
IMDb member since February 2017
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Good Omens

Take the stage of The Omen and the snark of Monty Python and you get GOOD OMENS!! I've watched it 4 times now and still grin from ear to ear and find a new favorite scene each run.

Current favorite scene is when Crowley comes dancing into the church to crash a Nazi setup...LMAO.


Very informative
If you want to know how a PAC (political action committed) really works, then watch this film.

It's all about the money!

Luke and Adrian did an amazing job of capturing not only the highs, that brought millions in funding, but the lows as well, which lost millions of potential funding.

It needs to be noted however that the guy on the treadmill was with the official Carson campaign, not the PAC. It's illegal for the official campaign and the PAC to collaborate.

John Sousa IV and Vernon Robinson founded and operated Committee 2016, the SuperPac.

Most of the events covered in the film were filled at a Committee 2016 event. This SuperPac outspent the campaign 5 to 1.


Numerous similarities to The story of Christ
From the beginning the plot lays its foundation of "a people set apart" from the rest of the world to the crescendo of a blood sacrifice that unites thousands of warriors in less than a year. 300 is very well directed and the tale never gets old. The more you watch, the more you see the smallest symbolism's come to light right before your eyes. Even the ending leaves you in wonder as the one who is chosen to tell the tale is reminiscent of the Apostle Paul, bad vision and all. Very good movie and with eyes that dance and the look on the actors faces takes you in an ancient journey of wisdom, dedication, corruption and inspiration.

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