
IMDb member since July 2017
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Should have been an Anime.
Give the entire story, books and all, to a Japanese Anime studio and let them have at it!!

Would have been epic. As it should be.

This, alas, is not.

Such a waste.

The Expanse

Real actual science fiction.
I loved the books (I still haven't read the last one yet), and I love this series. Its very close to the books, and, honestly, is just perfect.

Good sci-fi on TV is just so hard to find these days, it's why I'd rather read it than watch it.

The invasion of mediocrity into my favourite genre started with 'ARRIVAL' and went straight down from there. (Star-Micheal-Trek-Burnham:Discovery.)

It's either slow, plodding, badly written pseudo intellectual garbage (I'm looking at you 'INVASION!' ) or fast paced, brain dead action (The Tomorrow War).

This show however, is pure sci-fi gold. Because its very closely based on books written by ACTUAL WRITERS, with skill and a genuine love of their characters and the universe and most importantly 'the story' they created. There's no agenda being rammed down your throat. It is all so subtlety done you never feel like anythings forced. Its Just... So brilliantly and naturally done.

I am genuinely upset this is ending.

I hope they change their mind.

Science fiction lovers need this show.

(And yes, season 4 was slow, but so was book 4.)

Help us Ama-zon! You're our only hope!


Not terrible but NOT sci-fi.
This is a psychological drama. It isn't science fiction and for pity's sake, please can someone make these film and TV companies Stop advertising drama as science fiction. Just stop it.

I had figured out in 10 minutes that it was probably a man suffering a breakdown of some sort, even with the mis-direction at the start.

The film is ok. The kids and the lead actor are good and there are some genuinely touching and funny moments. But it's all a bit heavy handed, and, with most new films and shows, it is a 'slow' journey to the finale.

But, I didn't hate it. And didn't feel like I'd wasted my time watching it.

Which is high praise indeed, considering the amount of turgid all inclusive (whatever that bloody means!!) drama being squeeeezed out between the buttocks of writers and production companies these days.

I have taken a star away for advertising it as science fiction.

K-Pax could possibly muddy the waters on the distinction between the two genres, depending on your personal conclusion at the end of the movie. Which is part of the reason it is one of my favourite films.


Bad drama,Worse Sci fi. Looks pretty though!
I did it. I sat through all 10, episodes. It did not get any better. It got even worse. What happened to the spirit of the blitz!? People helping each other, family, friends, strangers!

None of that here, everyone is far to self involved.

The characters are horrible, awful people. If the writer created them to make a point, what was it? That we are all flawed? That's fine. But the people that I have met, and by met I mean actually spoken to, face to face, spent time with, throughout my fairly long life are generally interesting, have some qualities, personalities, a sense of humour even when suffering personal tragedy or just everyday problems, as well as flaws. But writing for characters like that is difficult. One dimensional is so much easier.

The characters in this are unpleasant, cardboard people. Bizarre decisions, constant bickering, constant misery, constantly gazing wistfully at each other, or out of the window, or at a pillow. All of them. For 10 episodes!

I cannot possibly stress enough just how very far removed from any type of Realism this show is.

The bus crash, 100ft into either the strangest crater ever or a Quarry? And every child walks away, unscathed! But the poor superfluous driver is a write off. If its a Quarry, don't they have roads? Unless helicopter Quarrying is a thing? And as its a school bus on a school trip they presumably informed the parents of their destination arrival time? So why is nobody looking for them? Irrelevant , in this world kids are free range and luckily, also spiderman. Did anyone see the size of the hole they All climbed out of!?!

The plane from Kabul,-last plane of course- because... Luck and America and shouting and guns gets you anything.... to a WORKING phone box in London. Given the soldiers bitter, unrelenting hostility, to absolutely every other person he meets I'd find it more believable if he had finally turned into the Hulk and had indeed just jumped there..... to leave a 10 MINUTE INTERNATIONAL monologue on an answer machine. Which we had to see! And hear! All of it!!

Don't get me started on the FULL, packed, civilian TRANS ATLANTIC FLIGHT back to the U. S, with stewardesses , the same day. And the laughing happy, suddenly NOT evacuated Londoners taking selfies, not mourning their dead or suffering any shock at all cause.... Its been a whole few hours since mommy ship was grounded and well, You know,... Londoners.

It's all so real.

How about leaving your kids to go play doctor without even mentioning them or even suggesting that "maybe we should get them first?". Some mums,eh! I know my mums memory isn't the best, but then she is 87...never forgets she has children though.

AND, who hasn't stood in a sand pit while wringing their hands at the sky shouting "WWWHHHYYYY" and so it goes...on... and on.... and on... And the big payoff? Which was more a damp squib than an explosive finale.

A hive mind. Bedrock of sci-fi since the 50s.

When did less than mediocre become the new standard for telling a story! Lazy lazy writing. It is not the actors fault. They do their best, but the writer. Wow. $200M.

Two. Hundred. Million. Dollars!

And People are giving this turgid bore fest 10 stars!...... 10!. Do they realise that puts this in the same league as, G o T's or Breaking Bad!! Of which any single episode of either has more believability and drama than all (nearly) 9 hours of this. Get a grip.

I can only assume that the writers have never watched anything more interesting than paint dry, never seen a book (let alone read one) live in an isolation tank and have never met actual humans, only read their posts on FB or Twitter.

Maybe season 2 will be good. It could never exscuse this mess though.

I give it 2 stars because I find it incredible that a show so far removed from reality can still NOT be good science fiction.

I have to add, if you have a budget of $200M then of course it's going to look good. But UHD does not make a good story.


Bad drama,Worse Sci fi. Looks pretty though!
I did it. I sat through all 10, episodes. It did not get any better. It got even worse. What happened to the spirit of the blitz!? People helping each other, family, friends, strangers!

