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Seattle Superstorm

Seattle Superstorm is a strange storm
This is a low budget Sci-Fi flick that surprises, the movie stands out due to its stunt work and special effects that are more polished than expected.

The plot goes as follows, when an unidentified object is shot down by the military and crashes into Puget Sound, it sets off a series of strange weather phenomena: tornadoes and lightning storms that are spreading. A scientist (Esai Morales) and his fiancée (Ona Grauer) has to work together, find answers, and stop the storm before it becomes global.

The movie has moments worth looking into, one example is where a tornado demolishes the Space Needle which should remind you of the beginning of 10.5 if you've seen it, another example is how the scientifically engineered organism that lands in Seattle can cause a runaway greenhouse effect and ultimately a global storm.

There's nothing too special here, just some good old fashion fun, the film is watchable, I'll say that.

Category 7: The End of the World

While there is more disaster in this disaster movie, the drama is heavier
Category 7: The End of the World is almost like its prequel, a made for TV disaster movie miniseries that is heavy on drama. While this film has less subplots than the last one, the drama this go around is significantly more heavy. What is a big improvement is there's more of the disaster element to go around which is a major improvement, plus Randy Quaid is back as Tornado Tommy, it turns out he survived being thrown by the tornado which was a major surprise.

Despite the improvement previously stated, the film stumbles due to the subplots and heavy drama which includes a pastor riding off of the fear of the public due to the storms to promote his ministry, personal relationships, and a major kidnapping of teenagers in Washington D.C.

In the end this sequel is basically an unnecessary complexity of subplots and drama with more disaster.

Category 6: Day of Destruction

A disaster film that lacks disaster, heavy on drama and subplots
Category 6: Day of Destruction is difficult to keep up with due to various subplots. Instead of a simple disaster flick the audience is going to also get an amplitude of environmental abuse, job cuts, global warming, aging industrial infrastructure, computer hackers, corporate corruption, and etc.

This movie isn't just about natural disasters and the convoluted subplots, it is also about people and their personal problems revolving around natural disasters. There is much talk about natural disasters but not enough of it gets actually shown on the screen, there are good parts likes the tornadoes in Las Vegas, St. Louis, and Chicago, but they tend to be overshadowed due to the films plot structure which is heavy on drama.

There are some good actors in the movie. Randy Quaid makes a memorable performance as Tornado Tommy.

For a TV movie miniseries this really wasn't all that bad, I have seen far worse attempts. The special effects are impressive for a TV production, it's mainly the effects that keeps the film from failing.

Sharknado 4: The 4th Awakens

This sharknado installment has practically lost its bite
It's been five years since the last sharknado event, Fin has moved to a farm in Kansas, where he lives with his mother Raye and his young son Gil who thinks his mother is a shark since he was born in one in the last film, yeah. April is believed dead after being crushed by the wreckage of the space shuttle, later on it's found out she was reassembled as a cyborg in secret by her father. Aston Reynolds, a tech mogul, has developed a new type of high-speed space travel with his company Astro-X which was used to save Fin's father from the moon. Astro-X has also developed a technology that is capable of using radio waves to diffuse tornadoes. When Fin goes to Las Vegas and a new sharknado appears, things goes balls off the walls crazy from there.

Besides sharkandoes, we also get other types of crazy and unrealistic tornadoes with the exception of the firenado which is a real thing.

The movie is packed with movie references all over, some examples are The Wizard of Oz, Twister (with the cows in the tornado), Snakes on a Train (when the sharks attacks the Amtrak train), and Christine. Let's not forget the new line of celebrity cameos like Gary Busey, the Chippendales Dancers, Gilbert Gottfried, Wayne Newton, and Dr. Drew Pinsky.

Out of all the Sharkando films, this one is definitely the most insane. Despite the thrills this movie delivers it loses the ludicrous charm of its predecessors and consequently much of its bite.

Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!

