoyable and the comedy not quite as high as in the first version of the film.

As a film overall I'd still recommend it and I still really like to watch it, but the fist one is certainly better and hopefully they don't stretch the series too far and ruin it.

Guardians of the Galaxy

A delightful surprise. My favourite film.
I was originally going to the local cinema to watch another film, I don't remember what, but was told I couldn't watch whatever it was as it was causing nightmares to family and friends through how scary it was. Instead, we opted to watch Guardians of the Galaxy. I'm not someone who's massively into superhero films, but I came out of GOTG wanting to pay to watch it again.

Simply breathtaking. Directed brilliantly, subtly, clever humour and the story line is original, pleasant and very well put together.

Lots of emotions were experienced when watching this, and it's not my favourite film ever - alongside David Brent: Life on the Road.

10/10 would recommend to anyone, any day and under any circumstance.

The Incredibles

Perfect family film that is enjoyable for any age
The sort of film you can sit down and watch with anyone, at any time of the year and as many times as you want.

For years and years this was unrivalled as my favourite ever film and I was so excited when I saw it again last year. It wasn't quite as good as I'd told myself, but it was very enjoyable and is perfect for the family. Good story line, good humour, well made film.

The Office

Cannot recommend highly enough
My favourite TV series ever - not the funniest, but my favourite. The way it's made, the humour, the style. The characters and storyline and how it all flows together and works so seamlessly, almost as if it's one epsiode, broken down into multiple 30 minutes slots.

If anyone is wondering why Gervais is so successful, just watch this.

It's absolutely hilarious. Whilst the ending was predictable, it takes you on an emotional roller coaster, and I really thought that the obvious-seeming happy ending wasn't going to happen after all!

Just amazing, cannot fault it at all.

The Inbetweeners 2

Disappointing end to a legacy
For me, the first film wasn't at the standard of the TV series, but I was accepting of that because films rarely are as good as the series. I was disappointed that they then decided to milk it one last time with a second film, which bares no real relevance and adds no real closure to the previous title.

It isn't as if the first film ended on a cliff-hanger, it's not as if they had to close anything off. For me, this was a film made for the money they knew they could make. Okay it's funny, but it's very average and easy humour.

The Inbetweeners should have remained as just the 3 series, but I understood why they'd want a grand slam finish with a movie, but the second was unnecessary. I'd watch it again, but it's not something I'd jump at watching. More of pass time than a hobby.

Sausage Party

Wow! Shocked and surprised
I wasn't sure what to expect when my friend turned this on, but I'm glad he did! What a hilarious 97 minutes or so this was. Having watched this twice now, I really am surprised that this film got commissioned in the current world - the jokes, subjects of offence and vulgarity of the film are things that I never thought would be allowed in such a politically correct world, but fair play for it being allowed to be released.

How anyone came up with this idea I've no idea, but thank you to whoever did, because I loved Sausage Party!

The Inbetweeners Movie

Not quite as good as the series, but really cannot complain too much
As is the case almost always, a TV series being adapted into a film hasn't met the same high standards that people expected of The Inbetweeners. As a standalone film, I think this would be considered better than it currently is by lots of people, but because it's not as funny as the series I do think it gets harshly reviewed.

A very funny film that follows on perfectly from where the series left off. I'd recommend this for sure - not as a family film though!

The Inbetweeners

Crude, Cringey, but Ultimately Hilarious.
Wow. Whilst it's a shame there were only ever 3 series' made of the Inbetweeners, that does feel like the perfect amount.

This ongoing tale of 4 best friends is hilarious, rude and often awkward from day one until the very end.

Every single day there seems to be a new challenge ahead - And of course, challenges which they cannot overcome without some sort of disaster happening.

Certainly in need of the age limit it comes with, but once you watch it, you just won't stop. My parents aren't fans of vulgar humour and explicit jokes, but even they thought this was pure gold.

If you're looking to learn how to get through high school, then look elsewhere.

David Brent: Life on the Road

Not quite 3 episodes in one, but a very enjoyaable film
As another reviewer mentioned, taking 30 minutes of comedy genius and stretching it into 90 - especially without Stephen Merchant writing alongside him - this did feel like it wasn't quite at the usual standard we've come to expect from The Office; although in fairness, films never usually are at the same standard as the series they were adapted from, and lots of the humour within the TV edition wouldn't be allowed nowadays, sadly, so I'll not bemoan this too much.