None of that here, everyone is far to self involved.

The characters are horrible, awful people. If the writer created them to make a point, what was it? That we are all flawed? That's fine. But the people that I have met, and by met I mean actually spoken to, face to face, spent time with, throughout my fairly long life are generally interesting, have some qualities, personalities, a sense of humour even when suffering personal tragedy or just everyday problems, as well as flaws. But writing for characters like that is difficult. One dimensional is so much easier.

The characters in this are unpleasant, cardboard people. Bizarre decisions, constant bickering, constant misery, constantly gazing wistfully at each other, or out of the window, or at a pillow. All of them. For 10 episodes!

I cannot possibly stress enough just how very far removed from any type of Realism this show is.

The bus crash, 100ft into either the strangest crater ever or a Quarry? And every child walks away, unscathed! But the poor superfluous driver is a write off. If its a Quarry, don't they have roads? Unless helicopter Quarrying is a thing? And as its a school bus on a school trip they presumably informed the parents of their destination arrival time? So why is nobody looking for them? Irrelevant , in this world kids are free range and luckily, also spiderman. Did anyone see the size of the hole they All climbed out of!?!

The plane from Kabul,-last plane of course- because... Luck and America and shouting and guns gets you anything.... to a WORKING phone box in London. Given the soldiers bitter, unrelenting hostility, to absolutely every other person he meets I'd find it more believable if he had finally turned into the Hulk and had indeed just jumped there..... to leave a 10 MINUTE INTERNATIONAL monologue on an answer machine. Which we had to see! And hear! All of it!!

Don't get me started on the FULL, packed, civilian TRANS ATLANTIC FLIGHT back to the U. S, with stewardesses , the same day. And the laughing happy, suddenly NOT evacuated Londoners taking selfies, not mourning their dead or suffering any shock at all cause.... Its been a whole few hours since mommy ship was grounded and well, You know,... Londoners.

It's all so real.

How about leaving your kids to go play doctor without even mentioning them or even suggesting that "maybe we should get them first?". Some mums,eh! I know my mums memory isn't the best, but then she is 87...never forgets she has children though.

AND, who hasn't stood in a sand pit while wringing their hands at the sky shouting "WWWHHHYYYY" and so it goes...on... and on.... and on... And the big payoff? Which was more a damp squib than an explosive finale.

A hive mind. Bedrock of sci-fi since the 50s.

When did less than mediocre become the new standard for telling a story! Lazy lazy writing. It is not the actors fault. They do their best, but the writer. Wow. $200M.

Two. Hundred. Million. Dollars!

And People are giving this turgid bore fest 10 stars!...... 10!. Do they realise that puts this in the same league as, G o T's or Breaking Bad!! Of which any single episode of either has more believability and drama than all (nearly) 9 hours of this. Get a grip.

I can only assume that the writers have never watched anything more interesting than paint dry, never seen a book (let alone read one) live in an isolation tank and have never met actual humans, only read their posts on FB or Twitter.

Maybe season 2 will be good. It could never exscuse this mess though.

I give it 2 stars because I find it incredible that a show so far removed from reality can still NOT be good science fiction.

I have to add, if you have a budget of $200M then of course it's going to look good. But UHD does not make a good story.


Enjoyed this film. I found it Thoughtful, moving and very satisfying.

This is good sci-fi, at least, for me.

And all for the cost of $5M.

I have no problem with huge film budgets, when it is justified, when it adds to the experience.

But when films or TV series are this well written, acted and directed, they just don't need it.


Truly imaginative.
Original, well paced, bizarre and complex and utterly entertaining in every way.

Great acting, great script, great sets.

I felt I couldn't look away for even a second (not that I wanted to) in case I missed some important clue or new twist.

And all at a cost of less than $4M. Basically chump change in the movie world.

I love films like this.

Arcane: League of Legends

Excellent series, beautifully animated.

Every character is interesting and well written.

The world (which I knew nothing about) is fascinating.

The storyline is intriguing and nothing has been wasted, drawn out or dumbed down.

This is a truly imaginative, perfectly paced series.

It may use tropes we have seen before on other shows, the difference is the execution.,this show does them really well.

And i absolutely love it.

The War of the Worlds

Wilful destruction of literary art.
Who decided to take THE greatest science fiction story ever written and make this slow, senseless, passion less, pointless, plodding mess? Why? Why?? You took everything that made this story great and exciting and terrifying and clever and thought provoking and chucked it away!! I'm off to crayon over the Mona Lisa and then record a rap version of Nessun Dorma, cause, you know, that will make them more relevant to modern society and because, well, I'm smarter than their creator's.

This should have been made by people who actually read the ###### book . I feel cheated.

The acting is bad, the script is bad,the directing is abysmal, the love story is pointless and unnecessary, the male lead seems in a permanent state of stupification, the future time shifts stop the story dead and serve no purpose, the slow motion panning shots are so out of place I actually thought my pc was buffering, and the few scenes actually taken from the original source (of which there are five) are so poorly rewritten and changed that they lose all of the excitement and horror that the book evoked...... music was *&#T!!

When will these Movie/TV writers/producers realise that this book is still relevant and being read - 120 Years - after it was written for a reason and Stop trying to make it fit their current/ views/agendas!!! For the love of God please just give us our book on the big screen! (sob!).

Kudos for setting it in (roughly!) the correct time and correct location, 1 star for each.

P. S for those close friends of Mr Wells who have chosen to defend this travesty by stating that 'he' would have been happy to have his book completely overhauled to better fit with current perceived social injustices, thank you for taking the time to channel his spirit and share his views with the rest of us poor lowly mortals.

Maybe next time someone decides to butcher this book on film, they could possibly call it something else.

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