Sharknado 3 pretty much jumps the shark
Here we go yet again, sharknado fighter Fin Shepard is in Washington, D.C. to receive a Presidential Medal of Freedom from the president, another sharknado strikes, devastating the nation's capital. Fin and the president work together to defeat the sharks, and the storm unexpectedly subsides. This time is mainly set at Universal Orlando, what I wasn't expecting was Twister...Ride It Out making a cameo which was a nice touch, sadly it was closed not too long after Sharknado 3 aired.

The film has a bumpy pace mostly due to trying to squeeze in celebrity cameos. The story this time is about preventing various storms on the east coast from merging together and creating a "Sharkicane". Some of the characters are introduced just to be killed off as fast as they're introduced with the exception of David Hasselhoff.

The kills and action are OK and humor is still there. The ending takes place in low earth orbit (which was completely insane) which begs the question of what is in store for the next installment that was quickly greenlit. The closing scene is just sequel bait (obviously since they already announced Sharknado 4) getting people to vote on the fate of Tara Reid's character by using a hashtag. It would have been an interesting twist to kill off a main character definitively in this movie.

This movie is a signal that the Sharkando franchise has overstayed its welcome, the first 2 movies are OK, in short this movie has jumped the shark.

Sharknado 2: The Second One

Shark tornadoes and cameos, there's more fun and improvement
Sharks have hitched a ride in tornadoes again in order to cause more mayhem. Our characters are flown to New York to meet people who you may recognize from other movies and shows. Speaking of flying, there's sharks on a plane, a clear nod to Snakes on a Plane.

The Weather Channel's graphics of sharks spinning around in the tornadoes clip is genius. The final act is where it all hits the fan and you'll likely be laughing your pants off.

The celebrity cameos makes things even more comical because of some of the things they do to the sharks. There's an improvement of the special effects, especially the depiction of the sharknadoes.

If you're expecting larger amounts of camp, cheese, disbelief, and humor than the prequel then feel free to watch Sharknado 2.

Storm Cell

Don't expect scientific accuracy or high quality in this tornado flick
30 years after April's parents death due to a tornado she is a author and a professor at River Point University. She is known as "Tornado Lady" because she is a storm chaser and she lectures on how global warming has made the planet's weather more violent. Really? Couldn't the producers think of something more interesting than global warming that is causing more severe weather? They could have used HAARP as the blame, that would have made the movie a little more interesting.

The movie pretty much consists of drama between April and her daughter over a boyfriend along with tornado chaos here and there, but those doesn't stop the film from being dull.

There is occasional excitement, but it's all because of the tornadoes. There's one part where there's a waterspout which reminded me of Twister, whether it was meant to be an homage or not it was a nice change.

The visual effects are less than impressive, but I was expecting that since it's a low budget film. I thought there was supposed to be a tornado in a big city because of the DVD cover art, however that never happened.

In regards to scientific accuracy this movie trembles. For example, the satellite photos of the storm cell that produces tornadoes resembles a hurricane, the only way that is possible is if the cell was a hurricane to start with which it wasn't. Once again there are roaring tornadoes, I've noticed this low budget tornado film cliché with Nature Unleashed: Tornado and Mega Cyclone, it unnecessary.

The movie comes off as nothing more than cheap popcorn entertainment.

Tornado - Der Zorn des Himmels

Tornadoes in Germany, it's very impressive
Tornado - Der Zorn des Himmels is a 3 hour long TV movie that goes as follows. After a heat wave, devastating hail storm, and a dead farmer, the local police are left mystified, however, these are warning signs for experienced Meteorologist January Berger who predicts that a twister will strike Berlin.

Under the name of F4 Vortex on the U.S. DVD release, this German film is very impressive, the visuals are top notch, the pacing is strong enough to keep you watching without losing interest, and the suspense will have you guessing on what will happen next.

This is definitely one of the better tornado films out there, I feel it's overlooked due to a lack of proper feedback, this movie deserves to be seen because of its professionalism for a TV movie.

