
IMDb member since February 2017
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The Mist

Epic Movie
This movie is amazing. It has it all. Twist after twist and that ending just... WOW! This movie demonstrates the irrationality, dangerous, violent and bigoted views of religious belief... It's sad to think that with all our good intentions the unknown can still give us so much fear we would kill each other just to feel safe and that's what this movie shows us... This movie is EPIC!

Taken 3

Great movie
Great movie to end the trilogy. Full of action and suspense best watch on a night with popcorn after a long miserable day of injustice. I feel a bit sad that there won't be anymore but who knows what the future holds. I liked how it tied in elements from the first movie that gives a bit of a twist on who not to trust.


This movie has one B grade actress and one C grade actor and a bunch of nobodies... The characters have little story development. There is a lot of repetitiveness and the movie keeps me wishing for the whole miserable thing to end. The story is an incoherent art instalment with a weak plot and ridicules ending. Don't waste your time with this one.

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