
IMDb member since January 2017
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    7 years


Save NYC Horse Carriages

The real story of the Central Park horse carriages ...
The long (and never-ending) battle between PETA and other animal rights extremists, and the Central Park horse carriage community, has raised awareness of an unforthcoming agenda of that continues to wreak havoc in the nation's zoos, circuses, and other places that include working animals. The most active mastermind behind the anti-carriage movement in NYC, the politically and financially motivated NYCLASS, has since been dissolved for repeated ethics violations and a lack of support from the NYC Council. Animal welfare, not rights, is the priority regarding the carriage horses, with many of the owners from horse families and immigrants who brought their respect of working horses to NYC with them. The film is short, uncomplicated, authentic and heartfelt. Take a few minutes to watch, particularly if you question the well-being of the carriage horses. Dozens of renowned equine specialists across the country have attested to the superb care of these horses. Without jobs, these animals have a very real chance of ending up as one of the approximately 130,000 US horses shipped to Canada and Mexico annually for slaughter. PETA maintains an animal is "better dead than fed". People who love animals and the iconic horse carriages of NYC wholeheartedly disagree with that notion, and for very good reasons.

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