Nature Unleashed: Tornado

Satanic tornadoes, that's what the film is about, it's insane
After watching the death of his father by a tornado, Josh Pallady is left with just a necklace of some kind to remember him by. Due to chance, Josh is sent to Romania to film a press conference & some kind of gypsy rituals. This is where he meets Irena, a gypsy woman who reads tarot cards. Irena quickly identifies the necklace as the Talisman. The Talisman was given by the angel Gabriel to a king and would be handed down to the "chosen one", the "chosen one" would save the gypsies from the Meta Tempesta (what Josh calls an F6 tornado) spawned by a satanic cult.

That's the plot of the movie, I'm being serious, this movie has weird written all over. The film starts of strong and it goes downhill from there until the end where it makes a slight comeback.

Me being a weather enthusiast I've noticed something while I re- watched the film, all of the tornadoes (except the ones in the stock footage during the dream) were anticyclonic, the odds of that happening on that scale in real life are slim to none. Speaking of the tornadoes, they were as poorly rendered and as a result looks unconvincing.

There are some good moments, the tornado sequence at the start of the film, the dream sequence where the characters are chased by the tornado, the asylum tornado, and the final tornado sequence I found to be pretty enjoyable. The final act is where things really goes balls of the walls. When I saw the tornadoes randomly develop faces and roar I couldn't help to chuckle. Other than those moments the movie feels like a cluttered confusing comedy of errors.

Writing this review was a challenge like watching the movie multiple times because of how much that needed to be covered, it's work, the film in short is an insane mess that needs to be avoided unless you enjoy watching bad movies.

Christmas Twister

Global warming causing tornadoes near Christmas, yeah, it sucks
If there's one thing this movie has the audacity to do is try to put global warming into the plot of this film to make it more interesting which it doesn't, it's redundant and serves little real purpose in the movie other than a sloppy explanation for the tornado outbreak, the film would have done fine without global warming being slipped into the plot.

The special effects are primitive, the tornadoes were sloppily rendered and the CGI vehicles that were carried away looked very unconvincing.

The biggest problem I have with the movie is the portrayal of the tornadoes, there are multiple scenes that didn't make sense. There's one scene where a tornado is in the mall parking parking lot and not a single car is misplaced, another scene where the F6 strikes a port full of shipping containers and only two containers are picked up.

While the scenes of a train being lifted off its tracks and the destruction of the city are accurate and entertaining, unfortunately that doesn't stop the film from falling flat.

In short, this film about a tornado outbreak near Christmas is only watchable if your expectations are low or if your focus in trained towards the family drama rather than the thrill.

Atomic Twister

Tornadoes hitting a nuclear power plant, sounds intense
This film starts off strong and manages to keep its strength to the end. For a TV movie it does impress, the tornadoes looks surprisingly realistic and the characters are developed enough to where you can easily sympathize with them during their conflict.

On a technical standpoint the film stumbles due to the inaccurate depiction of a nuclear power plant. If tornadoes were to hit a nuclear power plant in real life a meltdown would be extremely unlikely due to the multiple fail-safes, a good example of this is when the Davis- Besse Nuclear Power Station was struck by an F2 tornado in 1998, the reactor core automatically shutting down after external power was disabled when the switchyard was damaged, power was restored without incident. Interestingly enough, this incident inspired the movie, though very loosely.

Atomic Twister is an enjoyable film with suspense and humor here and there, I recommend you check it out.

Mega Cyclone

Space tornadoes, sounds good, but in the end is almost lackluster
I find this film to be absurd because of the subject matter involved, mainly the whole high schoolers trying to save the world from space tornadoes with a science project. Yes, while X bosons exist, at least in theory, they have nothing to do with Jupiter. How does Jupiter's Great Red Spot end up on Earth? We're never given an answer to that. The film is vague and it leaves you with more questions than answers, something else I've noticed throughout the film is how the space tornadoes were roaring, if it was meant to make the tornadoes more aggressive and threatening it did little to do so.

The thing that hurts the film the most is a possible plot hole. If the Great Red Spot was to disappear and somehow find its way to Earth wouldn't the planet be enveloped almost immediately rather than slowly be affected since the Great Red Spot is larger than Earth?

The movie was renamed three times, first Super Storm, then Mega Cyclone, and finally Space Twister, why was it renamed so many times?