The storyline did seem to just escalate too quickly, too soon at the end, but my word this film is hilarious. From start to finish I was in stitches, and I was in no way disappointed at all by Life on the Road. The songs are amazing (I have the album downloaded on Spotify) and the film is an emotional journey, something I never expected to be taken on in this film.

Thoroughly enjoyable and I'd recommend it every day of the week!


A mistfitting ending
Episodes one and two of the first series of Misfits are two of the best episodes of TV you could ever watch. Hilarious from start to finish. The first two or three series are actually top quality in honesty, it's a very entertaining, funny and gripping series that held my attention majorly throughout.

Once the characters changed over, however, it just lost something for me. It wasn't the same and perhaps they should have ended the series before they did. It was still enjoyable, but not as much as with the original tribe.

I'd recommend it, still in my top 5 favourite British comedies ever, just a shame it ended as it did.

Not Going Out

Not going out - I'm staying in to watch Lee Mack instead
I have to admit that I think it's time they call it a day making this title, the first 8 or 9 series were absolutely top class and I could watch them on repeat without ever getting bored. However, since moving out of their flat, the Lee and Lucy storyline seems to have reached a natural end. The episodes are still funny, but not at the standard that they used to be. To protect its legacy, perhaps it's time they stopped making Not Going Out.

As I said, for 8 or 9 series this was amazing, not an episode went by when I wasn't in bits at the jokes - very clever comedy, done in a clean fashion and generally very family friendly too, which is a rarity these days!

One of my top 5 British comedies ever.

Family Guy

One of my favourites
I'm currently going through and watching from S1E1 right until the latest episode, currently 10, almost 11 seasons in and I do think the first 4 or 5 seasons were better, and the feature-length episodes do get a bit tedious, but overall I just think is comedy gold. It's not a classic comedy, it's more ridiculous, childish things that make this show funny - the low maturity level of Peter, the cutaways, the ongoing jokes with the chicken and THAT song.

I watch an episode every day with my dinner, often two a day in fact. Whilst some episodes often pass me by without making me laugh and are forgettable, 9 times out of 10 there's a few moments in every Family Guy episode that make me crack up!

Not one to watch with the family, but certainly one I'd recommend.

The Inbetweeners

Crude, Cringey, but Ultimately Hilarious.
Wow. Whilst it's a shame there were only ever 3 series' made of the Inbetweeners, that does feel like the perfect amount.

This ongoing tale of 4 best friends is hilarious, rude and often awkward from day one until the very end.

Every single day there seems to be a new challenge ahead - And of course, challenges which they cannot overcome without some sort of disaster happening.

Certainly in need of the age limit it comes with, but once you watch it, you just won't stop. My parents aren't fans of vulgar humour and explicit jokes, but even they thought this was pure gold.

If you're looking to learn how to get through high school, then look elsewhere.

Peep Show

One of the Best Comedy Shows to Watch whilst Eating
One of the best compliments that I can give a show or a film is that I'd certainly watch it whilst eating a meal.

Sounds odd, but it's true. If I can't get into something when I'm eating, I'm not going to enjoy it at all. I must have watched every episode of Peep Show over a meal, whether it was lunch or dinner.

The constant mayhem, awkwardness and exaggeration is present from episode one, right through to episode 54. The awkward, messy lives that both Mark and 'Jez' lead, alongside drug-addicted pal Super Hans means that there is always an opportunity for disaster around every single corner.

I can't quite remember one bad episode of this show. Each one is funny for one reason or another.

I would certainly recommend this show to anybody who is looking for something to watch (Whether over a meal or not), perfect for long journeys, evenings in, or a winter day filler.

Zero Charisma

Comedy: The Genre to which Zero Charism Owes an Apology
I watched this film without having read any reviews or knowing exactly what to expect, or even really what it was about. I have to say, it took me 2 sittings to get through from start to finish and really, I didn't enjoy this film at all.

The film is very slow paced, a bit sluggish and the story line just isn't obvious until the very end. For a comedy, I think I remember maybe one scene where I briefly cracked a smile, so I'm not sure it should be classed as as comedy.

The moral behind the story is the probably the best thing about this film, although there isn't a great deal else for it to compete with for that title.

A good insight I suppose into what life as "nerd" is like, but I'd not recommend it as a film to watch - Unless you're struggling to fall asleep. It certainly helped me with that.

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