The only good things I can say about this movie is that the destruction scenes were good, there was a big improvement on special effects, and there were some familiar faces presented like Mitch Pileggi and Alex Zahara.

After watching the film multiple times I still don't feel completely satisfied due to unanswered questions presented and flimsy plot. The things that kept me watching is the destruction and the ludicrous plot that tries to make sense of itself but falters in the end.

Alien Tornado

Aliens taking the form of tornadoes, it gets really weird
You thought sharks into tornadoes was crazy, wait until you see this. Under the name of Tornado Warning (not to be confused with the 2002 film) on the original DVD packaging and in a re-release under the name of Alien Storm (why it was re-released in the first place beats me) this film delivers cheesy fun that has a good mix of drama, comedy, and suspense about aliens taking the form of tornadoes and the attempts by the government and main characters to stop them.

The tornadoes destroying Chicago reminded me of Category 6: Day of Destruction, whether it was coincidence or not I found it to be nice.

I had some difficulty finding a region 1 DVD, when I bought it and watched the film again to refresh my memory since it's been over a year since I've seen it I felt like I got my moneys worth.

Tornado Warning

TV tornado film that lacks in realism
While I was able to comfortably watch this film I have to ask an important question, did the producers take the time to properly research tornadoes?

There's a reason why I ask this question, there are so many inaccuracies that it's distracting to me. The first tornado sequence shows the mother being carried away by the tornado but not the father who was literally next to her and the daughter who was in the car that was only a couple of feet away. When the third tornado which touches down next to the storm chaser vehicles it doesn't move them, it just throws bits of debris at them. Finally when the reporter says there's only one building left after the EF5 struck downtown you can not only see other buildings standing but you can see traffic in the background.

If you're watching the film for the drama and not the tornadoes then you can easily watch it, if you're watching for the depiction of tornadoes then you'll be disappointed.


As if a sharknado wasn't enough, a stonado was created for some reason
I laughed when I first heard about this film, I knew right away I had to watch it. I don't know if Stonados was meant to be a ripoff or homage to Sharknado since there are so many connections that can be made between the two films, one big noticeable connection is the ending where a vehicle with explosives is driven into the tornado to destroy it. Ripoff or not this film is amusing like Sharknado though in my opinion Stonados is slightly better in overall quality.

The idea of tornadoes of throwing large stones sounds interesting, but it sounds more interesting you add in the part where the stones explodes, that's where your expectations goes up even more.

In the end I've enjoyed this film, it's fun tongue-in-cheek entertainment.

Devil Winds

A tornado TV movie that will blow you away
This is not bad for a TV movie, the special effects and acting overall are pretty good compared to other tornado TV movies, this film is up there with Night of the Twisters since it keeps you glued to the screen wandering about what's about to happen next.

If there are two things that stood out in this film is the use of unused footage from Twister (which I've found very interesting) and the ridiculousness of putting a disease containment facility in Tornado Alley.

I also have to ask the question of why the producers used similar looking tornadoes in each sequence, did they run out of budget or was there a tight deadline? I found the similar tornadoes to be distracting.

In retrospect, this film is good and does have some re-watch value.

Metal Tornado

I was quite magnetized with this flick
Upon seeing the trailer of this film I wasn't expecting too much, halfway through watching the film I realized this ain't bad. The nice mix of an interesting plot, occasional bouts of humor (like the flying chainsaw), believable acting, decent special effects, and many sequences that creates tension makes for an entertaining B movie.

I was very pleased with this film, I got my moneys worth and this film exceeded my expectations.

NYC: Tornado Terror

The only terror here is an uninteresting film
The film has brief moments of attention grab like the disaster sequences, other than that you start to lose your interest in the film after those parts are done. The movie suffers from a slow pace and a plot that is dull.

NYC: Tornado Terror is terrible, I recommend you only watch the film if your expectations are low or if you're watching only for the action.

Ice Twisters

It's never too cold for a twister here
For what Ice Twisters is worth, it's not bad, this is one of the better Syfy tornado films. While the plot does remind you of Storm Chasers: Revenge of the Twister (if you've seen it) this film focuses on the characters working together to resolve a major issue rather than a personal struggle around a tragedy.

The CGI is a noteworthy improvement (given the standards of Syfy) and the steady pacing keeps you watching. I can't say too much about character development since I was more focused on the plot and action.

Ice Twisters is a good B movie, in the end I felt satisfied since I didn't feel bored at any point while watching the movie.

Fire Twister

Fire Twister goes all up in smoke
This film delivers fun cheesy low budget entertainment, that's if your expecting crappy CGI, substandard acting, and destruction which consists of stock footage. Fire Twister is definitely the low point of cheap tornado films, it does worse than Sharknado since it has a more rushed feel to it. It's almost as if the producers weren't really trying with this film, especially since the special effects resembles something you would get from Adobe After Effects.

I doubt this film can be classified as so bad it's good, there are some points where you can have a chuckle but those moments only serve as a temporary distraction from the overall shoddy feel of the film.

Fire Twister is a total dumpster fire.


Poorly made Twister ripoff
The snail pace, uninteresting characters, unoriginal plot, and substandard effects makes up this rushed film designed to cash in on the hype of Twister. The pace is terribly slow and at some places is so irritating to where you want to either stop the movie or turn your TV off, and the character development in the film doesn't help enhance or advance the plot, rather it hinders it. The tornado sequences are shoddy since the tornadoes are poorly rendered and that not much destruction is shown during the sequences since they quickly end with a fade to black transition, there's more destruction in the aftermath which almost makes you forgive the rushed sequences.

The main thing that stops this film from being blown to bits is that Bruce Campbell stars in it.

Tornado Valley

Family drama around tornado tragedy
The DVD cover art is very misleading, it depicts a tornado in city that hurls a car that is about to fall on an observing child, that never happens in the movie. What made me chuckle was the tag line "this movie will blow you away", the only thing this film does is blow my expectations away.

This film is more about a family drama revolving around a tornado tragedy rather than something along the lines of a large scale disaster.

While this film isn't bad it disappointing to me because of how the flashy DVD box cover art tricks the wandering eye.

The tornado sequences is what allowed me to get through the film since that's what I've been wanting to see, for what the film is worth it's a decent drama film though it tends to stumble in some places.

Night of the Twisters

A good family friendly tornado disaster film
This film (which is based off the book of the same name) is a great film for the family when it comes to the subject matter of tornadoes. Some people may think this film is a ripoff of Twister due to the timing of the release, but I can assure you it's not, that honor goes to Tornado! starring Bruce Campbell.

Overall, Night of the Twisters keeps you entertained since the characters and disaster aspect has a happy balance and that the film can be enjoyed by both young and old audiences.

Storm Chasers: Revenge of the Twister

Disappointing weather controlling conspiracy flick
This is the online plot summary for the film, "When a tornado takes her meteorologist husband's life, his wife and colleague devotes her own life to prove his theories that violent twisters are predictable." The plot summary is misleading, but wait there's more, it turns out there's a HAARP-like facility is manipulating the weather and it creates multiple tornadoes and the two main characters attempts to uncover the dark truth.

When you hear a plot like that you probably want to watch the movie, it heightens your exceptions, my expectations were high when I bought a rare DVD copy for around $30, at the end of the film I was disappointed.

The trailer (which was very vague, short, and misleading) for this film displays a lot of action, action is something this film lacked, instead you have the main characters bickering throughout most of the movie. The only tornado sequence is at the end of the film which was an insult to me.

If you have low expectations, enjoy this film, otherwise stay away.


Sharks in tornadoes, a weird unrealistic strangely satisfying combo
On a technical standpoint this film is total garbage. On an entertainment standpoint this film can be enjoyable depending on your expectations. I'm impressed on how this film got a large cult following and that it managed to spawn multiple sequels. This is one of those films that you can enjoy fully if you like watching ridiculous movies or if you're drunk.

In short, this film is campy popcorn entertainment that has virtually no logic with every flaw in film production presented from start to finish.

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